(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
You’d think if there were anyone who’d understand the need for the Black Lives Matter protests, it would be President George W. Bush’s FEMA Secretary Michael “Heck’ve a Job” Brownie.
But, alas, no. Apparently forgetting that he embodies the problem that Black Lives Matter is trying to spotlight, Brownie offered his radio listeners a diatribe Monday about a protest pointing out that Benjamin Stapleton was a member of the KKK and calling for Denver’s Stapleton neighborhood to change its name.
“You dip-wads. You absolute dip-wads,” said Brownie on his KHOW 630-AM morning show (@5:15 below), arguing that Stapleton, a former Denver mayor, was a leader to create red rocks and people like Cesar Chavez has been accused of initiating violence.
Brownie played a news clip of a protester saying that Stapleton’s name is a symbol of “lingering white supremacy in our community.”
Brownie mocked the comment (@6 minutes): It is. It absolutely is. Because if you go out there go that Stapleton neighborhood right now, you won’t find one black person out there at all. Not at all. And in fact, I can remember at Stapleton, I would look around to find someone to help me with my bags. There was never a black person working at Stapleton International Airport. Never. Never. Never. Never.
You people are so full of crap it just drives me up the wall. If you would just open your eyes and look at the fricking Stapleton development, what would you see. I bet you’d see evil white people. Then you’d see black people. Then you’d see Hispanic people. And I don’t know, you might have to dig, but you might even see some Asian people. Although I really doubt there are, like, Native American people out there, because Native Americans just live in Teepees on the reservation, so there wouldn’t be like any Indians living out at Stapleton. No. Not at all. You people are the biggest dumb-asses I’ve heard in ages. ‘We just want you to be aware that this is just a reminder white supremacy,’ said the black people living at Stapleton. God you’re dumb.
How could the man who presided over the Katrina disaster, and resigned in disgrace, deliver a rant like that? I guess it’s because Brownie is the guy who presided over the Katrina disaster. Yet another need for the Black Lives Matter protests.
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Brownie gives the usual lowlifes and scumbags that infest right-wing yak radio a bad name.
Didn't know this guy ended up in Denver. I guess that's a "penalty" on me for never listening to political talk radio. Oh, I will admit to listening to Dave Logan & Scott Hastings, talking sports, a few times in the past; and occasionally KOA for morning traffic & weather. But that's it.
he's been on here for years. Replaced the execrable "Gunny" Bob who made Ted Nugent look like The Pope.
How these disgusting humans can get big-time media jobs at Clear Channel CO over and over and abuse the airwaves we own is quite hideous.
Here's a little more Michael Brown for your enjoyment.
The only talk radio I listen to is NPR/CPR. Lots of in depth coverage of stories that may get the minute or two treatment on the network news a week later. No yelling. No talking over interviewees.
Only NPR/CPR I listen to is occasionally the music on KVOD.
You're missing a lot of great stuff. More often the coverage is of developments in science, medicine, agriculture, water issues, environmental issues, energy issues….National Geographic / Discover sort of stuff, not politics. Also in depth thoughtful interviews with various very interesting writers, film makers, diplomats, singer songwriters, poets, composers. It's like having interesting, informative as well as entertaining articles read to you while driving. When pols are on they are interviewed courteously without stupid questions but with insistence on substantive answers. I also listen to KVOD.
CHB. Looks like Brownie dummied up his resume to get the FEMA job (courtesy of a buddy of his). Post-Katrina and before his radio gig starting here in Denver around 2010, he was skating around between jobs usually only for a few months at a time.
He is a really special piece of privileged white trash…
Ex-FEMA head joked in e-mail as Katrina churned
It's "Heck of a job" or "Heckuva job," not "Heck've a job." That would be short for "Heck have a job," which unlike everything else W ever said would make no sense.
yup. thanks
I find it amazing that this worm has the audacity to show his face in public after Katrina.
Stapleton's legacy:
KKK meeting on Table Mountain (authorized by Coors family) in Golden – the Western History Collection of the Denver Public Library. These were Walker Stapleton's ancestors, too – a public statement by the Colorado Treasurer about the family name would be relevant.
Hey, he's busy trying to locate my tax refund … I hope!
what a photo!
Maybe they're just up there on the mountain a savin' some souls? Do I hear an Amen!!?
From "When the KKK Ruled Colorado":
The article from the library's African American and Western History resources goes on to speculate that the Klan was so successful in Colorado because
So the picture of the Klansmen in place of the church choir is horribly apt.
I'm surprised this is news to Polsters. I've known this about Stapleton and others in his political circle forever. Then again, I grew up in metro Denver
CBS news, which ran the original report about the Stapleton protest by Black Lives Matter 5280, refused to run my comment with the above information about Klan history in Colorado. They're taking the line that Mayor Ben Stapleton (Walker Stapleton's great-grandfather) was only "rumored" to be a Klan member. He was a Klan member, and anyone with 30 seconds and internet access can confirm that.
Here are search results, showing Denver Post articles that mention Stapleton's Klan affiliation.
Western History subject index 1
Biography of Mayor Ben Stapleton: Read the section on Stapleton's political career. He ran as the "Klan mayor". He was close friends with the Klan dragon. The Klan helped get him elected twice. He was at that meeting at Table Mountain in the photo above, where he reaffirmed his Klan loyalty, after briefly disassociating himself from the Klan to appease Jewish and Catholic voters (black votes apparently didn't matter).
Comingin a rural Colorado community near you. It's rumored there was an active chapter in Wray at one time, although I can't find anything in an internet search. A friend of mine has an embossing tool reportedly used by the Wray chapter in their correspondence.I'm a big fan of owning one's history. So I don't know if BLM5280 will be successful in changing Stapleton neighborhood's name, but I signed their petition anyway, just to keep the discussion going.
I live in a town and worked at a school named for Governor John Evans, who set up (and then covered up) the Sand Creek massacre, and was also a Klansman, and generally racist SOB.
But according to the history, there were many, many Colorado movers and shakers who were Klansmen, and later had streets, towns, mountains, and public works named after them. We're not going to change all of those names. But it's still worthwhile having the discussion and "remembering our roots", whether we're ashamed of them or not.