“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.”
–Albert Einstein
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BY: kwtree
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: davebarnes
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: curiousstranger
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: Pam Bennett
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Early Worm
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
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Good news.
"Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and Colorado Campaign for Life won’t be able to sue watchdog group Colorado Ethics Watch in a fight over campaign spending during the 2014 Republican primary."
Wait, are you telling me that being a dumbphuck with a gun isn't a valid defense for breaking the law?
Maybe if the mothers of our Colorado Watermelon Cabal had spent a little more time with junior when they were young we could be talking about 'solutions' as opposed to arming every nitwit in the hinder woods with automatic weapons?
Is it wrong to find that adorable? (if probably sticky and uncomfortable).
RMGO: CEW is unfairly pointing out illegal things done by conservative groups!
Judge: Are these allegations unfounded?
RMGO: Well, no. They're all true but-
Judge: GTFO! NEXT!
Irony: meet Carly's BFF
Give Bibi the Nobel Peace Prize
It continues to amaze me that almost no one, including in this article, ever mentions the fact that Israel is a nuclear power already and has been for about half a century and everyone knows it. That everyone is supposed to both officially not know it and know it at the same time because it would hardly be a useful deterrent if Israel's enemies didn't know about it. It's a "secret" whose entire value consists of it being no secret. It's stunning how this is just ignored as if it isn't relevant to the situation when what on earth could possibly be more relevant? Even when discussing the "existential threat" Iran represents to Israel, no one mentions Israel's nukes. Isn't it long past time to drop the Kabuki?
That happened, at least in part, a few months ago.
It’s Official: The Pentagon Finally Admitted That Israel Has Nuclear Weapons, Too
Well that's a step in the right direction. You could joke about it with your bus driver in Israel back when I was 20. Some American tourist would bring it up. Your driver would say "Who told you that!" mock sternly. Then he and everyone else would crack up. I’m now now just a few years shy of full social security benefits. About time.
Did we ever figure out where the heck the "Boulder State" was? Because it's becoming a thing.
I love how every "conservative" group that claims to be all about local control is part of some national chain of groups that all do the same thing nationwide.
Hickenlooper drinks Animas River water to make a point
wonder how it compares to fracking fluid?
Chernobyl just called. They have some tomatoes they'd like Hick to try.
With apologies to Life Cereal's Mikey. Give it to Hick – he'll drink anything!
I know a lot of this is tongue in cheek, but the sky hasn't fallen in Durango. 3 million gallons amounts to less than 15 minutes of flow of the Animas River (about 500 cu. ft. per sec.). It's a single transient event. If there's any contaminated sediment, it's going to blow through in the first high water event. Year after year, this stuff has been leaking into the river, creating a chronic problem that is probably much more dangerous. Maybe now, people will treat it seriously.
And for those who care, the Snake River, passing through Keystone, probably carries more heavy metals than the Animas through Durango. It goes straight into Denver’s Water supply.
But this is no Summitville.
That explains a lot about Denver.
Het! That's mean! I live here.
From an interesting (and needlessly alarmist) article:
So let's do the math:
3,000,000 gal / 213 gal/min = 14,000 min = 10 days.
That's right, this spill amounted to 10 days worth of runoff from the mine. That's all. At least now it's getting treated.
This all just means that the real problem is the steady pollution, not just the occasional dramatic event. It doesn’t mean it’s not a problem.
The EPA's been studying health effects and cleaning up mine tailings leaking into groundwater for five years, in and around the Superfund site up by Central City and Clear Creek.
Decades ago, midwives found a very high rate of fused skull bones in infants born in that area, and the Idaho Springs area. I don't know if anyone ever followed up on it.
And all that had to happen was a metaphorical 2.x4 upside their collective head, ajb
Our science-challenged Governor DoLittle has devolved into a bad joke …
… here's a bowl of lead-paint chips, clown. Eat hearty!
If he's alive in 24 hours, must be completely safe, right?
Or maybe it doesn't affect him because he's already dead!
Brought to you by Zombie Hickenlooper for Governor, 2018. It's not a third term if you're undead.
It really did surprise me that after the Frack cocktail fiasco, a particular fluid that was not in fact being used in fracking at the time, he thought this was a good idea and apparently had no clue it would be like painting a giant kick me sign on his back. He's the last person on earth anyone takes seriously in the look at what I'm drinking now dept.
Psychotic Republicans to start making fun of Jimmy Carter's liver cancer in 3…2…1…
and special mention to all those elected Dems who stuck up for the president and the truly Christian ideals that he has followed many, many years.
He is a great man. The 'Prosperity Gospel' Christians could take a few lessons.
Wonderful news from Colorado Court of Appeals where the homophobic bakery lost its appeals today in the gay wedding cake case.
Colorado Court of Appeals decision
I saw this. It was a nice birthday present.