(You should all apply for this. – Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Putting its competitive principles where its microphone is, KLZ “The Source” is conducting live “auditions” to replace its morning show host, Randy Corporon, who resigned last month after management pulled the plug on further interviews with former Rep. Tom Tancredo, who was at the center of an attempt to oust Steve House, the leader of Colorado’s Republican Party.
Corporon resigned after KLZ owner Don Crawford, Jr., insisted on grilling Tancredo about his beef with House prior to airing Tancredo’s familiar voice on his radio station, prompting Corporon and KLZ’s other “liberty lineup” talk-radio hosts, Ken Clark and Kris Cook, to quit.
Crawford told the media he was worried about whether Tancredo was telling the truth about the attempt to oust House. He also temporarily banned Steve House, according to Corporon.
Crawford hasn’t said whether he also banned interviews Attorney General Cynthia Coffman, who joined Tancredo and Pueblo’s GOP chair Becky Mizel in leading the coup charge. There wold have been no reason for Crawford not to have banned Coffman and Mizel as well.
In any case, now Crawford appears to be personally spearheading an unusual process to replace Corporon. He’s selected seven conservatives (no relation to the seven dwarfs) to audition live, on air through Wed. from 6 to 8 p.m., on KLZ 560-AM.
Some take-no-prisoners conservatives have already tried out, including: “Americhicks” Kim Monson and Molly Vogt, Steve Laffey, a GOP gubernatorial candidate, who’s a familiar voice on conservative talk radio, Dan Meurer, who’s been a guest host, and Jim Pfaff, a former KLZ radio host.
Here’s what Crawford had to say about the auditions:
Let the auditions begin!! I am thrilled to announce we have some very talented, bright, and insightful people, auditioning for the New KLZ morning show.
Your valued opinion on whom you think is most worthy and will surely eternalize your and our critical principles on our airwaves, such as our unbreakable support of the Constitution, returning political power to the states, and a very limited Federal government, to name some more, is imperative to our decision-making.
Email me at 4Crawford@gmail.com, or post your preferences on our Facebook page if you wish. Every single one will be read, respected, and factored. Those auditions will be from 6PM to 8PM each weeknight beginning Monday, July 6th. The last audition will occur on Wednesday, the 15th. Shortly after, we hope to and should have your new host ready and able to carry the morning torch for those endangered conservative values we so very much cherish and MUST protect.
We thank you in advance for your essential help in this cause. I’m Don Crawford Jr., Station Manager of KLZ.
I’m not sure this job will “eternalize” conservative principles on the airwaves or anywhere, and I’m not sure the radio station successfully carries the “morning torch” for endangered conservative values.
But I admire what Crawford’s doing here, subjecting the would be hosts to everything the audience can toss at them, whether it be blackmail, extortion, or their views on shutting down the government or booting out nice Hispanic families from America.
I emailed Crawford with a few questions, like whether he was telling prospective hosts that he has the right to screen guests on their show, as he did during the Tancredo controversy.
But Crawford hasn’t gotten back to me.
Maybe he sensed my unhappiness with his booting Clark, Cook, and Corporon in the first place, as they were admirably standing behind their principles (and their listeners trust) in not accepting censorship from their own station. They might have quite prematurely, but you gotta admire their stand.
I also asked Craford whether he’d consider adding a show with a progressive bent. All the fighting and salacious whispering on conservative talk radio is getting to be overwhelming, even for a junkie like me.
It’s time for those conservatives to take a break from each other and air a kind, well-mannered, thoughtful progressive show.
CORRECTION: This story initially omitted Corporon’s information that Steve House was also temporarily banned from KLZ.
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Hear, hear! I'd audition for it, plus there are plenty of more experienced progressive commentators out there.
How about it, Mr. Crawford? It would definitely raise your ratings. Controversy creates callers creates buzz,creates comments, inspires advertisers to advertise. Can you take the heat, as well as dish it out?
Hey Moderatus, here's your chance to finally get yourself outta' mommy's basement . . .
Isn't Ted Harvey looking for work?
One of the requirements he left out is that you have to invoke God at least once in every 5 minute period. It is a "God and country" station after all.
Perhaps someone can give me a reason why I should bother listening to talk radio of any kind. There are better places, and better ways, to stay informed. C.H.B.
Congratulations, C.H.B., you won the Internet today.
conservative talk radio is more varied than you'd think. a guy like Brownie is useless. The KLZ group can be interesting because they don't accept the GOP talking points–and they have guests. Caplis gets establishment guests, and he sometimes asks decent questions. so, for me, you need to talk about specific shows. i'd agree that you wouldn't want to spend a ton of time on it, but it's fun and interesting as part of a "media diet."
Glenn Beck might want to do another gig to fill out his day.
What? Are you saying he has spare tears?