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June 29, 2015 02:49 PM UTC

Tancredo says Republicans told him they were "scared" to vote against House

  • by: Jason Salzman

(No peace in our times – Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Colorado GOP chairman Steve House.
Colorado GOP chairman Steve House.

After being banned, at least temporarily, from KLZ 560-AM last week, Tom Tancredo’s familiar voice spiced up the airwaves on KNUS 710-AM this morning, as he chatted with Peter Boyles about the (as of now) failed attempt to oust Steve House as GOP Party Chair.

Tancredo said more high-ranking Republicans want to oust Steve House than you might think, judging from the Colorado GOP’s Executive Committee’s 22-1 vote Friday to retain House as party chair.

Tancredo said he talked to members of the Executive Committee who were scared of “retribution” if they voted against House during the open vote of the committee on Friday.

Tancredo: “There was a motion, as I understand it, to make it a closed vote because people are, you know, let’s face it, the chairman is sitting right there, you’re maybe intimidated to some extent to vote openly,” Tancredo told Boyles, adding later (Listen @7:45 below), “No, truly, we talked to people afterwards who said, Hey, I just couldn’t do it, man. I was scared to do anything. Retribution.”

Boyles: No, they were afraid!

Tancredo: These fantastic jobs these people have, you know? No pay. Yet, it’s their own little bit of heaven, you know?

Republican activist Kathryn Porter, who joined Tancredo on Boyles’ show, agreed, saying:

Porter: The 22-1 vote, I don’t believe that’s how those people in that room felt for one minute. I believe that vote was a mask. It was a façade to give the impression of Party unity. And I can tell you for a fact, we do not have that.

Tancredo told Boyles that the committee refused to review the full accusations against House. Tancredo said he had “three-to-four pages” of concerns about House, with no mention of the alleged affair, ready to distribute to the executive committee, but he was not allowed to hand it out. Neither was Pueblo Country Chair Becky Mizel, who sits on the committee, Tancredo told Boyles. (Alleged tweets about the affair were detailed by Craig Silverman on KNUS Saturday.)

But one of Tancredo’s concerns is, apparently, Steve House’s attacks on former Sen. Ted Harey.

Tancredo: “These are big problems. You call say a senator, I’ve forgotten how many years Ted [Harvey] served — you go to people in the media and to the attorney general and tell them that he’s going bankrupt, that his family is leaving him, and that you’re afraid he might embezzle money. I mean this is a guy of sterling qualities. You might not agree with Ted on stuff. But the reality is he’s an honest guy with a wonderful family. All this was concocted. You say this about people, and you can get yourlself sued, get the Party sued. These were the issues we were bringing to his attention.”

Listen to KNUS 710-AM’s Peter Boyles discuss the GOP coup attempt with Tom Tancredo and Kathryn Porter June 29, 2015


11 thoughts on “Tancredo says Republicans told him they were “scared” to vote against House

  1. Yeah, ' and that’s a really important distinction to draw cuz racist teabbagers like Empty Tanc know absolutely NOTHING about intimidating people into voting based upon fear! What a foreign concept to him!

  2. Bet Harvey really appreciates Tanc reminding everyone about all those rumors "that he’s going bankrupt, that his family is leaving him, and that you’re afraid he might embezzle money." 

  3. So Tanc says…

    you go to people in the media and to the attorney general and tell them that he’s going bankrupt, that his family is leaving him, and that you’re afraid he might embezzle money. I mean this is a guy of sterling qualities. You might not agree with Ted on stuff. But the reality is he’s an honest guy with a wonderful family. All this was concocted…These were the issues we were bringing to his attention. [emphasis mine]

    So, in a conversation where all you're doing is expressing concern about things House is saying about Ted Harvey, why does the subject of who House is knocking boots with ever come up?  It seems like "you can't talk shit about Ted; it's bad juju" covers it.  Personally, I can only think of two reasons:

    (1) You want to threaten someone to stop speaking the truth, ala, "You're saying all this stuff to stop Ted from getting a position.  You know, there are some bad things about you out there too that you wouldn't want to come out"; or

    (2) You want to threaten someone to stop speaking a lie, ala, "You're making up all this stuff to stop Ted from getting a position.  You know, it wouldn't be that hard to make up some things about you that you wouldn't want to come out."

  4. Of course that's what Mr. Tancredo and Ms. Porter are going to say. Last Friday they had their heads handed to them by the executive committee, as did Attorney General Coffman, and so instead of taking responsibility for their bone headed attempt to unseat Mr. House, they're trying to get people to believe they really had the votes for a no confidence vote, but House intimidated the committee into voting to sustain him as chair. If they know House intimidated individuals to vote for him, then they should be able to name names and cite to specific threats. They won't because they can't.

    Frankly, the vote was so lopsided, really it was 22 to 0 because Mizel's vote doesn't count, that Tancredo's and Porter's statements are simply incredible. The reality is they never had any substantial reason to dump House as chair and the executive committee saw through the three of them. It is amazing that a newly elected statewide official, in this case Attorney General Coffman, would suffer such a stinging rebuke from the inner circle of her own political party. If anything, one would expect the party people to seriously consider what one of their elected officials had to say and they would naturally be worried about how she might feel toward them if they voted against her position, a position she came and defended face-to-face with them last Friday, but they still voted against her.

    AG Coffman has a long tortious road ahead of her to regain political and personal respect and legitimacy.


    1. And of course it can't be proved that anyone was or was not scared to vote against House because nobody who was scared is going to admit it to anyone asking them for the record. Because, you know, they're too scared. It's perfect. Like those pages of concerns they all could show us except they won't.

      1. Or perhaps they were scared by their own attorney, who counselled them that anything they said would be discoverable in a criminal investigation. How can you discuss potentially criminal activity without discussing, you know, potentially criminal activity?

    2. Tanc has attention deficit disorder. When he is not the center of attention, he gets disorderly. Porter was a media star with her big sex scandal headlines for awhile – so she needs that attention back on her, too. 

      Of course they're lying. Maybe one person said that they had been intimidated, but 22 people? If that were the case, the GOP could truly claim to be gutless wonders, and in spite of not agreeing with 95% of their policies, I think most of them have normal bravery. If, however, Marks/Mizel/Tanc/Harvey/Coffman's blackmail tactics had been allowed to become the new normal, then a climate of intimidation would truly have ruled the House. So people are justifiably grateful to House for speaking up, even if they can't admit it. 

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