On Saturday, Colorado Pols was first to report details about the rapidly-growing Coffmangate scandal involving Attorney General Cynthia Coffman and a handful of other Republicans (for more background on this rapidly-evolving story, see the links at the bottom of the page). One of the revelations from our Saturday post was about the emergence of another key player in this scandal:
Player #4 Has Entered
Apparently there is a fourth person who was heavily involved in the alleged extortion attempt of House; as of now, only Cynthia Coffman, former Rep. Tom Tancredo, and Pueblo County Republican Party Chair Becky Mizel have been publicly named. It would be a logical guess to say that former state Sen. Ted Harvey will be pulled into this before long — Harvey’s desire to be appointed Executive Director of the State Party has reportedly been a key piece of the extortion attempt — and perhaps he is the so-called “fourth person” now involved.
We can now report that the fourth “mystery player” is in fact Tea Party activist Mike McAlpine, who was in charge of the 2013 recall attempt against Democratic Sen. Evie Hudak. From what we hear, McAlpine may have played a key role in potentially manufacturing evidence to be used in an effort to convince Steve House to resign as GOP Chair. For what it’s worth, McAlpine also has close ties to State Sen. Laura Waters Woods (R-Arvada), who won the SD-19 seat in November 2014.
(Note: This doesn’t mean that Ted Harvey was not involved — it seems logical that he is, given that he was the topic of the reported threats — but only that Harvey is not officially the “4th person as we had previously described on Saturday.”)
So when does the big hammer of an investigation/indictment come crashing down? It could be as soon as tomorrow, from what we’re hearing, though it might be pushed into Wednesday. We hear that law enforcement/prosecutors are taking a little extra time to make preparations for what will undoubtedly be a media circus when all is revealed.
Need to get caught up on Coffmangate?
♦ More background on how this scandal started with an attempted coup of State Republican Party Chair Steve House.
♦ Read up on why Cynthia Coffman’s political career is already over.
As always, you heard it here on Colorado Pols first.
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Mike McAlpine. Sheesh! Does this mean the RMGO and the looney tunes aligned with them are running the GOP show? Having worked fighting the Hudak recall, I can attest that group is a scary set of characters.
We'll remember that McAlpine on Oct. 5, 2013 moved from Boulder to Arvada and changed his party affiliation from Republican to unaffiliated. His recall handouts were loaded with lots of venomous innuendo.
Guess he moved back to Boulder and became an R again.
Mike McAlpine…..He was the registered agent for Recall Hudak Too. Swore that all the petition circulators were volunteers, while all these people were saying what they were being paid to do the work. I never was able to pin down where that money was coming from, or who the canvassing contractor was. There is an expense of $27,500 for consultant services on Nov 7 for TPM LLC. We (Ralphie was trying to help me figure it out, bless his heart) thought that must be the canvassing contractor.
A slippery piece of work, Mr. McAlpine.
Another funky financial dealing of Mr. McAlpine was how he disposed of the ending balance of RecallHudakToo. The RH2 committee raised over 111,000, according to TRACER.
When Senator Hudak resigned to keep her seat in Democratic control and avoid a recall election, McAlpine, on 2/19/14, donated the $45,132.57 left over to Dudley Brown's National Foundation for Gun Rights, which is in fact a 501C3 nonprofit.
It's pretty common for terminated committees to donate their balance to charities – but I've never seen such a large donation, and to a charity which has nothing to do with the stated purpose of the committee, i.e., to seek the recall of Senator Hudak.
Guidestar has only the 2013 return for National Foundation for Gun Rights, and it's rather funky, too. In 2013, the organization made over 110,000, spent 26,000 on legal fees, and spent 78,000 on independent contractors which are not listed in the return. Mysterious, no?
So basically, Mike McAlpine gave 45 grand to Dudley Brown to do with as he chose. Awesome.
Think of the plus side of this for Dud…with this windfall he and his band of Hatriots can have one hell of a party when they venture east this fall for the annual Watermelon
RoundupSlaughter.Sponsored by Monsanto® – "We intend to Round you up"
Is the National Foundation for Gun Rights the mother ship for the RMGO folk?
No, Frank, NFGR is just one boat in Dudley Brown's fleet. There's RMGO, RMGO PAC, RMGO SuperPAC, National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), which is a Federal lobbying group and supports candidates nationwide, and NFGR, which is "supposed" to be an educational nonprofit org. I think that there are a couple of others, too.
Turns out that lying to gullible people and scaring them about Obama (or Evie Hudak) coming to take their guns away is extremely profitable business.
Just want to thank ColPols. Returned yesterday from a delightful family visit/vacation. We didn't pay much attention to news except the big awful inescapable news of the horrendous S. Carolina church massacre so this delicious Coffman extortion scandal has really been fun to come home to. Thanks for all the updates! And what about Mike Coffman? If my day dreams come true and this leads to indictments, trials and felony convictions, bet he won't be too pleased about finding himself with a disgraced and possibly convicted felon spouse. One wonders if he'll be longing for more separation than mere separate domiciles can provide.
I was wondering about that too. If things take a turn for the worse and General Coffman is facing legal proceedings, will Major Mike leave his DC job to offer support and comfort for his beleaguered wife? Is he a Stand-By-Your-Woman kind of guy?
Uh, that would be a no. He'll divorce her, or maybe have the marriage annulled on account of failure to consummate.
Get rid of the "gate". This is not in the same league as the President of the US covering up malfeasance.
in fact, it is funny more than anything else
Agreed. The late William Safire, long-time mouth piece for Tricky Dick, advocated attaching the suffix "gate" to every petty scandal that came along after 1974 to downplay Nixon's crime wave and to bolster the argument that "they all do it."
Aw come on. Everything's a "gate" these days. It pretty much just means "thing" now.