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June 19, 2015 06:48 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

–Warren Buffett


29 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. Fox News tries to deny its pervasive racism with some of Teh Stupid that many of their viewers will fall for:

    JACKSON: There does seem to be a rising hostility against Christians in this country because of our biblical views.

    WILMORE: No, no, no, no, no, it is not rising hostility against Christians. It's rising, forceful and pervasive hostility against black people, who were meeting in a church, alright? But let's hear more from the Fox brother.

    And can we still deny that the Confederate flag is the primary symbol of America's racism and its historical foundation built on the labor of enslaved Africans for the enrichment of white land owners and the corporations of the day:

    The Confederate flag’s defenders often claim it represents “heritage not hate.” I agree—the heritage of White Supremacy was not so much birthed by hate as by the impulse toward plunder. Dylann Roof plundered nine different bodies last night, plundered nine different families of an original member, plundered nine different communities of a singular member. An entire people are poorer for his action. The flag that Roof embraced, which many South Carolinians embrace, does not stand in opposition to this act—it endorses it. That the Confederate flag is the symbol of of white supremacists is evidenced by the very words of those who birthed it:

    Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth…

    This moral truth—“that the negro is not equal to the white man”—is exactly what animated Dylann Roof. More than any individual actor, in recent history, Roof honored his flag in exactly the manner it always demanded—with human sacrifice.

    1. Saying "Maybe this was motivated by religion" is fucking stupid. This attack is the textbook definition of terrorism! It was a terrorist act committed by a white supremacist. If you say that to someone and their response is "Well maybe it was because…" you should hurry up and punch them before too much stupid comes out.

    2. #ColoradoProud when the winner of our 2012 caucus gets called out on The Daily Show.  His cognitive dissonance is stunning – and repulsive. 

        1. Jeb Bush, afraid of losing the racist vote: "I Don't Know What Was On The Mind' Of Charleston Shooter"

          "I don't know what was on the mind or the heart of the man who committed these atrocious crimes," the former Florida governor said at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference.

          The shooter, 21-year-old Dylann Roof, was crystal clear about his motive: Hereportedly announced he was there to kill black people, saying at the church, "You rape our women, and you're taking over the country. And you have to go."


          When asked directly, multiple times if race was the motive, he stuck to his "guns" claiming not to know.

          A real profile in courage, isn't he?

          1. Of course he's afraid of losing the racist vote. It's been a big part of their base since the 1960's when Nixon rolled out the Southern Strategy.

            If you take away the racist vote, the xenophobic vote (Donald Trump:  Mexico is sending all its rapists and murderer across the border), the misogynist vote (Todd Akin:  "the whole system shuts down if it's a legitimate rape"), and the homophobic vote (pretty much anything coming out of the mouth Dr. Chaps or Rick Santorum), all that's left are the gun nuts and the County Club vote and that doesn't go far enough these days.

            1. Agreed.  I just posted John Lennon's "Gimme Some Truth" video which pretty much sums up Jeb and his party (only they are much worse now than even Lennon could imagine)

          2. Jeb!  I have news for you.  You don't have to wonder what was on the killer's mind.  He confessed:

            Two law enforcement officials told CNN that Dylann Storm Roof, who is currently in custody, confessed to the shooting and said that he wanted to start a race war.

            Roof has been charged with nine counts of murder, as well as weapons charges, police sources told NBC News. He will appear at a bond hearing via closed-circuit television Friday at 2 p.m.

            NBC News further reported that Roof told investigators he "almost didn't go through" with the massacre "because everyone was so nice to him." 

            He ultimately decided he had to "go through with his mission."


  2. I can't stand to do it, but Racist Radio in Colorado will be on the air shortly…….someone should document what Rush and Savage and Randall and Brownie and Rosen say about these explicitly racist murders.

    1. In brief, Zap, the raging racist radio talkers will proclaim these messages:

      * The shooter was on drugs (not a racist, not mentally ill)

      * Obama is "playing the race card" and exploiting the tragedy politically.

      *Obama will "use this to promote more gun control".

      * This was a conspiracy to start a "race war" in America.

      *Thoughts and prayers for the victims. (They have to say that).

      *It’s actually part of the “war on Christians”, because the victims were in a church. (Rand Paul actually said that).

      I'm not going to listen to any rightie talk radio this morning, but these are the messages the right wing  bloggers are putting out there.

      1. They didn't wait until today.  Caplis was all over the "war on Christians" yesterday.  That and promoting the resultant need to carry in church!

  3. I just could not pass this up – particularly on a Friday:

    FDA Finds Thousands of Coors Light Beers Laced With Cocaine Nationwide

    It has been reported by the FDA that cocaine has been found in Thousands of Coors Light beers nationwide. The FDA began investigating beers before they were sent out from the factories, as well as beers that were already on shelves ready for sale in thousands of businesses across the U.S. The FDA became suspicious of Coors Light being laced with a certain drug after thousands of people reported feeling “weird”, “high” and even sick after drinking Coors Light.

    The FDA is currently investigating how the cocaine managed to get into Coors Light factories and if it was intentional by the company or an accident. “We cannot afford to have more people accidentally drink cocaine from a brewery such as Coors Light, which has been a longtime favorite here in the U.S., this is unacceptable” says FDA employee Arnold Francis. The FDA is forcing Coors Light to seize production for at least 30 days as the investigation is carried on. We will bring you more details soon.

    Get to your local liquor store before supplies run out.

  4. So N.Y. Times has an article about the propriety of continuing to fly the Stars & Bars in this country, including the claim that it's a symbol of heritage (a horrific version of which was demonstrated in Charleston this week). Even Charles Baker, the RINO governor of Massachusetts, initially came to the defense of those who sport the Confederate flag only to walk back from it after realizing how he came across.

    Germany is a federal constitutional republic with a bill of rights protecting freedom of speech and association but someone has managed to outlaw the flying of the swastika. Isn't the Confederate flag essentially our nation's version of the swastika?

    It's been 150 years. These clowns who still can't accept the end of the Civil War need to get over it……..

    1. I'm enough of a civil libertarian that I don't want to outlaw the "Stars n Bars" flag, but it has NO PLACE flying over a government building anywhere in the US. No. Just no.

      We can call Governor Haley and express our opinions about it 803-734-2100.

      Reminding you all that after these mass shootings, we sometimes focus on something small and  irrelevant to "fix" it and make us feel less powerless. So banning the Confederate flag over the Capitol needs to happen, but we shouldn't stop there.

      After Columbine, it was dress codes (no long black coats) and Manson's music.

      After the Fort Hood shooting, they improved their gate security.

      After the Newton School shooting, schools started locking their doors again, but other than that, nobody did shit.

      In Colorado, we have a 30 round magazine limit, and a background check requirement. For this, we lost two great Senators, and the gunheads are still losing their minds over it.

        1. When Columbine happened, the buzz was that the shooters were members of the so-called "Trench Coat Mafia" and listened to Marilyn Manson's music. Manson himself was having none of it.

          But my son, who was 17 or so at the time, couldn't wear his brand new black trenchcoat to school for the rest of his time there.

      1. We don't necessarily have to criminalize the private use of the confederate flag but let's at least stop hoisting it over government buildings. Even the Texas Dept. of Motor Vehicles, in an unusual display of good taste, wouldn't put it on the license plates when asked to do so. 

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