Because it couldn’t possibly go on forever.
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BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Easily the most Monumentally Stupid, Glaringly Dishonest, Manipulative and Hypocritical Liar in the US Senate: Ted Cruz, Republican from Texas, gets some of that Daily Show truth serum (putting link here cuz WP editor wipes out my embed url):
He manages to get these insults off:
"The modern Democratic Party has become an extreme radical party."…"liberal fascists"…."Birkenstock wearing" (omg, really? Do they even make them still?)…etc.
And because I criticize Ted Cruz, and Cruz lies about Obama from the senate floor, people can say, "both sides do it", which is a political tactic that allows them to pretend they occupy a pristine, moral policy middle-ground where the adults decide what’s best for us, or for their corporate sponsors.
Eisenhower, the socialist.
Who knew? Joe McCarthy, TeaPublican hero.
He was pursued to run as a Dem also. But it wasn't just Ike. The entire Republican Party Platform he ran on reads to the left of anything today's centrist Dems will admit to being for. Which makes the Cruz characterization of Democrats that much more insanely ridiculous.
The Dem party now occupies a place to the right of the Republican party of 1956. You know. The good old days the wackos like to hark back to when we were all so much more patriotic with such solid family values that included keeping women barefoot pregnant and in the kitchen where they belonged except when they were in the bedroom, blacks and Mexicans in there proper places and only white folks, who lived in idyllic Father Knows Best/Ozzie and Harriet families really counted? And the day time sky was always blue, it only rained after sundown and there was a unicorn in every picket fenced back yard?
Yeah. I don't remember a childhood like that either and I was 8 when the 50s were over, nine the month JFK was inaugurated. I do remember that my family were staunch Dems who didn't vote for Ike but couldn't help liking him OK as president.
republicans lied about Benghazi?
Their mouths have been moving. That's the only time they ever lie.
There was a tiny election last night, you know.
Denver voters had little choice in Mayor's race, but the spoke loudly in a couple of local contests.
Tim O'Brien was one of the big winners. No real money, no real name recognition, no political experience and he beat a better resourced, well known and heavily endorsed opponent to become the City Auditor.
Another big winner – Rafael Espinoza who ousted the incumbent by a margin of 2 to 1 and now represents NW Denver on City Council.
Don't forget Kashman in in District 6.
The anti-development crowd just got two very big megaphones on the city council. I can't wait for the dog and pony show these two put on in an attempt to halt development in the city. The St. Anthony's issue is going to be a shit show now.
Abstinence only High School in Texas suffers Chlamydia outbreak. Who'd a thunk?
Republican Agenda = Ignore Science + Harm your friends and neighbors + disrupt and defund those things that government does best
Then bitch and complain that "government is broken."
Dear Legislators,
Please don't let Denver hit you in the ass on your way out the door!
(Just wait 'til
next season2016! . . . )Meanwhile, in Parker, at a pre-prom party:
Confederate Flag Prom Photo With Gun-Toting High Schoolers Backfires
Despite Mike Coffman's best efforts, his attempt to deliver our troops into the clutches of Pay Day Loan sharks failed:
Dem pols and ops had better get over being afraid to say anything mean about R pols with military experience where votes dealing with troops and vets are concerned and hit Coffman hard, loudly and repeatedly for this and for all of his other screw the troops and vets votes going into the next election. Otherwise nobody outside the choir will ever know a thing about any of it.
One thing you have to hand Rs. They never worry about being mean to anyone, including triple amputee decorated Dem candidates. They attack effectively, usually with nothing but blatant lies. Dems are afraid of looking a tad mean to total hypocrite R a-holes, with or without military backgrounds, simply by stating the truth. You don't get extra points for bending over backwards to avoid any appearance of being mean to the bullying opposition. What you get is screwed.
People say they want everyone to be nice and all politics to be civil the way they say they're for helping little old ladies across the street and against drowning puppies. When they vote they go for strength over weakness. Dem pols and ops need to grow a pair.
Absolutely correct, BC! I think I know of someone in CD6 that meets your criteria 🙂
— Morgan Carroll — isn't she term limited in the Senate for 2016?
I gave hard-earned money to Andrew in 2014. I'd give even more if she decided to challenge Coffman in 2016!
Seems Colorado's Senior Senator Bennet is not so proud of his vote to give Fast Track trade status to the Trans Pacific trade agreement being pushed by Obama and a few of his favorite billionaires.
Searching gets you nothing of his actions up to now.
Mike's colleague, Bernie Sanders, is quite adamant that this new trade deal is not a good idea.
A few other of Mike's colleagues in the senate are skeptical: and have a petition where you can add your skepticism:
House Democrats aren't so hot for this deal, neither is Ralph Nader, who is looking forward to Democratic debates on the issue between Hillary and Bernie. (CPols, following the lead of Senator Bennet, doesn't really think we need to hear such a discussion.)
Maybe Mike is responding to the overwhelming demand of Coloradans to fast track this deal. Or not. Or maybe he's just an old "New Democrat" who can't figure out what happened between his last election and his next last election.
The latter. Especially where his Colorado base is concerned.