“History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.”
–Napoleon Bonaparte
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BY: kwtree
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: davebarnes
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: curiousstranger
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: Pam Bennett
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Early Worm
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
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You guys are cray.
The Bg line is wayyy off.
Has anyone else noticed RMGO’s Facebook and Twitter feeds are shooting blanks at the moment?
Looks like they are in a little bit of a state of shock and awe – even Republicans voted against them.
Ding Dong Dudley Brown is done and over with in Colorado.
They’re all barrel, no ammo.
Big Line off in its positive numbers for Rand and Walker……we’re going to see another Flavor of the Week Club on their side same as last time. These fools got in early to get their share of the cash and that they have done.
Be careful who you’re bipartisan with…..the fever swamp known as the Republican Party is still running a temp:
There’s that. And there’s also this:
And the dirty work of refudiating all this stuff is mostly left to bloggers, who will somehow counteract the hundreds of radio stations, numerous cable TV stations, and NRA members who fear FEMA camps and mass gun confistations with incisive policy posts and snarky headlines here and elsewhere.
Good God. You really couldn’t make this stuff up. With this kind of reality, parody will soon be obsolete.
We all do what we can with what we have. What do we have? Our words, our bodies, our dollars, our votes.
Yesterday’s Gun Day at the Legislature ended at 12:50 a.m. with six bills to loosen gun laws defeated.
Most surprising were 4 no votes by Representative Dan Thurlow (Republican) of Grand Junction. Here’s to Rep. Thurlow for having the courage to vote his conscience (and for common sense laws) instead of following party dictates!
Thurlow voted NO on repealing Background Checks, Guns in Schools, and Permitless Concealed Carry (2 bills).
It’s refreshing to see that rational Republicans survive, doubly so west of the divide.
Wayne LaPierre, in a noble attempt to elevate the nation’s political discourse, has settled on a replacement for the overused, but well-known N-word, when referring to President Obama as “demographically symbolic”
One can only wait with eager anticipation what terms he’ll decide to use when referring to a female president one day.
As Jon Stewart mentioned in his commentary about LaPierre’s speech this week, he doesn’t bother using a dog whistle anymore, just a regular one everybody can hear.
I love how the big bad gun lubbers follow a guy named LaPierre – he’s French you idiots!!!
With H-Rods entry, Al Hunt’s informative, What to expect, “interventionist” and sadly pro trade agreements (they mistake movement with progress while gutting labor & working class)with caveats.. (TPP sux)
Will our side ever learn?
Given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican, people will vote for the real Republican all the time. – Harry Truman
Has Bennet distinguished himself as a Democrat while working in Washington, DC?
Not surprised. I also attribute a lot of it to name rec. Coffman has been around in Colorado elected politics for a long time and people have heard of him. If they know anything about him they know he’s a vet. He also still has a rep for being moderate. Don’t ask why he just does. Bennet is still largely unknown, low name rec. He’d better start raising his profile and in a way that doesn’t completely piss off the base. He could easily be the party’s next Udall, out the door as an incumbent, even in a presidential year. I agree that, even if HRC takes Colorado, it won’t be by a landslide or even close and it won’t provide a whole lot in the way of coattails for Bennet.
What is your recommendation?
Bennet should just admit he is a Republican and switch parties?
Bennet should move left, embrace President Obama even more than he has (when has he not voted with the president when it mattered?) and realize that all the true, liberal, progressive D’s that would sweep him to re-election by a safe margin have been not* voting, and are just waiting for him to authentically move left?
Either way- you are crazy.
We’ll be lucky enough not to get Senator Coffman or Senator Buck in 16. I know- let’s all register R, nominate Don Maez and then safely count on the D to win no matter who it is.
*perhaps not voting in Colorado. I haven’t seen numbers, but perhaps housing expense has risen so much due to inflow of liberal voters who previously lived outside Colorado or were too young to vote. Maybe. If the hard voter reg numbers, and polling of newcomers and under 24 voters supports that, then I will apologize for calling you crazy.
Although, if that is true, it should mean Bennet is safe from all but a far left challenger. Who’s it going to be? Gut instinct tells me that any statewide D candidate needs to win CD1, 2, and 7 and at least be really competitive in 6. 3, 4, 5, can be lost – but not HUGE. Who is the Colorado Sanders that can do that? I want names – not speculation and frustration with voters who just don’t want to agree with you.
Today in Felonious Personages:
Douglas Bruce wanted on Ohio municipal arrest warrant; owes taxes
Oh what a tangled web we weave…
The part that made me blow water through my nose was the “; owes taxes.” I wonder if there’s a word processor macro that just appends that to the title of any Doug Bruce story by the paper
I just realized that “; owes taxes” is the Doug Bruce form of the “; in bed” tagged onto cookie fortunes.
And it happened on the eve of his high holy day, April 15th.
This is so not surprising. I hope our legislators, when they look at a judicial solution to TABOR limits, are emphasizing that this law was crafted by a violent, tax-evading criminal.