“A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.”
–Robert Frost
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BY: kwtree
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: davebarnes
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
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IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
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IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
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IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
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IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
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IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
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How reagan destroyed America http://www.occupydemocrats.com/reagan-destroyed-america/
Remember when they wanted to him on Mt. Rushmore? Jeesh!
It’s turning out to be a nice weekend. The Rockies remain undefeated and Jon Caldara and Studly Brown are at each others’ throats. According to the Post, Caldara has wheeled out his big gun (pun intended), hurled that most vicious and vile insult which an ammosexual can use, and compared Dudley Brown to Mike Bloomberg! Oh the horror, the horror!
That is delicious…the NRA vs. NAGR rivalry, translating into Caldara vs. Dudley Brown, and duelling endorsements for top GOP Pres hopeful. Very nice.
In a fit of AC-related nostalgia, an Obama cartoon….
I wonder what happened to AC anyway. He’s been a no show for a long time now. Suppose he got fired?
Or just waiting until the 2016 cycle ramps up. Careful about saying his name– remember Beetlejuice.
Sure do!
Cognitive dissonance and crushing reality finally became too much for him. Together, they exploded his head from the inside, right off his shoulders.
That, or the Light Rail ran over him (ah, sweet irony).
Death by mass transit! Oh the horror, the horror.
Didn’t Steve House bring in his own shills? I’m guessing Ted Harvey is uploading them.
I’d wonder . . .
. . . if I cared at all.
Ok, last weekend I posted my 3 favorites for ESC. Due to popular demand (ie mamajama), here’s the most watched one – over 20 million views in the last 2 months. If you like romantic movies, you’ll love this one.
Having listened to a few of the entries over the years. I have to believe that there’s a way to weaponize them and use them against our enemies.
Popular demand of one sounds about right.
Make that 20 million and one. I do like it, although I think that Ghost did the pottery-throwing love scene better.
Freedom of Religion – will the right wing advocate for the Apache tribe fighting to keep their sacred ceremonial space at Oak Flat, Arizona, or will the passionate advocates for “religious freedom” side with Rosemont and other copper mining companies?
Three guesses, but you’ll only need one.
The occupation at Oak Flat is still going on.
I never dared to be radical when young for fear it would make me conservative when old.
— Robert Frost
I want to take a minute here on the open thread to mention something to you, my friends, that is only slightly political…
while I was in town, my son, who is an actor with friends in the cast and crew, and I went to the Friday Night Improv Show at the Voodoo theater on 22nd street(in Five Points, I think it is?). We saw two shows …”Makeshift Shakespeare” and “Hit and Run” Musical.
There is a significant amount of reference to political issues, the impromptu subject of the first show being “Why I hate the mists of Commerce City.” But, oh how funny…I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. This place has a really talented and dedicated troupe of actors and singers…we were particularly entertained by a young actor named Chris Woolf, whose voice characterizations and one-liners were a hoot. The house was SRO, even though the beer was a little spendy.
If you are looking for some fun on a Friday night, I think you can’t spend ten bucks a better way.
Why am I getting “David Vitter for Governor” on the ColoradoPols masthead? Isn’t he running LA?
Frank, you must have been doing some diaper shopping. The ad mastheads on Pols are pretty much all about what you write about in your gmail account, search for in Google, or where you shop online. Creepy, right?
I get Chinese language mastheads (have no idea what they’re promoting), every time I search for anything about hacking, Anonymous, or ISIL. Would love to talk with the people who program the search parameters.
Sorry. I got a lot of grief when I commented that I was getting ads for fracking drill bit lubricant. Just passing it along.
I was in New Orleans a couple of months ago for a conference. I Goggled restaurants while there. No diaper shopping though.
I’ve got ‘CSU-Pueblo Thunderwolves’ on my masthead.
(Wolf diapers???? 🙂 )