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BY: DavidThi808
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Thursday Open Thread
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: QuBase
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Are the icons that let us do stuff like put things in a quote box, bold type, do smiley faces, etc. coming back?
Yes. You might have noticed the current system gets a lot of complaints…
What complaints from us?!? Who knew? And BTW, I’ve got icons again. And misspelled words underlined and I see a preview icon, too. Fix away!
Fewer comment options, but the ones present appear to work!

Bold text
…and PREVIEW!!!
Me likey overall.
Thanks for testing. We’re going to use this comment to fix stuff.
Hmm… does’t look too bad…
…but STILL no edit function! *peer*
We just installed a 5-minute edit window function. Please test it out, everyone…
This comment has been edited…
This is text.
This is the next line.
Here is text after two lines.
We’ll delete these stupid test comments, don’t worry.
This comment has been edited twice.
UPDATE: Edited. Okay that works.
Does it tell people the comment has been edited? I think that’s cool. Overall I’m not a big fan of editable comments.
Thanks for working on the site though.
Huh, it didn’t say my comment has been edited. Did you add that manually Pols?
Yes. Within that five minute window, the user can make any edit or delete.
Wowza. An edit function.
2. No more posting videos in comments? Or is that still a go to source , paste embed code thingy? Guess I’ll find out.
What was #3?
P.S., Edit works fine.
#3 was a video clip. It seems video clips won’t post on either the original, or the edited comment.
We’re still testing. What did you post to embed the video clip? You should be able to post the iframe embed code using the Source button (“<>”) above.
I used the old video posting process: 1. hit the source button (the button looks like < > above) 2. paste the embed code. 3. post comment. You can probably see the embed code in both my comment on this thread, and the International Women’s Day comment on the weekend thread.
It would also be so awesome if diarists could post video in diaries. It seems a little odd that we can post it in comments, but not diaries.
Thanks, Pols! I’m not complaining, just glad to see that progress is happening!
She’s right Guvs, it’s not working. The embed code disappears.
Can one of you please try again? This seems to be access level based and we think we fixed it. Same procedure as before please, paste embed code into source.
Looks like that’s working.
Need longer than a 5 minute edit window.
Five minutes is good for an obvious mispelling error. edit: misspelling
Five minutes is way too short for people like me who add a comment and then go off to search for more relevant factoids/links to bolster the argument.
City-Data fora have a 3-hour window.Bogleheads have a 3 month window.
Crap. It appears that soft carriage returns no longer work. Even when I add them in the source code.
Are Moderatus’s comments still all going to suck???
International Women’s Day video try 2:
Video embedding appears to work now, on the original comment, but because I went back and edited the comment, the video disappeared. (as did the format icons). That’s OK….I can live with the idea that you get one go to post video, and you lose access to the “source” button on the second try.
You get a star sticker!
While you’re working on stuff, could you fix the sags and wrinkles of older age. And if I ever run for office again, could you make sure I win. Thanks!
That will require botox and giving up use of your eyebrows.
Everyone has done such a fantastic job I’m not even going to complain. Bravo!
Umm, your site now shows up in really small type, even if I use full screen. Your problem, or mine?
You probably just have really small eyes. 🙂
Anyone else having the same problem?