"With most people disbelief in a thing is founded on a blind belief in some other thing."
–Georg C. Lichtenberg
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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Republican incompetence after pledging to "get stuff done"
Leaders impotent as Republican scare caucus ready to shut down DHS
Republican congress went off the rails almost immediately after being sworn in
See vid for Boehner answer to DHS question: "If hands and butts were candy and nuts it would be Christmas every day" and as he answers another question with kissy face sound. (These are the guys who claim to be the party of personal responsibility.)
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gop vs. gop http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/american-action-network-targets-house-conservatives-dhs-funding-115668.html
boehner caves on Homeland Security funding bill vote http://bigstory.ap.org/article/a476aee945fc4b1c8d360da641585a61/homeland-funding-appears-track-minus-immigration-add-ons#overlay-context=article/c8ac9343332c4f03897d75cbac5048d6/carson-launches-2016-exploratory-committee
The guy who wants to be their leader and felt he was thebest choice to lead House R's – and the guy who House R's voted to be their leader, cannot lead and is not trusted to lead. Utter and Complete Failure.
What a contrast to Pelosi's leadership when she was Speaker with an R President.
I certainly cannot visualize Nancy Pelosi ever making that kissing sound last week that he made. Or coming out with some of his words of wisdom set to rhyme (e.g., "If and and buts, were candy and nuts, every day would be Christmas"). Different leadership style, to put it charitably.
I feel sorry for Boehner. I think he's basically a decent guy but cannot keep the wild and crazies in line. I don't know who could.
Maybe could — oh, I don't know — stop trying to have it both ways, stop rewarding them by appointing them to head vital committees, use his "leadership" position to publicly call them out, tell them to sit down and STFU . . . ??
. . . just off the top of my head.
When the righties managed to end earmarks, they cut the balls off congressional leadership. Earmarks kept the crazies in line.
Shouldn't that be 'plus 2', Frank? At least for those of us who still have a the whole set?
so true
ABC, CBS and NBC don't televise Netanyahu's speech thttp://www.politicususa.com/2015/03/03/boehner-stunt-backfires-nbc-cbs-abc-televise-netanyahu-speech-congress.html
Wasn't I right yesterday when I said that Bibi's speech would bring about funding for the Dept. of Homeland Security?
To pick one of these panels: are you or the cartoonist suggesting that we go to war with Russia? That there have been no consequences for Russia over its actions?
Nah, probably not. It's too much of a fan of Putin and his topless photo spreads . . .
Worm, what do you think of Boehner's deft handling of the DHS funding bill today?
While it's true that it was stupid and incorrect for Obama to promise that anyone who likes their plan can keep it, that's only because that was never true. So it's equally stupid and incorrect for righties to claim that ACA caused a new situation in which people could no longer keep plans they liked.
Insurers have always dropped people from plans they like and ended plans that people like. So if AC wants to call Obama a liar over his stupid promise he also has to call all those who claim that losing plans is something new, caused by ACA, liars too.
The fact is ACA does stop a lot of people losing plans they like because they're too sick. It stops peoples' newborns losing plans the parents like for having a pre-existing condition. So while some people lost plans they liked, mainly with offers of replacement plans, after ACA, anyone could have lost a plan they liked at the whim of their private sector insurer before ACA and with no offer of a replacement.
What we have are two equally stupid claims but the reality is a net positive outcome due to ACA by objective measures and no evidence of the dire consequences the righties predicted. The economic recovery continues, employment increases, more people have coverage. The righties are left with nothing to support their claims but these ultimately irrelevant cartoons. The supporters of a civilized, universal 21st century healthcare system are the ones with a legitimate beef. Doubt that's what AC has in mind.
You notice how some of the righties are starting to sweat about what to do if they win King v. Burwell? They're talking about temporarily extending the subsidies for some unspecified length of time to those states without state exchanges.
boehner caves – clean DHS bill passes – Thank you Nancy Pelosi- Thank God someone knows how to lead in the house http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/03/1368301/-Boehner-caves-Pelosi-triumphs-as-House-passes-clean-Homeland-Security-funding-bill