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May 16, 2014 10:41 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"Theoretical principles must sometimes give way for the sake of practical advantages."

–William Pitt


31 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Why bother with facts when you can push out industry talking points and spin? Gov: Fracking keeps us from sending your kids off to die in foreign lands, AND it creates 110,000 jobs!  

    The Niobrara formation has opened up the oil and gas economy for Colorado and for the country, Gov. John Hickenlooper said. The energy industry secures about 110,000 jobs for the state and brings $30 billion into the economy.

    “There’s jobs and economic impact that is significant. Also, there’s international security. We’re not sending kids to fight wars to protect our source of energy,” Hickenlooper said. “North America is within a few years of being (energy) self-sufficient.”


    1. That just drives me nucking futs when reporters repeat that "110,000" jobs nonsense like it's a proven fact.

      Hick derived the figure from two CU studies :  the first (July 2013)  said that there were 30,000 oil and gas jobs at most in Colorado. The second was a "hypothetical case" scenario " on a "suggested conjecture":What if Colorado banned fracking statewide?

      Yet every single damn reporter just prints that number like it's real.

      1. And like exporting energy around the world, via LNG and the Keystone for instance, is going to unentangle our assets from foreign conflicts.  Its just lies on top of lies, thus now we have BULLSHIT (study1) * BULLSHIT (study2) * (BULLSHIT2 – 'self-sufficeny, no more foreign wars) = Lots and lots of Bullshit.  Thanks Gov.  

      2. Hick is using a "multiplier."  People and companies do it all the time when they're arguing for something unpopular.  You know, I give you $100, you go buy shoes for your kids, the shoe store owner takes his wife out to dinner, etc. etc ad nauseum.  He's saying that there's 30,000 jobs, but each dollar paid to those workers turns over 3.3 times.  That's not a bad number as multipliers go, but people need to understand that it's not real, and most people don't.

        1. And its the control of resources–not the resources themselves–we are most likely to fight over, so spreading our energy infrastructure around the globe makes us more–not less–vulnerable IMO.

        2. Ralphie, in the CU studies, the multiplier IMPLAN is applied to tax revenues, not salary dollars. So they do use a multiplier, but probably just to inflate the economic contribution of O&G tax dollars.

          I plan on contacting Hick's public information officer, and asking him point-blank where the numbers are coming from, because there is nothing spelled out in either study which adds to 110,000 jobs. 


  2. Consensus candidate? – one who is focused on Wichita Alaska DC Dumphuckistan Coloradans

    If you can't believe the Weekly Standard and Billy Kristol, who could you believe?

    Climate Change? Seventy-percent of Coloradans believe global warming is occuring; three in four say the issue of global warming is very or somewhat important to them personally.  According to Yale research, more than half of Coloradans say that more should be done about global warming at all levels of government. Two-thirds — 66 percent said their local government should be better preparing for the impacts of climate change, and 61 percent said the same for the state level.

    A strong majority of Coloradans put the nation's first citizens-initiated renewable portfolio standard in place in 2004 – and today Colorado has the second-most-aggressive standard in the nation. (Ironically, the Congressman's 4th Congressional District is a massive beneficiary of the mandate)  That didn't deter Koch-backed organizations from (unsuccessfully) attempting to nullify that standard through the court system. 

    "The Pledge"?  Has the Congressman conveniently forgotten he's a signatory, promising his Kock-masters he'll perpetuate legislative inaction on climate? (don't forget, he's on the House Energy and Commerce Committee; a committee that has rejected nearly all requests for hearings on climate). 

    It's not without a spoonful of irony that last week the Weekly Standard published an article on the virtues of a carbon tax  (hands down the most efficient way to levelize the energy playing field – and a policy that I believe many Democrats would support). Perhaps it's just a Google thing – but each of the articles three pages are plastered with ads for Congressman Gardner – the very man who has pledged to block such policy.

    Consensus?  You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

    1. Cory Gardner is only the consensus candidate if one is an oil and gas producer. I didn't realize that the Koch brothers actually had candidates sign pledges not to do anything on climate change.

      I hope it comes back to haunt him, the way that his personhood votes have.

      1. "The Pledge" is signed by 26 Senate Republicans (giving them control of 58% of that caucus) and 144 House Republicans (giving them control of 60% of that caucus). 

        By them, I mean "Koch, Inc."

        It's no mystery as to why hearings or action on climate change is going no where in the House or the 113th.

        1. I took a pledge once…

          it went like this…

          I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
          My heart to greater loyalty,
          My hands to larger service,
          and my health to better living,
          for my club, my community, my country, and my world.

          I was quite young…

          1. I know that one well…and this one, too:

            The FFA Creed

            I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds – achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years.

            I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny.

            I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of progressive agriculturists to serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the product of our toil.

            I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so–for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me.

            I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task.

  3. More news on Operation American Spring the massive demonstrations, modeled after the Arab Spring, that were supposed to take out Obama, Reid, Boehner and McConnell (not conservative enough), starting yesterday and which you probably never heard about if you don't frequent rightie nutbag sites. Long story short, crazy rightie retired army colonel was claiming 10 to 30 million patriotic militia types were coming to DC to non-violently demand Obama step down so we could take back the country, defend the constitution, bla, bla, bla. Never mind 30 million would have been about 10% of the total population and a much higher percent of the population minus people like babies, kids, and infirm old people. 

    For more on that I posted a link on the Friday open thread.  They were supposed to start swarming the mall yesterday and it was to be a weekend long seige. Wondering why it wasn't all over cable? Why there is no hysteria in the streets? No troops defending the WH and capitol buildings from the ginormous mob? News of people being trampled in the crush? Well they didn't exactly meet their goal.  At least 29,999,000 short, probably a little shorter. Colonel Nutbag said poor turn out was due to stuff like weather, people going to defend nutbag rancher Bundy instead (millions of them?) and other dog ate my homework stuff. But he obviously completely overlooked many equally good excuses. Here are some of the 35 presented at

    I watched the live stream from the event today, and watched as the gathering grew from about 100 people to maybe a thousand, and that’s being generous, like giving a bad golfer a big handicap. I kept seeing the same freaking people in the live stream video, even as they wandered from place to place. And one of them was rather aggravated that the turnout was so poor, which was followed up by a lady who claimed that the others were all trapped at campgrounds in the area due to flood waters. Right. Or maybe they all had flat tires.

    Or maybe they didn’t show up for one of the below reasons. Here are the top 35 excuses for the missing 29,999,000 freedom-loving patriots who were nowhere to be found today.

    1. President Obama ordered FEMA to round them up and put them all in concentration camps.

    2. President Obama declared martial law and ordered them to be herded and executed.

    3. BENGHAZI!

    4. It’s meth-cooking season, so couldn’t leave their meth labs.

    5. They all went to Washington state, instead of Washington D.C.

    6. They used Apple Maps and ended up protesting in a corn field in Iowa.

    7. They couldn’t figure out a way to get there without using a government-built road.

    8. Cliven Bundy’s cattle was blocking the roadways.

    9. It was national discount day at Golden Corral.

    10. There were too many puddles to navigate around.

    11. The 15 or so big rig drivers who showed up for Truckers for Truth back in October are still clogging up the interstates in the area.


    1. Isn't 30,000,000 the same number of Colorado jobs that will be lost if any Colorado municipality is allowed any kind of say in what kind of mess the fractivists and their owner's can make??? . . .

      . . . Coincidence ???

      (I'm pretty sure that's also the same number of AR-15 rounds that jesus told his disciples to lay up now, as future treasure in heaven???)

    2. I was at the White House Friday. While there are always demonstrators, seemed to me there were only a few more. One agitated guy who wanted to make the WH a "gun free zone", a few carrying signs stating that BO is "under arrest". A crazy woman who has been there almost daily for a long time with anti Israel stuff.


    1. Zap what is the story of the Steyer brothers?

      Financing coal mines in India and China?

      Owning pipelines transporting fossil fuel?

      Was their father a fascist, too?

      The people want to know.

        1. Bot, rudimentary troll program 1.0.  You say Koch it says Streyer.  There is no point, as that implies thought, thought implies brain.  

  4. Reason number 7,100,000,012 for converting the United States (and the rest of the world) to alternatives and renewables A-S-A-P . . . (with equally as much national –governmental — focus and treasure as we've put into defending middle-eastern sheiks this Millenium-to-date):

    "Russia acquired not just a peninsula, but a maritime zone and the rights to tap its seabed for oil and gas reserves potentially worth trillions of dollars."

  5. And on a happier note:  for those who recall the tragically brief political career of Grandma Jaxine Bubis (cut short by the discovery that she self-published soft porn romance novels), Rupert Murdoch has acquired Harlequin, a publishing company that pumps out (forgive the bad pun) 110 books a year with stirring titles like:  Sinful Seduction (could there be any other kind?  Legal Seduction–lawyer spends a year and a half trying to talk his wife into a playful bedroom romp?), Expecting the CEO's Child (wow, much better chance of great child support there!), and The Christian Billionaire Sheik's Virgin Texan Bride (okay, I made that one up but the others are real, I swear).

    I'm sure Rupert made the purchase with Jax in mind.  She can have a mass market publisher now, instead of doing that old sordid self-publishing she used to have to do.

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