"Severe truth is expressed with some bitterness."
–Henry David Thoreau
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BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: The realist
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
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It's working for me. Less than half the cost and deductible is the same. I got through the entire process, including the obligatory medicaid application and rejection before moving on to tax credits, in about an hour and half including hold time on the phone when I ran into a confusing spot on the site. After I got a human it was a breeze.
I still think it's too much for too little and would prefer a 21st century universal single payer system like the rest of the civilized world has but paying half is a huge improvement.
Funny how your side tried to put all the focus on people who liked their insurance and lost it only every story you put out their turned out to be crap with most of those people actually getting a better deal. That left you with resorting to whining about the big lie which was pretty much a technicality since in all of your examples the insurance could be easily replaced, usually at a lower cost.
You completely forgot about all of us in the private insurance market who did not like our insurance because it cost too much and are happy to be able to lower our costs for the same kind of coverage. You completely forgot about those who couldn't afford insurance at all but now can or who had preexisting conditions and couldn't get insurance at all. I'd say 6 million strong and counting is going to cut into the credulous audience for your bull shit.
Good points, BC, to which AC would simply say "I could [sic] care less", which for once in his life would be the truth.
BC, Is the reason it is working for you is that someone else is paying it for you?
Yes, more people are getting welfare insurance, in whole or in part.
Like anything else free to you, it is better than paying for it.
Personally I am more concerned about the people that pay for insurance and are subsidizing you, but to each their own.
By the way the 6 million strong number is about as honest as the source of it.
I'm sure AC gets approval from all the artists whose work he posts here. I always did it at S2.
This would never happen here.
Makes me consider moving to Uruguay. I have heard other complimentary things about the country. The people must be pretty cool to elect such a man as their leader.
Tim Neville more or less demanded the Indy to retract story yesterday. I analyze that issue here:
Seems like even the UN sees the Global warming alarmist as being over the top.
Erectile Dysfunction and Vegetarianism: Coming Soon Thanks To Global Warming
Say goodbye to the remaining reporting jobs:
Pretty soon all the diaries, and the comments, here on Pols will be computer generated.
I don't think a computer could generate Daft Punk's comments. Some things are safe.
Whatever, bitch.
Classic trolling technique: divide and conquer. Set certain personalities against each other. I've noticed that AC tends to mock women (at least those Polsters who are "out" as women, i.e. myself, daftpunk, bluecat,dwyer), and ct, because ct engages with him the most.
For the record, I never respond to questions or statements as to my gender, race, or sexual orientation. I have given my age because I want to claim my history. I have also identified as someone who was a catholic and left the roman catholic church, as a matter of conscience over the horror of sexual exploitation of children and the ensuring coverup in the name of religion. As a former catholic, I am well versed in the details of contraception, catholic doctrine, abortion and mechanics of fertilization, etc……those Jesuits again.
To speak further to that later point; I am sickened at the moral
"outrage" over the contraception mandate and the number of
friends of the court briefs that have been filed on behalf of the
people opposing the contraception mandate on religious grounds. And yet, no picketing, no outrage from the silent sisters of the poor, no widespread legal challenges to the coverup of the bishops. One priest was convicted and jailed because he was in charge of moving the pedophile priests around from parish to parish. That conviction has been overturned on appeal because the Philadelphia Archdiocese spent millions, while closing schools, on legal defense.
And the Jesuits? Silent, for perhaps the only time in their long history.
I got my BA from a Jesuit university (Regis). I'm very disappointed that they are silent on the issue of sexual exploitation of children.
Actually MJ, your name suggests you are a woman, but I had no idea, and still have no idea whether daft punk or CT are men or women and could care less. To each their own prejudice.
The thought that not all Polsters have a visceral hatred of those with opposing views may be troubling to you, but some are able to engage in a civil manner, and some even enjoy the dialogue.
I'm pretty sure I could get a computer program to emulate that – at least when it comes to responding to AC. 🙂
All it would have to do is say (in the style of Dan Ackroyd) — AC, you ignorant slut! 🙂
Now here's a hard-ass politician
Under the heading of 'you couldn't make this up'… our resident Colorado Springs genius:
If he's really concerned about 'the birds', I'd suggest the Congressman introduce a bill outlawing 'glass'…and 'cats'.
By all means, let's go 'all in' on oil. You know, to save lives:
Apparently wave energy kills no one as it's invisible on the list!
It would also be invisible on the overall wattage produced chart…
I'm telling my mom on you 🙂
I would not make light of this problem. Isn't it possible that the windmills interrup migratory flight patterns or birds flying in flock formation? I have no
However, having said that…..I would certainly support windmills around Sloan's Lake, City Park Lake and anywhere and everywhere those flocks of geese have taken over.
Generally, windmills don't affect birds flying at migration heights. Geese, ducks, hawks – they all fly at much higher altitudes when migrating. They generally strike birds coming in to roost or feed, or birds on the wing from one local spot to another, or resident birds who misjudge the blades – something that's a bit less common with the larger turbines. As to disruption… Some birds that might have nested in an area near a wind farm might be driven off that land, but I don't know the studies on that. It certainly doesn't seem like the installation out at Pawnee Buttes has affected the Prairie Falcons or small songbirds.
As MB notes, the effect is minimal compared to glass strikes and cats.
Thank you.
How Does He Keep Getting A Platform? Bill Kristol’s History Of Terrible Predictions And Bad Advice
Pundits are like Cabinet Secretaries – they're no consequences for being incompetent.
They still ask McCain what he thinks.