“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.”
–Booker T. Washington
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IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Thursday Open Thread
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: QuBase
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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"Breaking Things is Easy". Heather Cox-Richardson.
HCR's email newsletter is essential reading this morning.
Littany of Idiocracy. David Kurtz at TPM
To fully summarize the many executive orders, also see The Morning Briefing at TPM
The VA got hit at the same time – and it gives the Orange Clown Posse a double-dip of hate to target DEI and LGBTQ+ programs all in the same email. (and evil props to having the ACTING SecVA do it, so it doesn't come up in Preacher Collins' confirmation hearing.)
The health side of the VA was really starting to get more trans and queer Vets into healthcare when I left in 2020….looks like that's about to get rolled back.
Acting VA secretary warns against disguising DEI programs targeted for termination
Acting Veterans Affairs secretary Todd Hunter’s email told his employees that he was “aware of efforts by some in government to disguise these programs by using coded or imprecise language.”
He directed employees with knowledge of efforts to change contracts or job descriptions pertaining to DEI efforts to report them within 10 days. Failing to report this information, he wrote, “may result in adverse consequences.”
And it doesn’t even remotely sound like something the Stasi would do….
The VA is absolutely in the crosshairs over this (and evil props to the acting SecVA for sending out the hatemail, having it escape notice from Preacher Collins’ confirmation hearing):
Emails with nearly identical language were sent to employees at other agencies, including the Social Security Administration, according to versions USA TODAY has reviewed.
Trump’s federal hiring freeze raises fears about VA medical care
Congressional lawmakers this week expressed concern that President Donald Trump’s new federal hiring freeze could hurt operations at Veterans Affairs medical centers by complicating efforts to fill critical health care specialties.
“I think what we’re going to see is that no one on the veteran side is going to miss their health care provider because of this new hiring freeze,” VA secretary nominee Doug Collins told members of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee during his confirmation hearing. “The president is making a prudent step as he comes into office to make sure that we have a good handle on what we got.”
Collins acknowledged in the confirmation hearing that exactly what that exception covers is not clear. Benefits processors appear unaffected by the freeze, but what – if any – medical posts are covered is undefined for now. He said sorting out the uncertainty will be among his first priorities if he is approved for the VA leadership post.
Biblical Parable: Herod gets scolded by Jesus.
It's interesting to watch the International Economic Forum from Davos Switzerland. Not only does Trump know these people personally, he understands what they are talking about. Just as he announced the 5 billion investment in the US for infrastructure to build AI, by investors Soft Bank, Oracle, and Open AI, he knows these people personally. Can you imagine Kamala Harris participating in this discussion? Not to dismiss Kamala's ability, but she knows many Hollywood types. They love her as long as she has a check to deliver.
You're under the delusion that the respect trump. No one there does. They respect the office he holds and the power it wields, but they think, rightfully, that he is a buffoon.
It's obvious you don't respect Trump. That's while you will continue to lose.
Neither did the federal judge who just enjoined his EO on birthright citizenship. So much winning. And yeah, I don’t respect trump. He’s been a clown since the 70s when he and daddy got busted for racial discrimination. Not a fan of racists. But you do you, pathetic peach
So your argument is that we are better off handing our infrastructure to billionaire investors? hmm.. ok.
How many poor men will do it?
Infrastructure should be publicly funded and publicly owned.
Here's my two-part answer:
One, an interest in public infrastructure in the US goes back at least to the Federalist Papers, and I'll guess farther. Federalist 30-36 gives you a meandering and dense justification for taxation to fund a number of things, and yes this includes the public defense. Here's a quote from Federalist 14, but it's not the only place in the Papers they talk about infrastructure:
Two, I for one am fully aware of the many different ways of funding and owning infrastructure, from fully public to quasi-public to private. We've got public-private partnerships, tolling authorities, fare-funded transit, while historic examples like the Million Dollar Highway were fully or partially funded privately before becoming public.
I'm not speaking for Burly, but public funding and ownership means roads are normally open to anyone for travel or commerce, the people can weigh in to the government if conditions get too bad, and there is public process if people want new lanes or new services. But I don't expect our system to be 100% funded or owned publicly.
It's cheaper if it is publicly owned… Obviously, those pesky investors who need their 20% pound of flesh.
Fort Collins has city-owned electricity, and it is, yep, 20% cheaper than the rest of the state. I pay 7.5 cents off peak
Same thing with insurance. Medicare has 5% overhead, while private insurance 20%.
The “language” spoken at Davos is threatening incoherency and unrestrained lying gibberish? Who knew? I would have never guessed that, but I giess that’s why I appreciate your entertaining and invaluable insights and information as much as I do.
Still, very glad to hear they’re not using english there, given T-hump’s increasing challenges with speaking and comprehending that difficult for him language.
And, lastly, welcome to Team Globalist! (Well, at least for this thread.)
Don't know how long it will take, but the Trump Sad!-ministration actions will bring consequences in SO many domains that there will be a growing opposition.
The census bureau (which is on $rump's shitlist for counting undocumented people, and other inconvenient demographics) is also on a hiring freeze.
We desperately need permitting reform for transmission, pipeline, and nearly all other infrastructure. That it takes 7-10 years to permit a new transmission line is one of the two biggest impediments to the energy transition. That’s one area where I will support wide-scale efforts to reform the process.
As a VA patient, I doubt any delays will be noticed. It has taken 6 months for me to get an appointment for a sleep study. The bloated Federal workforce needs to be reduced. Let's start with a 20% reduction.
The safest mode for transport of oil is by pipeline. Joe Biden killed the Keystone pipeline, all of which is transported by rail. Your concern for farmland, state parks, etc. is taken care of with the EPA permits. Nothing to worry about.
On a separate note, did you happen to use the 10-point Veteran’s preference for your government job? Just curious if you were a DEI hire. Veterans who suck at the government teat need to be culled from the workforce as well if they were secured employment using this non-merit based program.
Sleep study for an old ass man? You trying to increase your disability rating? We also need to go after disability ratings- too many veterans are collecting checks for disability’s that are clearly not service related.
My only government job was the US Army. No disability rating. So you dismiss the science of agent orange and burn pits? Shall I call you Doctor Wrong. Stop by the VA and see for yourself all those fakers and malinger's. While you are complaining don't forget to mention the GI Bill.
It's not my fault you didn't serve in the military.
Sweet tits, my service record is quite heftier than your limited Vietnam-era service though at least you did it in a decent branch. Or am I recalling wrong and were you a Cold War era veteran?
You want to highlight bloated government bureaucracy by looking at workforce reductions? That’s fine- I’d start with the DOD and the civilian/contractor presence there, not to mention a reduction in flag billets. But entitlements are the real growth area that need to be discussed for cost reductions and I’ve seen plenty of veterans gaming the system to increase their disability payments- Agent Orange and Burn Pit criteria are so loose that I could qualify in a heartbeat by complaining about migraines and difficulty breathing given the number of FOB’s I spent time on.
Yes, I’ve seen plenty of malingers in the atrium at Fitzsimons (as well as the old 9th & Colorado location) and those who have neglected their health and rely on the VA as their provider of last resort which is a prime reason why treatment at the VA is a nightmare because so many patients are in such poor health. A sleep study at the VA raises my eyebrow on why in the hell you would go that route, when you know it’s going to be inefficient, versus going through a private provider? The first assumption is to work on a disability rating either as a new filing or seeking an up-rate. The next is that you’re retired and somehow don’t have a Medicare for private coverage.
Please elaborate on your service record. Is it a problem for you that I appreciate the VA and its mission?
Why so angry?
Nah. You first in the spirit of openness as you are such an honest actor on this forum who never is just trolling. Hell, just post your DD214 and be an open book.
I appreciate the VA mission as well, but I certainly am not going to expect world-class care in terms of responsiveness given the average patient profiles. Now why do you seek VA care over private care for your sleep study? Is the quality of care that much better?
I'm not proficient at pasting pictures, but I can provide an extract.
Specialty Number & Title: 17L2F ABN SENSOR SPEC
Is this good for you?
Appreciate your openess, I'll return the gesture with extracts (abbreviated the awards):
So what did you fly on in Vietnam? OV-1?
PP, you're an idiot if you think a 20% reduction in force would make the VA more efficient. As a Vietnam vet, you're going to get your full services that have been in force for decades. Gulf War and 21st century vets, not so much.
On how safe pipeline oil transport is, ask people who lived through the 9,000 oil pipeline fractures and leaks over the last 30 years.
And for the idiot thing, the VA is not going to be providing any services for that, either.
Biden did kill the Keystone pipeline but let’s look at what the real impact it would have had on the oil markets and the price of gasoline in the United States. The pipeline when full would carry 500,000 barrels of oil each day to the refineries on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Of that amount, two thirds is under contract for export to other countries. The United States would keep, refine, and consume 166,000 barrels each day. Presently, the United States consumes over 20 million barrels of oil each day. The Keystone pipeline would have never impacted gasoline prices in the U.S.
Trump’s famous “drill baby drill” statements are nothing but hot air for the following reasons. First and foremost, the U.S. oil companies in conjunction with their counterparts in OPEC and the oligarchs in Russia have no intention of flooding the market with more oil for the simple reason it would adversely impact their profit margins. Second, there isn’t any demand in the market for a significant increase in oil production. Third, many of the oil companies were leveraged when the pandemic came and many went out of business when demand collapsed. The ones that survived have promised their stockholders they won’t go that far out on a limb in the future. Fourth, the oil and gas companies already have thousands upon thousands of unexplored leases mainly on private land and some on federal land. They aren’t looking for many more leases, plus they know that even if more federal land is opened for exploration it will be tied-up in the courts for years before they could actually drill. As he does with so many issues, he either doesn’t have any clear knowldege of the facts or, if he does, he is intentionally misleading the public. One little pric in the balloon and his popularity will deflate.
Now now my dear friend. I thought we could start without the ad hominem attack. What % of workforce reduction would you recommend?
Well, OK, no ad hominem attacks. I seem to recall that you offered a few choice descriptors about "groupthink" and whatnot, responding to my post about keeping the resistance close to the ground and local. Or are insults only OK if you're wearing a MAGA hat?
About what % of cuts? I'd expand the workforce, of course. VA personnel are among the kindest and most resourceful people I've ever dealt with ( in the course of accompanying my ex around the old and new facilities), but they are way overburdened by their caseloads and the strictures of serving in a bureaucracy.
They need more clerks and people answering the phone, more people counseling and more medical personnel and specialists within the VA itself. They need more facilities. The PTSD unit at the new VA building was canceled because they just couldn't fund nor fit it into the campus. So there are PTSD treatment programs, but no beds for those afflicted.. You mentioned burn pits and Agent Orange in your reply to Wong. These disorders are also underfunded; I was shocked that a dermatologist my ex saw did not even recognize AO symptoms. A VA skin doctor should not be so ignorant.
Not every government department and workforce needs expansion. Some probably could improve from efficiency studies and cost/benefit analyses. But only a buffoon like Trump would propose a 25% cut. His advisors have all benefitted from government largesse over the years….certainly Musk has. It's a case of "for me, and not for thee".
You’ll be happy to know that the inpatient PTSD Treatment center was built at the Aurora VA Medical Center and opened late last year:
It would be remiss to not observe that the reason it wasn’t built initially was due to the gross mismanagement of the hospital construction to the tune of $1B in cost overruns. Mismanagement for which no VA employee was ever punished for, though I believe that the VA did end up losing the ability to manage construction projects with the responsibility being transferred to the Corps of Engineers. This is an example where the VA should have been internally accountable and not doing so provides support to detractors of the VA and supporters of privatization.
There's plenty of blame to go around on the delays and cost overruns in building the new VA hospital: The original contractor Kiewit-Turner, the VA "oversight" people, and lastly Mike Coffman, who used the VA hospital debacle to build his brand, grandstand politically, and attack "enemies", i.e, VA employees.
When it was finally built, Coffman tried to take all the credit, although Ed Perlmutter, whose district it used to be in, got the project unstuck and moved it forward.
Thankfully, the new VA building got done, and is beautiful and functional, although it still doesn't have adequate psych facilities. I am indeed glad that the PTSD unit finally got built.
I retired from this very-discussed VAMC in 2020, and had a front-row seat to the entire construction debacle…as usual on this fine forum, some of the facts are being presented accuractely while others are quite off the mark. (One true fact is that Green Zone Coffman did indeed exploit the entire process to build his political brand, and Permutter moved f_cking heaven, earth and purgatory to get the facility built. United Veterans Committee of Colorado also deserve mad props for their non-stop lobbying.)
My NCO Summary is that the entire construction process was doomed to fail the moment KT and the 10N VA signed their mutant contract and tried to build the facility "in a new way." Maybe someday I'll gather enough energy to write up an extened diary on all that went wrong…
While talking with some users and workers now in the building, the one thing ALL agree on — the new building is better in most ways than the old. Most also agree that having the VA, U of Colorado, and Children's on the "same" campus has improved cooperation.
I'd be interested in reading your take on the process of building. Naming names may not be needed — but surely we could learn from the relatively large amount of money dumped in.
Groupthink is not the same as an idiot. But I forgive you. I don't feel the same as Dr Wrong. Like you, I appreciate all the VA employees, doctors nurses, etc, do for those of us who choose to sacrifice for others.
When I moved to Colorado I applied for a VA job and got an interview. This was a job in the call center mind you. There were 5 individuals on the call asking questions. One interviewer would have been sufficient.
You COULD have just searched the OPM website to understand why all prospective candidates require multiple interviewers…who ask the exact same questions (approved in advance by the manager) of all candidates.
But the short answer is to prevent the appearance of favortism or croynism in the Federal hiring process. One thing that's about to go away under the Orange Clown Posse…
B, bu, but . . . just imagine how much more It’s gotta hurt Mr. PP when he gets rejected by five persons all at one time instead of just being rejected by one?
And, shit, anyway why should it need or be expected to read anything for a CALL CENTER job?
VA for EXISTING claims and benefits is running a multi-BILLION shortfall for FY2025 …
Former VA Secretary McDonough said
Just saw an article "exempting" a variety of employment classifications at the VA from the hiring freeze — so, a step in the right direction.
Here’s a link to the order enjoining trump’s birthright citizenship, EO. Zero surprise. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/25502862-tro/#document/p1
“There is a strong likelihood that Plaintiffs will succeed on the merits of their claims that the Executive Order violates the Fourteenth Amendment and Immigration and Nationality Act. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649, 694-99 (1898); Regan v. King, 49 F. Supp. 222,223 (N.D. Cal. 1942), aff’d, 134 F.2d 413 (9th Cir. 1943), cert denied, 319 U.S. 753 (1943); see also Gee v. United States, 49 F. 146, 148 (9th Cir. 1892).”
I always find it interesting when the usual right-wing/Trumpist trolls only show up in open threads and only after Trump was reelected. You guys were oddly gone for the last 4 years and never comment in specific threads that mention how the state or national GOP is doing something dumb (clever enough to not defend their stupidity as long as its not Trump I guess). The fact the discussion is only worth doing if it's to defend Trump is revealing, it indicates your devotion to Trump rather than commitment to so-called "conservative values". The apologia is odd, even the most ardent liberals on here like to disagree with each other and criticize politicians on their side when a objectively bad thing pops up, something that doesn't seem to exist with too many conservatives.
People like Pear or whatever his name is don't care about the policies of Trump or his allies, he only cares that Trump is president. Why else defend policies that will negatively affect them or just ignore them? If Harris was elected and stripped away amendents and vowed to punish conservatives and Trump supporters, you people would be losing your minds and even plan to defend yourself to the extreme (rightfully so minus the violence but the blindness to see it from the other side is inane).
Sorry but I'm back to being a rabid liberal and anti-Trump. I used to split my vote before 2016/2017. Since 2020, I was slowly returning back to my former bipartisan beliefs of possibly splitting votes and giving the GOP a chance (I did vote for some local Republicans for town elections for example). But seeing that their leader has no intention to bring people together, punishing people for simply disagreeing and seeing how even "moderate" or local Republicans are ok with his worst impulses, I'm done. Serves me right for believing the GOP even at the hyperlocal level had my mundane interests in mind when they were secretly hoping to send me to the gulags for not agreeing with them on national politics, fake smiling the whole time. Rant finally over.
Obviously, you are new to the echo chamber. Otherwise, you would have recognized me as the most beloved troll.