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BY: M Tiger
IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
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IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
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IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
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IN: Sorting Fact From Fiction On This Year’s Big Gun Bill
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IN: Monday Open Thread
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Lots of us were losing sleep over this, but Dave Williams is IN for the 5th CD race!!!!!
The Beard.
Bare faces are effeminate. The reason to wear a beard is that other men don't have impure thoughts
Most male Republican politicians campaign with a beard. Even the clean-shaven ones.
“The reason to wear a beard is that other men don’t have impure thoughts”
Quite the opposite. Dave “Let’s Go Brandon” Williams would probably be a big hit at a Bear event.
He must've got his permission slip from Trump.
Nah. He left message after message, but Donnie was sayin' "Dave who?"
Colorado Sun adds to the Williams story:
Here's how I see the behavior of Colorado GOP "leadership" for 2024:
After getting permission from Donald Trump, Dave Williams will continue to (at best) ignore Colorado GOP candidates so he can run for CD5. Meanwhile Ganahl, Walsh, the poorly named "Common Sense Institute", with the help of people with more money than sense in Florida and Texas, actually try to get Republicans in Colorado elected but in ways that are shady AF.
Why have a Colorado GOP at all when we can have shady as fuck folk from Florida and Texas drive Colorado "conservative" politics? Bang up job, Republicans.
Oh, Goody.
Dave W is going to find out that the Republicans in CD5 don't necessarily like him any better now than they did in 2022, when he primaried Lamborn and lost 59-33%. He had a short legislative stint as representative for HD15. Williams decided not to run for HD15 again.
Bills sponsored: He wanted to designate sperm-donor conceived embryos as persons, and wanted a license plate with "In God We Trust' on it. He fomented hatred against immigrants. He named some buildings and commemorated some holidays.
Being a miserable failure ( promoting fights and division, failing to raise money) as GOP Chairman will not endear him to CD5 voters. Williams is not known for his "people skills".
So I say, bring it on, Davie!
Elise Stefanik's Word Salad Auditions to be Trump's Running Mate. Emptywheel.
"Today’s appearance was, as everything will be for the next six months, an audition by Elise to be Trump’s running mate.
And that dictated her pitch perfect — from a Trumpian sense — answers to Welker’s questions.
Watch how she did it (I’m paraphrasing the transcript below. Direct quotes are marked. Trump keywords are in pink):"
Elise is as good at this kind of word salad filibuster as Jim Jordan, and she cleans up a lot better.
This is the sound of success to a word-salader/whatabouter.
It annoys me that this happens so often in interviews! I would love for an interviewer to be empowered to stay on a topic until the interviewee answers the fucking question.
It seems interviewers go into interviews with ideas like "We're gonna ask so-and-so about these 4 things in this 20 minute interview" and they're so determined to ask about those 4 things that it doesn't matter to them as much if they even get an answer to one of their questions. They have to ask about the 4 things!
I'd much rather have the interviewer spend the entire 20 minutes trying to get one actual answer rather than just move on to get 4 non-answers.
You know, the TV show could have decided not to publich the interview.
Marcy Wheeler points out that Elise is auditioning to be Trump's running mate. She spews all that word salad garbage, knowing that Trump and Republicans will hear it. EVERY sentence starts with words words that sound like language, but is punctuated afterward with a Trumpism.
The Republican Party is exclusively concerned propaganda and power. In order to gain power, you need to suck up to power.
This is the problem Chickenheed. Trump and Trumpers lie, the lie is not refuted and the subject is never discussed in any detail, then they happily move onto the next lie/issue. It's probably the most frustrating thing about politics today. I agree I would prefer to have an interviewer stop at the first issue and keep going in that direction in great detail, in order to expose the lies and the lack of any sort of evidence to support the lies.
All most of the media does now is allow a platform for lies, where a completely ludicrous assertion can be made, unchecked, because we all have to move along to the next subject. That program format doesn't work anymore in today's political world, but we Americans have a very short attention span.
It works, but it's likely to get you fired. Just ask Mr Hasan.
The smart monesy says that that ignorant, asskissing cow has the inside track to being Trump's VEEP. She checks off a lot of boxes. And she skillfully avoided falling into the trap that was the election of a news speaker in October. (Anyone else notice that her name was conspicuously absent when they went through the roll call of candidates?)
I'm curious. Ballotpedia lists these DEMS running for CD4, but I only see McCorkle on the Big Line. What am I missing?
Voter suppression exists …..
New Hampshire sends DNC cease-and-desist letter: Stop saying our primary is ‘meaningless’ | The Hill
Of course, it's like a Rorschach test. It's whatever is in the eye of the beholder.
Trump says he hopes economy crashes in next 12 months: ‘I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover’ | The Hill
I'm a bit surprised he got his Hoovers right. I would have expected him to declare, "I don't want to be J. Edgar Hoover."
There's our holy selfless Trumpy, firmly placing the interests of the country above his own.