ProgressNow Colorado, the state’s largest online progressive advocacy organization, today called on Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CD3) to apologize to her constituents in Colorado’s Third Congressional District for failing to do her job by missing the vote on the debt ceiling bill last week and then lying about her reason for missing the vote.
Enough is enough: join our call for Lauren Boebert to apologize for her dishonesty and incompetence.
There is both a written record and now video of Boebert desperately running up the Capitol steps to cast her vote, and Boebert initially claimed she was “unavoidably detained.” [1] Days later, Boebert changed her story claiming that she missed the vote as a “no show protest”. Boebert even posted a video lying about it. [2]
Members of Congress have one job: to vote on legislation. Boebert failed her most basic responsibility. And then Boebert lied about missing the vote by claiming days later it was a ‘protest’. It wasn’t.
Join our call for Rep. Boebert to apologize for her dishonesty and failure to accomplish the one job voters sent her to Washington to do. Tell us what you think of Boebert’s job performance in the comments. We will share your concerns with Boebert’s campaign and the press to ensure that she is held accountable.
Thank you for demanding better from our elected officials.
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