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December 13, 2022 07:12 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“There is no defense against adverse fortune which is so effectual as an habitual sense of humor.”

–Thomas Higginson


30 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

      1. It's material that dribbled out over the past two years, and stuff that we already know, but now it's collected in one place with context. 

        Maybe not as good as people listening to Richard Nixon's profanity-laced tapes. But, we get sequences of texts showing how Republican Senators & Republicans went down the election-fraud rabbit hole. It's also a record of how Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, organized the upper levels of the Republican Party's attempt to over-throw the constitution.

        Meanwhile, the DoJ and Jack Smith investigation of the Jan 6 riot organizers is farther along than we really though. I've seen articles today about "following the money", which should (but might not) include Ginny Thomas.

  1. Maybe a small consolation prize, but state governments matter too! From Washington Post on stuff that happened in the 2022 election:

    The total population of the states with Democratic trifectas will now be north of 140 million (about 42 percent of all Americans) compared with about 131 million for Republicans (39 percent). That’s an improvement on Democrats’ pre-election deficit of 138 million to 115 million.

    1. And then there is this ditty by Nate Cohn at the newspaper of record:

      2022 Review: How Republicans Lost Despite Winning the Popular Vote – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

      I call it, losing by winning.

      As Kevin McCarthy tries to cling on to all but four of his House Republicans, and Mitch McConnell deals with his net loss of one Republican Senate seat, they have an opportunity to empathize with Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Win the popular vote but lose the prize.

      Karma is a bitch!

      1. I thought this was a good pullout from that Times story:

        Republicans would have won the Senate, and fairly decisively, if only the likes of Dr. Mehmet Oz or Herschel Walker had fared as well as Republican House candidates on the same ballot.

        In other words, demographics are powerful but individual candidates can still make or break electoral results!

        1. There is another passage in the story where Cohn calls Barbara Kirkliar a "mainstream" Republican candidate.

          Only in a world where one stands next to Lori Saine is Kirkmeyer a mainstream candidate.

  2. Anti Contraception – The New Republican Frontlines. Ian Milhiser at Vox.

    Matthew Kacsmaryk, a Trump appointee to a federal court in Texas, spent much of his career trying to interfere with other people’s sexuality.

    A former lawyer at a religious conservative litigation shop, Kacsmaryk denounced, in a 2015 article, a so-called “Sexual Revolution” that began in the 1960s and 1970s, and which “sought public affirmation of the lie that the human person is an autonomous blob of Silly Putty unconstrained by nature or biology, and that marriage, sexuality, gender identity, and even the unborn child must yield to the erotic desires of liberated adults.”

    So, in retrospect, it’s unsurprising that Kacsmaryk would be the first federal judge to embrace a challenge to the federal right to birth control after the Supreme Court’s June decision eliminating the right to an abortion.

    Last week, Kacsmaryk issued an opinion in Deanda v. Becerra that attacks Title X, a federal program that offers grants to health providers that fund voluntary and confidential family planning services to patients. Federal law requires the Title X program to include “services for adolescents,”

    1. Before going on the bench, I wonder if Matthew Kacsmaryk was the wartime consigliere to the 36-year-old virgin, Mark Lee Dickson?

  3. Merchant of Death here.

    Is your ammo supply running low?

    Are your automatic weapons not cycling properly?

    Are your missiles subject to jamming?

    Hurry in and take advantage of our black death day sale.

    Take 20% off this killer collection of recently abandoned U.S. arms from Afghanistan. Hardly ever fired and in excellent condition. Just use the promo code "Hunter" to receive your savings. Favorable payment terms for those in Africa, Mideast, and Russia. Shop now with the terrorist you can trust!

    Crypto is not accepted.

    1. Imagine what all would have been available if Biden had kept the original dates that Trump & the Taliban agreed to.  Or what may have happened if Trump had not agreed to pressure Afghanis into letting 5,000 Taliban go free.

      1. "largest caravan in HISTORY" —  article says 1,000.

        amazing to have someone so ignorant writing headlines.  India/Pakistan partition had VAST migrant caravans … "The Day India Burned. The film explores the hidden history of what happened when Britain withdrew from India in 1947 which triggered one of the biggest migration in history.  15 Million were displaced "

        One "small" caravan of Muslims was estimated to be 20,000.

        1. Roger lost all sense of proportionality since subscribing to the grandiose pronouncements of his Orange Jesus.

          If O.J. (not the one in the infamous white Bronco, but the orange-hair clown holding court in Mar-A-Lago) and the Fox say it is the largest caravan ever, then by gosh it must be the largest caravan ever. 

      1. A new term to me, but I read a story quite some time ago about "Watson", IBMs' smartest boy, from what I gather

        For a period of three weeks, Watson studied hundreds and hundreds of oncology books, papers, and other data sources. Subsequently "he" was challenged to compare diagnoses with cancer boards. I do not recall the exact results and don't want to look them up, but I remember being astonished at the results. We are not only teaching them…they are now teaching us.

        AI sprang from robotics, in large measure, but I doubt Isaac Asimovs' " Three Laws of Robotics" are bred into our new, real, semi- sentient machines. 

        The future is here…

      2. Technically, ML is the process of having computers analyze mass sets of data for meaning and corelation. Data is tagged with meaning by humans, and the ML process figures out how the data exposes those tagged relations. The result is a model into which you can throw new data for analysis – or request computer generated creations using sets of keyword tags.

        ML is really taking off in both adoption and capability. Take a look at the "AI" art program Stable Diffusion. (Description and examples in an Ars Technica article: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/09/with-stable-diffusion-you-may-never-believe-what-you-see-online-again/)

        It has applications in detecting manufacturing flaws, intrusion detection, medical diagnosis…

  4. The spice of death

    K2, Mojo, “Scooby Snax”, “ Mr. Smiley”, synthetic cannabinoids…it’s taking a toll.  Where I work “spice” put one young man in a coma, another trans woman in hospital.

    Emergency rooms are getting hit with comatose young Spice users.

    Some synthetic cannabinoid sweets are laced with Spice….and rat poison or heavy metals. They’re nade in labs, not grown in nature. https://www.coloradonorml.org/spice-is-not-marijuana-so-stop-calling-it-that.html

    People take it to avoid “dirty” drug screens. Also to get high. They didn’t plan on passing out and never waking up again. 

    Be careful out there. 

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