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December 09, 2022 10:36 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Nobody can ever pin you down when you speculate.”

–Norman Schwarzkopf


30 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

    1. What’s the matter, Roger?

      Now that you don’t have fuel prices, or crime, or the so-called “border crisis” to rant about, you’ve taken up the cause of prison exchanges to trash Biden?

      And is Brittany Griner an attractive target for your venom because she is: (a) black, (b) lesbian, (c) advocates for civil liberties, or (d) all of the above?

    2. You know perfectly well it wasn’t the President’s choice. The deal was: take her, or no deal. Ought he to have left her there until he could get him out, too?

          1. Exactly. And if he wasn't making a deal for Whelan when he walked out with Putin in Finland looking like a beaten man, what DID he get beaten up for – or threatened with?!?

      1. There is also the issue that Whelan probably WAS spying whereas Griner's "crime" was having a little pot residue still in her vaping thing.

        We probably won't get Whelan released unless we trade one their spies for him. But, oh wait, TFG pardoned and/or released them all already. Sorry, no one to trade for Whelan.

    3. Statement from the Whalen family: 

      “There is no greater success than for a wrongful detainee to be free and for them to go home. The Biden Administration made the right decision to bring Ms. Griner home, and to make the deal that was possible, rather than waiting for one that wasn’t going to happen.”

      1. That's incredibly gracious of them; a quality the world needs more of-especially when we're still making amends around the world for all the damage The Yam did.

  1. Musk Goes Full Pizzagate ($) from Josh Marshall.

    I'm going to bail on everything Elmo Mush. I'm cancelling twitter, dumping all the Tesla fan-fiction. 

    I’ve already written about the narcissism/radicalization cycle that took hold of Elon Musk at some point for whatever reasons and has been accelerating at a rapid pace since he finalized his acquisition of Twitter six weeks ago. It keeps accelerating, and in two distinct but interrelated ways I would like to note.

    The first is that Musk is now in near constant dialogue with the most rabid conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites in the digital space. He’s jumped head first into the “globalist”/pedophile vortex which was at the heart of the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory and later the entire QAnon movement.

    It’s a very Lord-of-the-Flies-type environment Musk has spawned there. It’s not clear to me he really knows what he’s unleashed or how to control it. But there’s also little evidence he has any desire to control it or sees it as a problem.


  2. Peary  heres a good read to help you find your way back from MAGA neutralization of the grey matter.  Provided you can still read? As I am older reading and comprehending is a serious question mark at times so don't feel like the Lone Ranger.  



    1. I've seen several recent interviews with Ressa – she has an amazingly clear and simple way of summarizing what's happening in the world of alternative facts, and the dangers of lies, anger, and hatred leading toward authoritarianism.

  3. Exceedingly informative – Ethnicity, Poverty and Russian Regions, Kamil Galeev (unfortunately on twitter) 

    In this long thread, Galeev talks about the incentive for the Russian identity to homogenize Russian ethnic/cultural identity, and also to maintain regions in poverty. He says that his region (Tartarstan) post-Soviet had local aristocracy take over, which meant the wealth skimming remained local, while other regions had Moscow owners who pumped the money out-of-region, to Moscow and Europe. 

    Case of Tatarstan is very illustrative. People see ethnic balance as primordial. That's not necessarily true. Ethnic balance depends upon ethnic hierarchy. And ethnic hierarchy can be renegotiated by as little as having a well-run city amidst the post-Soviet desert

    One major consequence was the renegotiation of ethnic hierarchy. Until 1989 Russian community was indisputably dominant and the Tatar one certainly inferior one. After 1991 this balance started to crumble Once Tatarstan got richer neighbours started looking at them up, that's it

    When he was growing up, the census takers would write down everyone as russian. Post Soviet, Tatarstan was doing better than other regions because of with local-landlordism, so people were willing to be labeled Tatar, and this is the fracture point for regional breakup potential. Moscow can't permit any region or city to become successful or else that becomes a 

    Also, Galeev thinks that that the Russian "loyal opposition" in Moscow (e.g. Navalny) is part of the ruling class, and therefore any change would merely replace one tsar (or mafia overlord) with another. All roads lead to Moscow, privilege and power.

    In other words he sees Russia as a colonial empire.

  4. Whew, that was close. Vlad assured me that my basketball skills were not important. But it’s good to be home where I can hook up with my fellow terrorist friends and help Mother Russia.kill citizens who oppose Vlad. 

  5. According to the Pueblo Chieftain, Frisch has picked up a net 2 more votes in Pueblo County being the difference to 548. This is only with Pueblo and Montrose reporting their recount results so far.

    The recount has to be finished by Tuesday, but I expect most counties are done, and we just haven't heard the results yet.

  6. Elmo is destroying Twitter, but also his own credibility. From Josh Marshall at TPM.

    There’s really no limit to the levels of predation and malevolence Musk is capable of. This is simply an alternative ecosystem in which charges of pedophilia are merely cudgels in far right ideological combat. Musk actually notoriously did the same thing, though with less attention to a British caver in 2018 when the man had the temerity to decline Musk’s DYI submarine suggestion during the effort to save a group of Thai youths trapped in a flooded cave.

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