“Tyrants have always some slight shade of virtue; they support the laws before destroying them.”
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BY: ParkHill
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: Genghis
IN: Why DNI Tulsi Gabbard Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
BY: Genghis
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Trumpflation is Here
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: harrydoby
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: unnamed
IN: Obligatory Lauren Boebert/Kid Rock Gossip Thread
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“I voted for it before I voted against it”. John Kerry
"I voted for it before I voted against it."
Pear's comment reminds me of Mitch McConnell sitting on the Garland nomination for the SCOTUS for 294 days in 2016, because he wanted the people to decide first on the next president.
Fast forward to 2020 when Mitch speed-runs the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett through in about 30 days. So much for letting the people vote on the next president first.
Almost 6 million votes had been cast for the next POTUS when she was confirmed
"Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds."
– H.L. Mencken
Not an unsurprising hero of yours.
It's just another Sunday with Prfuit's low-information
friendsheros…Updated version … from so many "Republicans."
News today is that the federal budget deficit as of the end of the fiscal year on September 30 was half of the deficit from the prior year ending Sept. 30, 2021.
Biden's gonna balance the budget by the end of his second term.
Could be. But maybe not if the Federal Reserve drives the economy into recession. Deficit reduction has happened because tax receipts are up, and employment is very high. Safety Net payouts are lowered for the same reasons.
Dang, if we could eliminate the Trump give-aways to big business and billionaires…
Deficit reduction always happens with the Democratic Party trickle up economics. Increased deficits are typical of riht-wing administrations. See George Bush, Donald Trump and Liz Truss.
Can I get him to balance my budget, that's the important question.
Roger, why don't you try exercising some personal responsibility for your own budget instead of expecting the federal government to help you?
Powerful Pear … Have you run the numbers on buying electric vehicles?
Electric vehicles and solar installation for your company's base would mean much, MUCH smaller bills for diesel.
What's the breakeven point?
As a regional carrier, (CO, KS, MO, OK, TX), electric vehicles are not practical. There is no infrastructure in the hinterland for charging. Electric vehicles are best suited for local and golf course use.
My son-in-law who works for Lockheed heading a joint project with GM to develop more capable batteries for space doubts that batteries will never replace the capability of gas or diesel vehicles.
As you know Excel Energy has instituted demand pricing raising the cost of electricity needed to charge EV’s.
In every business there is a product line that contributes more profit margins than other products. So it is with residential electricity which is the cream for Excel. As more residential customers install solar, Excel’s profit margins decline. That decline is shifted to commercial customers. Which is shifted to you in everything you purchase. Can you say the word inflation?
Why would he want to do that? Deficit spending is grand and glorious for the economy. We know because the Republicans say so every time they're in power.
Why would he want to do that? ‘Cause he’s not a Republican who sees no problem with spending his grandkids money.
See, a gut feeling told me to close that last post with, "Surely they'd never LIE to us!" But did I listen? No! Always go witchyer gut.
According to the Nostradamus of Garfield County, it doesn't really matter because the righteous will soon be lifted up to the heavens while the wicked are cast into the pit of darkness.
From your buddy Nate Silver at 538.
"But the bottom line is this: If you’d asked me a month ago — or even a week ago — which party’s position I’d rather be in, I would have said the Democrats. Now, I honestly don’t know."
Of course, he has known for months. One of those Lucy and Charlie Brown relationships.
Not to fear, Pfruit. #WhiteJesus has your back.
What is she holding in her left hand? A Billy Club? A dildo? A sawed-off stickball bat?
The dildo of consequences? (which rarely arrives lubed)
Pear’s #WhiteProsperityJesus works in mysterious ways. The old bat probably picked it up on sale at the porn shop next to Four Seasons Landscaping? Maybe Rudy got her a deal?
Whatever happened to that crack pot Paula White? Is she busy fluffing these Angels of Death?
What a gold digger! She should be arrested for elder abuse.
Jeez, you make Gutfeld seem funny.
On the other hand, Garfield (the cat) doesn't need Pear's help to be funny.
Just got done filling out my ballot. Will drop it off tomorrow. I am just shaking my head: Why are Lang Sias (State Treasurer), Donald Rossier (County Commissioner), Faye Giffin (County Treasurer), and Lizzy Szabo (County Assessor), on my ballot? I know the Republican bench is not deep, but this is a really sorry set of re-tread losers.
Because you live in the wrong county.
Because Jeffco Republicans are really good environmentalists in that they believe in recycling ….. candidates.
What nursing home did they find Faye in? If she wins this race, even money says she won’t complete a full term because she’ll resign so she can run for something else.
Empty-G: One heart beat away from the presidency?
When Goerge H.W. Bush rolled out Dan Quayle as his running mate, a friend of mine said, "It's impeachment insurance."
Trump may be thinking the same thing.
Maybe you need a thinking class of friends.
Powerful Pear…you are an example of what the russian people have known for years as a Vatnyk…Being a MAGA is the same thing as a russian vatnyk…and we should apply russian mercy to all magas…
I remember people saying Quayle was life insurance.
What a difference 30 years makes!
Danny has matured from being that silly boy arguing with Murphy Brown to becoming a grown man to whom Mike Pence could turn for advice on constitutional law.
The Veep debates would be E.P.I.C.
Who is going to tell her?
Democrats have lost ground with the Breakfast Taco and black demographics. More troubling is the loss of support among the moron population.
How bad must it be that even the morons know Biden/PolCat policy is sending America into the toilet?
What the hell is the”breakfast taco” demographic? Is that your nasty little racist name for Latine / Hispanic people?
By the way, as per usual, your summary of the article you linked to has nothing in common with the article.
Not mine but Dr Jill Biden addressing a group in San Antonio. You can google Jill Biden Breakfast Taco for a YouTube replay. See what a great service I provide.
We’re grateful for your service, Pfruit! From your #ussygrabber-in-chief:
Over Taco Bowl, Donald Trump Proclaims on Cinco de Mayo: ‘I Love Hispanics!’
(Of course this douchebag loves Hispanics)
President Biden – Capehart exclusive interview last Friday on MSNBC
But, but, but…Pfruits political mistress was all over Twitter this morning telling her moran followers that POTUS fell asleep during the interview!
Bad sheep.
Your point?
Welp… I’m sure the dynamics of the race have now been turned upside down 🤣
DeSantis endorses O'Dea in Colorado Senate race, bucking Trump
With friends like that…
The “Take Back Our Country Tour” finds its way to Colorado (starring one of the biggest Medicare fraudsters in our nation’s history and the woman that oversees the payment of Fat Donnie’s legal reimbursements from party funds):
MichaelBowman — Maybe I missed it … what venue was being used?
I Googled "Take back our Country" and "Colorado" and found nothing.
From the photo, it could be nearly any "RNC Community Center" — the heralded "GOP Outreach" effort that was going to drive the ground game with minority voters AND find answers or help for the "community."
If you throw a campaign event in your own headquarters, does it help a great deal? Asking for a Republican …..
I had the same thoughts, John. Couldn't find any additional info, either. They seem to have a pattern of hosting events and then announcing them after they're over. That was from my Sunday Twitter feed and it didn't disclose the location. (O'Anyway,
HiediHeidi! and Barb are in the pictures so I made the assumption it did happen here?)