Welcome news for longsuffering Democrats hoping for a pickup in the newly-competitive CD-6: per a press release this morning, state Rep. Joe Miklosi has turned the corner on his so-far terrible fundraising, posting a much improved $235,000 for the first quarter of 2012.
Contributions over the last three months of $235,174 have brought the campaign’s total raised to more than $474,000. Miklosi has seen a dramatic surge in donor activity since clearing the primary field in the new 6th congressional district six weeks ago. The campaign reports over 2000 donors in the first quarter including 1,965 from individual contributors.
“As we head into this election, I am grateful to have the active involvement of so many individuals in our campaign,” said Miklosi. “I believe it’s because they fully understand that we are fighting for the future of our country.”
Miklosi has been focused on incumbent Mike Coffman’s voting record. Coffman supports the Ryan budget which ends Medicare as we know it; the Blunt amendment which allows employers to determine whether your health insurance provides coverage for contraception and other items; and the Colorado Personhood amendment which outlaws abortion even in the case of rape, incest or the health of the mother.
Miklosi makes comparisons to some 2010 congressional challengers that appear favorable at first glance, but Ryan Frazier and Cory Gardner didn’t lay eggs quarter after quarter like Miklosi did at first. If anything, Miklosi’s comeback is more significant and he shouldn’t sully it.
And of course, $235,000 in Q1 is still less than half incumbent Rep. Mike Coffman’s haul for the same period. No Democrat should be under any delusions here: we would say this is the absolute least that Rep. Miklosi could have raised this quarter to remain in this race with anything you could call “viability.” But within the big picture there are other encouraging signs: according to the campaign nearly half of this total was raised in the final month of the quarter, after it sank in that Miklosi’s primary field was clear. Miklosi also says he raised some $75,000 of this total in relatively small online donations, a sign that side of his campaign is bearing fruit.
Bottom line: this is just the first step in what must be a totally rebooted effort from Rep. Miklosi if he is to have a serious chance at taking out the heavily-reinforced Coffman–a temporary reprieve at best. But the fact that we’re having this conversation at all, that is a conversation ending with Miklosi having any kind of shot, could fairly be called a significant turnaround. Miklosi doesn’t have to outraise Coffman, and it’s clear at this point that he’s not going to.
But he has to bring in enough to function, and enough to remain at least somewhat viable in the eyes of national donors. Today, you have your first real indication he might.
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The fact that he also has integrity makes him the better candidate. Remember, Democrat’s votes will not cost as much as Republican’s votes in this election. Women are fuming at the GOP. Met more women last night who never got involved in politics before, but are happy to help our march on April 28th because Tea Party legislators like Mike Coffman scare the hell out of them.
where does Joe live?
How bout Coffman? Cherry Hills? His own island in the Pacific?
Sometimes I forget you are 2.0 and not 1.0. Yeah, Joe moved to Aurora a while back. He always had ties here — after tuition equity didn’t pass, he used to come to meetings that we held with Morgan Carroll to regroup, for example. He’s been at meetings for the disabilities community. He comes to events in Aurora all the time — always has. Check my facebook photo albums. He’s in there a lot; Joe’s always been concerned about Aurora. That’s why he was a great candidate from the beginning.
Why would who asked make any difference? It was a simple question, one you used to imply a long time Aurora resident lives on their own private island.
“A while back” seems generous to my understanding. His current district does not include Aurora, correct? So it can’t be more than two years.
You’d be better off making the argument that it doesn’t really matter. I suspect it would be better, however, to come to terms and deal with it. Aurora is a proud city (now) and not living there is most probably a detriment to any candidate running there. Get over it and start telling people (not me; IDGARA) why it shouldn’t matter. No snippy needed.
Really a poor thing for someone claiming Miklosi to be doing in public. Very shabby.
he was still living in Denver as late as February 1, 2012. So I think his move to Aurora is pretty recent. Like within the last 6 weeks.
that’s like 10 months in dog weeks.
They finally moved a few months ago. I can’t tell you the day. And yes, I disagree, Droll. Having him a few miles closer is great for Aurora. We see him even more now.
Having lived in Arapahoe County for 20+ years, I can tell you that Aurorans and E. Centennial folks DO care if their representative lives here. It’s a whole different world than Coffman’s Greenwood Village/Cherry Hills world.
The only opinion I offered you just agreed with. Although, it is super fun to watch you contradict yourself in not just a single post, but a single sentence.
I’ve been in this area for 21 years and the only place I’ve ever seen him was in Highlands Ranch.
Miklosi didn’t move a “few months ago.” He moved in February, which is less than 6 weeks ago.
For the love of God, this is not exactly a state secret so stop spinning it when you can be so easily disproven. This diary should be about what he raised; not an entire hijacking of a thread because you can’t bring yourself to honestly answer when he moved into CD 6.
is incorrect in stating he registered at his new residence on February 27. According to his voter registration info, he registered March 27.
I was wrong. Two months ago is not a few months ago. Are we done?
I would so much rather talk about the policy differences between these two men, than squabble about how many weeks since someone moved. Joe grew up in a working class home with a working mom and a dad who was a teacher. Joe gets middle income people, especially women. Coffman hobnobs with corporate execs and Tea Party activists — neither of whom are mainstream Aurorans. Isn’t that really what this should be about?
an honest answer to an honest question. Live and learn, Nancy. Live and learn.
you make the best point in this thread about making the argument that it doesn’t really matter. You are dead on. It doesn’t matter one iota and should not be an issue, except for desperate Republicans that can’t find something better to bitch about.
Predictably, conservatives are shrieking that now that he’s moved to Aurora he can’t properly represent his HD in Denver. Bullshit. It’s not like he moved to Telluride. I feel fairly confident he can still continue to represent his constituents, even with a 20 minute commute.
That’s always confused me. It’s not like as you make that drive there’s a definite line between the two cities.
But who the hell have the two of us ever been? (Rocking, kickass, brilliant… I digress.)
Still no call from him, but I at least got calls from his office.
Any possibility of help from the DCCC?
Hey, I know this guy! Love you, Caroman!
I’m not an official mouthpiece of the Miklosi campaign — they’ll divulge in due time. Kickass job, Team Miklosi! 🙂
And 2000+ donors!
Can I come to DC for your inauguration? Bennet’s folks still owe me a tour of his digs there.
The guy raises less than HALF what his opponent raises, and the commenters are asking for inauguration tixs! You guys are unbelievably desperate for good news.
Excuse me if I’m not going to write Mike Coffman off just yet. Can Miklosi raise MORE than 50% of what Coffman raises? Inquiring minds want to know!!
Singular. And someone heavily involved in the campaign. Yeah, super shocking they are all positive. Gotta read the whole diary for the viewpoint you seem to share.
But hey, no one wants to inconvenience you.
You might be the Peak author who took Nancy’s comments as representative of anyone but Nancy herself. Stupid, but not as dumb as taking her comments here and saying that more than one person is making them.
According to this article, Romney has to spend $37 per vote in this current political climate. Seems sound public policy trumps corporate deals, lately. What are Coffman’s numbers per vote, GOP? How does your polling say he is doing with women not in the Tea Party?
if both Coffman and Mittens lose in November, I’ll give you my hankie.
One quarter of decent fundraising does not make Joe Miklosi viable. He has a long way to go… and with a weak legislative record.
I was surprised the other day to hear an Aurora city employee remark that a significant number of the city’s officials (not its state legislators) feel that they did not work to get Aurora its own congressional district just to have a Denver carpetbagger be its first congressman.
Very few people in Aurora know who Miklosi is. The same cannot be said about Mike Coffman, who represented parts of the city in the state House, state Senate, and the southern half in Congress for the past four years. The new 6th CD has a strong military presence — both active duty and retired — which Miklosi has no connection with.
Coffman is no stranger to Aurora having lived within the city limits since 1964. He has strong ties to many different constituencies in the city, which gave him their support in his three successful statewide races. Coffman’s late father has better ID in Aurora than Miklosi does!
In the new 6th CD, I truly believe there are two candidates people there already know and have had their minds made up about — Mike Coffman and Barack Obama. Either folks like one or both, or they do not. I don’t know about the president, but I’m sure Andrew Romanoff’s and Brandon Schafer’s pollsters can tell you… voters in the new 6th CD like Mike Coffman.