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April 05, 2012 03:45 PM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Evil is inevitable, but is also remediable.”

–Horace Mann


38 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

  1. Mann hated those little kiddies running around like animals. No we have an entire society based on compliancy. Those who sit in their seat and are good test takers are rewarded even though they may be as stupid as a box of rocks! The rebels are being pushed out, starved to death.

    1. One question I have here Alby, why aren’t the rebels rebelling if as you say, they are being pushed out, starved to death?

      Second, maybe it’s the tests … should inner city kids, those from rural meth hotspots, and rebels as you say, be allowed to take standardized test questions dealing with killing, illegal border crossings, rebel-shit, drugs, family abuse versus math, reading?

      Or is it those freaking homeschoolers and kids who believe in Jesus that really bother you? You know Republican performing, low information voters as you guys here at Pols refer to them.

      1. Libertad, where does a person start?

        Forget the word “rebels”. Albert’s point is valid. Children learn best when education is hands-on, multi-cultural, thematic, multi-dimensional, multi-sensory, and cognizant of their developmental needs for movement and collaborative socialization. Sitting still in school looking at two-dimensional text only, does not reach many students who learn in a multitude of other ways (see Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory). Hundreds of sound scientific studies will back up those points.

        As for kids who believe in Jesus, I have two questions. Believe what about him (“Was he an important historical figure who influenced public culture or a god?”), and why is he relevant in school? He’s relevant like Shakespeare and George Washington and Plato are relevant, because they greatly influenced human history. Doctrine and dogma should be kept in church, synagogue, temple or mosque, where they belong — thank you very much. (And I say this as a person of faith.)  

      2. in my work volunteering for a youth substance-abuse program a few years back, many of the most serious abusers were in Cherry Hills, Highlands Ranch and Cherry Creek. Kids with higher levels of free time (not working after school) and more disposable income, were much more likely to be partying after school. It’s a huge problem. Many of the kids had parents who were workaholics — business owners, doctors, lawyers, bankers, etc., and the kids were crying out for their attention. We often told the parents to take away their allowance, hide Mom’s purse, spend more time with their kids, and make sure the kid get an after-school job (among other things) or sports to keep them out of trouble.

        Substance abuse is completely irrelevant to socio-economic class, identification with a religious affiliation, or the make-up of their family. It is related to kids not feeling connected to adults who want them to succeed in life. Any adults can mentor a kid (spend time with them, encourage them, etc.), and it almost always makes a difference. Don’t believe me? Do some research, Libby.

        These bigoted assumptions about social issues make me wonder if you volunteer anywhere. Your assumptions about how the world works are straight out of Rush Limbaugh’s la-la land.  

      3. again, completely unrelated to socio-economic class. The only education that affects it is specifically education about child development. You’d be shocked how many rich guys and women abuse their kids. The difference is the rich ones are far more likely to be able to fight it… because they are the ones who can afford good lawyers.

        When I taught preschool many years ago, we had a family that was extremely wealthy. Baby was “failure to thrive” and was always crying. We found out later the appearance-obsessed Mom was giving him non-fat milk in his bottle “so he wouldn’t be chubby”. Guess what? Dad was an important (and wealthy) member of the community in which they lived, and had an MBA. They just had no common sense about raising kids. They weren’t any better than the 16 year old street Moms putting soda in their kid’s bottle that we also had to educate. Education is everything.

        Don’t get me started on Republicans who refuse to fund education adequately…

        Here’s an article I was reading five minutes ago on child abuse that addresses the education about child development part:

        1. It would be refreshing to think that such direct, intelligent, comments could elicit a thoughtful response from our dear tadpole.



      4. to this site.

        Your every post is like a child ringing the neighbor’s doorbell, a bag of poop burning on his porch, you skipping away, giggling with schoolgirl glee.

        But this one’s particularly offensive, in that you show the mean spirited nastiness necessary to revel in a scenario that involves a child growing up in horrible conditions.

        I really appreciate what Nancy Cronk wrote in response to your bullshit, but I fear you didn’t even bother to read it.

        What’s wrong with you?  

        1. restraining myself by not responding to any ‘tad stuff. Yeah, I know I’ve said that before. One day at a time, right? And this comment just used up half my new quota for a 2 comment daily average.

          At the rate projected by this thread, looks like Nancy will win top spot for quantity as well as favorite next time.  Go Nancy.  

          1. I think you said once that you are Jewish (I hope I remember that right and am not mixing you up with another Polster). If so, Chag Sameach! Wishing you, and all of our Jewish friends here, a beautiful family holiday.

            And to our Christian friends, wishing you a wonderful Easter, as well!

            1. Eastre  pre-dates Christianity by centuries and isn’t really a Christian holiday at all; i.e., it’s not mentioned in the New Testament.  

              The resurrection sure.  But Ishtar not.  But I still hope everyone has a nice weekend doing whatever they do for whatever reason they do it.

                1. Come home from church, eat a bunch of ham and chocolate and deviled eggs, and put on Return of the Living Dead or whatever other zombie movie we have around.

                  1. Matthew 27:45-53

                    … and the tombs were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;  and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.

                    seems the Aramaic protopunks writing the fiction didn’t just raise JC for a 40-day post death walkabout —  nah there was a whole buncha other roamers scaring up Jerusalemites.  

                    and btw, great choice in flix.  It ain’t Romero but there’s a tie-in with Army Col. Glover’s classic line, “the Easter eggs have hatched,” to describe the pop-topped milspec waste drums that begot the Zees (you’ll catch it at this watching).

            2. Now I have to use my second comment so as not to be rude.

              Yep, I’m Jewish, thank you for the Pesach good wishes and as I recall you have some connection with Judaism in your family, too. Happy Holidays. All of them.  

              As to Madco’s observation, I personally think most holidays are based on earlier pagan traditions. Christmas and Chanukah, celebrations both of which feature lights (burning yule logs morphed into Christmas trees with lights, Chanukah candles, etc.), probably don’t just coincidentally come around winter solstice and Passover and Easter seem suspiciously connected to ancient pagan spring rites, bunnies being fertility symbols as well as eggs which figure in both Easter and Passover traditions (roasted egg on ritual plate).  Also lambs. Apparently humans have been celebrating the return of the sun and the spring promise of fertility and rebirth of the natural world for a very long time in different ways through different cultural lenses. It’s all good, as they say.

              Now I’m going to take advantage of my final post for the day,  I offer a couple of items illustrating two things Obama will have going for him in his rival:

              The Romney lack of appeal on close inspection

              In state after state, Romney has grown less popular the longer the campaign wears on and the better voters get to know him. The same thing happened in 2008, the first time Romney sought the GOP nomination.


              The fact that Romney thinks attacking Obama on the Romney health care plan is such a good idea he is now attacking him for attending the Romney alma mater

              Mitt Romney continued his verbal assault on President Obama on Thursday, accusing him of spending “too much time at Harvard” while speaking at a rooftop event in Harrisburg, Penn.

              It’s an odd attack coming from a fellow Harvard graduate, especially considering Romney spent more time at the Ivy League institution than Obama did.


              Have fun discussing among yourselves if feel you the urge.  I’m closing up shop for the day.

              1. I don’t think anyone will mind if you post three times today. Heck, we won’t even notice. 🙂

                I grew up in a confused religious home (Mom fundamentalist Southern Baptist, Dad Episcopalian or Catholic (his parents were a mix), so we attended a Methodist church. When I became a teenager, I decided the Hell-fire and brimstone was not for me and I became a liberal Jew. 26 years since the old dunk in the mikveh. About ten years ago, I started going to a UU congregation that was in my neighborhood (UUs are culturally Christian, but theologically almost identical to liberal Jews — as Rabbi Zwerin used to call them, “Jews without holidays”. My kids have all been raised in Judaism — 14 consecutive years in Jewish education each. I’m actually somewhat observant in my own very nontraditional, modern way (shocker, I know).

                I’ve studied World Religions and was ordained through an Interfaith Seminary to perform weddings and funerals. Done about 75 — mostly friends or friends of friends. Lots of gay weddings. My bottom line — I’ll respect anyone’s faith observance, or lack thereof, if they are nice people. Period. As Margaret Mead once said, “Most people are more alike than different. It’s their ignorance of another that keeps them apart.”

                Bunnies? Charoset? Dumplings for Chinese New Year? Bring it on. I love it all!

                1. “I’ll respect anyone’s faith observance or lack thereof, if they’re nice people”.

                  “Most people are more alike than different. It’s their ignorance of another that keeps them apart”.

                  When I read your post last night, it made me go to bed wondering why 300 million Americans can have so much in common, yet sometimes treat eachother so badly.

                  I’m well aware this is only a single reason among a myriad, but here goes.

                  Limbaugh, Beck, Caplis, Rosen, all Fox stooges, and the right wing paid mouth pieces in general are actively engaged in the task of making sure “our ignorance of eachother keeps us apart”.

                  Disinformation that appeals to peoples’ lesser angels.

                  Again, what a nice post.

  2. How The ‘Crowdfunding’ Bill Was Passed

    Senate staffers claimed that Bennet’s bill was a “significant course correction at the last minute,” and that although it “didn’t cure all the woes,” Bennet “made the best of a situation that could have gone worse.”

    Bennet’s work behind the scenes, along with those of Merkley and Brown was what made the difference, according to one staffer.

    If it works out well then kudos to Senator Bennet. And I probably owe him a personal thank you as this will probably be of direct benefit to me.

    But I think this is going to lead to a lot of fraud and very little useful investment.

  3. More on location when I know.

    Very important for any person that suspects he/she might be on the “inactive list” to check, and make sure that they’re registered.

    Word is, any in ballot voters that sat out ’10 are “inactive” for ’12, at least at this point.

    Just make sure. You’ll thank yourself for it.

  4. Am I too high or too low in my guesses about January to March fundraising figures?

    Sal Pace: $210,000

    Scott Tipton 240.000

    Joe Miklosi $115,000

    Brandon Shaffer $95.000

    Cory Gardner $725,000

    1. For the others, I have no idea. I bet your figures on Shaffer are too low, too, but I don’t say that with the same confidence as I do for Pace.

      1. Nice signature. Imitation is the highest form of flattery!

        Trayvon Matrin was 17 years of age, 6 feet tall and 160 Lbs.  This places him in the 75 percentile for weight and 95% tile for height.  A big boy like that could kill a man with a well-timed swing.


        1. Is a beanpole. BMI=21.7

          I just got back from Disney World, watching the parade of Americans on Rascal scooters too fat to walk.  I saw a 15 year old who must have weighed 500 lbs.

          I call bullshit on your 75th percentile for weight.  Maybe in Somalia.

        2. a coward like that could murder a child and get away with it.  

          Any thought in that brain of yours that perhaps the child Trayvon, who was stalked and accosted by an armed man with no ID, was maybe in fear for his life and in a flight/fight scared mode?  And there are 2 witness accounts that say they heard a “very young voice” whining, with no sounds of a fight and then heard a gunshot and the crying stopped immediately …”  

          and btw, Trayvon was carrying a can of iced tea in one hand while talking on his phone (which means his other was in use) and somehow carrying skittles on the darkened walkway 70 yds from his home.  But Zimmerman went chasing after this child into the darkened area with a gun and a phone (but not on any call because he had already hung up on the dispatcher).  If Trayvon was such an  intimidating hooded figure in the dark do you really think Zimmerman confronted him  without his gun raised?  


        3. You must be an ectomorph if that’s scary to you. But I doubt it, because you’re pulling this stuff right out of your ass. Killing a person without a weapon is almost impossible, and the only people who can do it have undergone special training – something we can be assured no mere teen gets, and can’t be learned from the fucking internet. (Do you remember alleging that just playing GTA could teach it? I do.)

          Now, go back to that thread and click on the first link I gave you. Zimmerman weighs well over 200 lbs and I believe was even taller. That was one of the facts you laughed off (probably nervously, since they wash away the foundation of shit on which your argument rests.)

  5. just more proof that the Stay-Puft clown is a grifter at heart: Newt Gingrich’s Think Tank Files For Bankruptcy

    The Center for Health Transformation, which Gingrich launched in 2003, plans to liquidate its assets. According to the Washington Post, the group collected at least $37 million from health care insurers, pharmaceutical companies and other industry groups over the last eight years, reportedly offering access to Gingrich among other incentives.

    In its bankruptcy filing, the think tank listed estimated liabilities of $1 million to $10 million.

    He’s a serial adulterer & swindler and yet the delusional party of “responsibiity” actually gives him a platform for his grift?  Hilarious!  Hope Ali didn’t loan Uncle Newt too many Benjamins for this play.

  6. After yesterday’s climate discussion, I thought I’d follow up with this.

    March 23, 2012  вЂў  The last 10 days have brought what may be the gentlest round of extreme weather ever to grace the United States. It’s hard to think of March temperatures in the 70s and 80s as anything other than delightful. Yet beneath that pleasant veneer lies one of the most bizarre weather episodes in recent U.S. history. A summerlike dome of high pressure across the Midwest, coupled with a stream of warm, humid air from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, sent temperatures soaring to unheard-of levels for this time of year.

    As one example, there were several instances where the low for the day was warmer than the previous record high!

    1. In Grand Junction, right next door to shell of the now-defunct White Star barber shop where I used to get my hair cut back when I had enough to be worth cutting.  Being just down the street from the Courthouse, the White Star was gossip central.  In fact, it was the move of the courthouse to a different building several blocks away that killed it.

      The turquoise mosaic bank in the background used to be owned by a Democrat back when we had Democrats here.  Now Club 20 occupies the top floor.

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