You may have noticed that The Denver Post’s op-ed columnists Mike Littwin and Vincent Carroll have written a flurry of blog posts recently.
Well, that is, if you call Littwin’s four posts since Oct. 28 a flurry, which I would, given that Littwin wrote six blog posts this year prior to Oct. 28. Littwin jump started his blogging with string of two blog posts on the same day, Oct. 28.
Carroll has written ten blog posts since Oct. 5, when he apparently first started blogging.
I asked Littwin via email if he was joining the ranks of the blogging class, in addition to writing his normal column.
His response:
Yeah, I’m trying to join the digital-first, or at least digital-second, world. Obviously, you can’t be a full-time columnist and full-time blogger – or an old guy like me can’t, anyway – but I’m trying to do some blogging, and even tweeting, on days when I’m not columnizing. We’ll see how it works. When I’m blogging, I am, by necessity, sacrificing some of the time I would normally spend doing old-fashioned reporting for my column. But I’m not blind to the new realities, so I’m giving it a whirl.
You can find his “Fair and Unbalanced” blog here. Carroll’s blog is here.
They’re both off to a good start. It’s an honor to have them join us here in the blogosphere.
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