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October 23, 2011 07:00 PM UTC

A Much Better Saturday For Occupy Denver

  • by: Colorado Pols

Westword’s Kelsey Whipple reports:

The close of tonight’s Occupy Denver concert was a completely different scene from only one week ago. Although it ended with police presence, the number of cops left is the same 10 to 15 who stayed from last night until about 5 a.m. to monitor those who have grown used to falling asleep to the sound of honking. The most important difference, however, is that the night ended without altercation…

“Our goal right now is really just to play it cool,” protester Scianda Long says. “We’re still not going to leave, and we have no plan to, but we also have no plans to get arrested again. We’re keeping things as peaceful as possible.”

…One of the reasons tonight’s turnout might have been lower than expected is the lack of police altercations within the last week, which helped to raise the group’s attendance at last weekend’s rally. Instead, the day focused firmly on entertainment and community-building. (Aside from dirty pots, zero evidence of any of the Thunderdome’s several meals throughout the day remained in the kitchen at its close.)

The night’s entertainment included a diverse mix of rock and electronica artists and public speakers, including the American Indian Movement’s leader Glenn Morris and local electronica act Whomp Truck, for an evening that eventually ended with blown speakers and a mix of both talented and terrible dancing. The result was a surprisingly subtle progression from a week that ended with 50 arrests.

Some reports have suggested that the crowd for yesterday’s Occupy Denver rally was a bit smaller than the several thousand who marched last Saturday, others have told us that the crowd’s peak size yesterday afternoon was comparable to anything they’ve seen. Either way, we consider it a very positive development that the focus of the Occupy Denver protests is turning away from conflict with city and state elected officials over camping in downtown parks, and back toward the actual message of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Needless confrontation over justifiable enforcement of the law made it difficult for many sympathetic to the broader goals of these protesters to get behind the protests as they were playing out here.

The fact is, the first real winter weather of the season is expected to hit Denver this week. Because much of the United States is not blessed with the fine winter weather enjoyed in, for example, Tahrir Square in Cairo, it was always the case that the Occupy Wall Street protesters were going to need to switch tactics seasonally. In New York City, the protesters have obtained indoor storage space, and are making realistic plans to keep their organization together through the winter months. Also, let us just say we would have arranged for this well before now, Port-a-Potties are expected to arrive in lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park soon.

As a movement that claims to represent fully 99% of Americans, and by extension 99% of the people of Colorado, what is needed from the Occupy Denver protests is more functional engagement. Instead of being marginalized by arrests and unsanitary campouts in the heart of the city, if they can spend these winter months organizing among the majority of ordinary, law-abiding citizens who agree with their message–and yes, peacefully show up in big numbers at least every Saturday–it will help them achieve the legitimacy they’re looking for.

Because as you know, and some fear, there’s a lot of nice weather forecast in 2012…


22 thoughts on “A Much Better Saturday For Occupy Denver

  1. 99% but you must admit some ongoing drama, including arrests and controversy, are what have kept this movement in the news and expanding across the nation.  I’ve been to many polite, well behaved, mature gatherings of a thousand or two here in Denver on various issues that have been pretty much ignored by the media. More good than harm done so far, I think, sanitation issues not withstanding.  

  2. This is so precious, look at the Dead Governors begging the black flag mob to clean themselves up for the cameras. Obama needs you, fellow traveler anarchist brothers! Stop defecating in the park and getting yourselves arrested, please!! You’re making Dear Leader look bad!

    I can’t believe you used to say the Tea Party hurts the right.

    One more thing: the latest poll released today not your four day old poll, says support for OWS is down to 37%. So much for your “majority support.” It must be the smell!


    1. You really sound pathetic. If what they do doesn’t matter, why do you post about them constantly, even in threads that have nothing to do with them?

      You look like one of those guys who drives a loud motorcycle because he has a small penis.

    2. Why can’t fuck-sticks like you stay out of politics? You pride yourself on your own ignorance, you have no fucking clue what the difference is between a fact and an opinion, and when you run out of made up shit to spout you reduce yourself to elementary school taunts like the ones above which could be summarized as “You’re all Obama lovers with poopy pants!”. Grow up or fuck off.

      And, in your view, is Obama an inept socialist or a secretive megalomaniac anarchist? Pick one and hate him for it. Stop making shit up.

      1. anarchism, radicalism or any other ism. They just know that all the above along with being a secret Muslim and wanting Islamist terrorists to win are bad so they just throw them all at Obama who is, by any objective measure, a completely non-any-of-above-centrist. Friggin Eisenhower back in the vanilla, Father knows Best 50s made more radical, liberal statements (self proclaimed liberal, warnings about the military industrial complex, etc.) than anything anyone’s ever heard from Obama.

        The only radical thing about Obama and the cause for all the hyperbolic hysteria, far fetched name calling, accusations of foreign birth, Mau Mau ties and the advent of the Koch funded Tea Party movement is the, to them, jarring matter of that “other” color in the White House. Otherwise they’d be criticizing him on honest policy differences without, as you say, hysterically making all this other insane stuff up out of thin air.

        Try not to let these clowns raise your blood pressure too much, Scott.

  3. It’s been in the 20s for a long time. ‘Tad ought to love this one because it includes his fave kind of +/- measure:

    From Oct 13:

    “The new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows that Americans support the Occupy Wall Street protests by a two-to-one margin (37 percent in favor, 18 percent opposed) while more Americans view the Tea Party negatively (28 percent in favor, 41 percent opposed).

    “This means the Occupy Wall Street protests have a net favorability of +19 percent while the Tea Party has a net favorability of -13 percent…”


    1. I see your buddy Bo Brownstein copped to a guilty plea on insider trading …. let me guess …. 5 years probation, court costs and a $25,000 fine + disgorgement 50% of the felonious sale that netted $5 million.

      Ah the life of a 35 year old hedge fund CEO who’s daddy is a massive Washington DC lobbyist.

      1. composed of a Republican controlled House and a Senate in which all 47 Republicans routinely filibuster any and all Democratic generated legislation. So that would be pretty much 13% approval for what Republicans in congress are doing, unless it’s still lower for them when you separate Rs out, as it was a month ago. And I’d be interested to hear all about allyncooper being buddies with Brownstein from allyncooper.

        1. Bo Brownstein is no buddy of mine. I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on his head if his hair was on fire – ditto for the old man.

          Norman Brownstein was on the board of directors of the company I worked for in the 80’s (the same people doing the deals with Neil Bush) that was involved in the S & L looting. Brownstein’s law firm pocketed millions as counsel for the ADC loans obtained from Silverado, Columbia, and others (all of which failed with the taxpayers picking up the tab). He and others should have been prosecuted and jailed, but they weren’t because they got Mike Norton appointed US Attorney who failed to prosecute anyone ( I had an FBI agent admit this to me).

          Brownstein and Larry Mizel of Richmond Homes  were the campaign chairmen of Norton’s failed US Senate campaign previously to him being appointed US Attorney, so Brownstein’s immunity from prosecution was bought and paid for.

          You have the Bush crime family and the Brownstein crime family. Take your pick, but in many respects they are one and the same.  

  4. Last night the womp truck brought out mostly ravers and the “hippie” type that the opposition is complaining about.

    The core of this movement (was) is about the gross inequality and preferential treatment of the rich in this country. It is about the legitimate grievances of mainstream America.

    Its not about getting a bunch of kids together to “fight the man”… if they even have a clue what that means.  

    1. about getting a bunch of kids together to “fight the man.”

      That’s how movements start.

      There is no amount of Koch Brothers money in the world that can overcome the desire to fight injustice.

      Postpone it, yes.  But fight it, never.

    2. and are now saying you’re disappointed in what it’s become. Honest to God, nobody gives a fuck what you think of it currently or what you think it should be.

      Also, why did you stop posting as “oblivious”?  

      1. Not so much of the apparent Bateman attempt-takeover.

        And of course I want to see it continue to grow, just not become counterproductive.

        By all means feel free to not respond to my thoughts if you don’t care, sxp.  

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