( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Just Reporting the numbers – I will let the armchair quarterbacks give us their epic wisdom. Pols – Did you know about Bob Evans from cd5… bobevansforcongress.com Looks like a WINNER!
CD 1 Degette Raised 105,585.72, COH 132,156.68
CD 2 Polis Raised 198,540.79, COH 226,147.12
CD 3
Pace Raised 165,786.02, COH 212,626.06
Tipton Raised 303,880.35, COH 510,819.94
CD 4
Gardner Raised 374,062.96, COH 619,301.48
Shaffer Raised 179,502.15, COH 121,031.66
Lamborn Raised 58,983.50, COH 213,776.85
Evans – http://bobevansforcongress.com/ No report filed
Coffman Raised 171,277.35, COH 602,314.15
Miklosi Raised 130,504.57, COH 96,544.95
CD 7
Perlmutter Raised 168,645.00, COH 453,318.23
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no corporate love for Lamborn…or just no serious competition from Mr. Evans?
So maybe he literally has nothing to report?
The only way Lamborn get’s tossed out of office is the same way Degette gets tossed out, with a primary opponent.
Great panoramic photo, marred only slightly by the obvious Photoshopping in of a rather grumpy looking, forlorn candidate.
Or is that just interest on her war chest?
that’s why I’m Oblivious.
Shaffer needs help. He is a great candidate, and could beat Gardner easily if only he has enough funding.
Miklosi is doing a great job considering no one has ever taken CD6 seriously in the past. With new boundaries, CD6 is now a player in elections, and Miklosi is kicking serious ass. No wonder Coffman started talking like a moderate lately (which is all hot air by the way). Way to go, JOE!
Since no one knows whether his district will even be winnable or not. Or (conceivably) what district he ends up running in.
He still needs money. Send him cash everyone! The guy is awesome — good listener, rational thinker, compassionate heart, inspiring speaker, — the whole package. http://shafferforcolorado.com/
Miklosi is doing a great job considering no one has ever taken CD6 seriously in the past. With new boundaries, CD6 is now a player in elections, and Miklosi is kicking serious ass. No wonder Coffman started talking like a moderate lately (which is all hot air by the way). Way to go, JOE!
by: nancycronk @ Sun Oct 16, 2011 at 09:21:19 AM MDT
What new boundaries? Talk about jumping to conclusions! Don’t be surprised if the Court (District or Supreme) keeps boundaries close to where they are now, since this is the Supreme Court’s own map that Dems are seeking to radically change.
Competitiveness is not a requirement for drawing districts and is a bogus concept to begin with. It assumes that every Republican and every Democrat will vote for their party’s candidates. The recent GOP win in the special NYC congressional election shows that party registration is not a reliable indicator.
I believe the Supreme Court, and maybe even the District Court, will see that Colorado will probably gain a new congressional seat in 2020, and will wait until such an event before carving up the state into drastically new CD’s. Right now, the map needs a trim, not a mohawk.
In any event, Miklosi has a huge name ID problem. No matter how the 6th CD map is drawn, he does not live in the district.
The DNC is more likely to pour cash into Shaffer’s and Pace’s coffers than Miklosi’s. Joe is going to have a hard time shaking the carpetbagger label. Somehow, “I’m Joe Miklosi from Denver, and I’m here to be your new congressman” just is not going to resonate well in any of Denver’s suburbs.
The gods love incumbents
They are all obedient slaves and would like to know who their master is….
If you double check Schafer’s COH and fundraising numbers one of them isn’t right.
It’s been fixed.
Miklosi’s fundraising numbers as a Democrat in CD6 are really impressive: only slightly below the incumbent Coffman’s.
If as appears likely CD6 will be redrawn to be much more competitive, this could be a tidal shift in southern Denver.
Miklosi came in the bottom of the fundraising totals and spent almost $40,000, leaving him with less then 100K in the bank. Hopefully the story that ran a few weeks ago about others looking at jumping into that race is true.
I’m a CD 6 constituent who over the years has seen the good, bad and ugly in Democratic candidates. (I still remember the spacy dude with the Colonel Sanders bow tie running against Tancredo one year.)
I have no problem if even better funded Democratic candidates get into the race – but you have to realize what a Republican backwater CD6 always has been before you start criticizing his fundraising numbers.
Who’s going to be their version of Bob Evans?
to trot out Ryan Frazier again? He’s a mediocre city councilman but he looks good in a GOP fundraising ad.
when the donors have some more solid idea regarding which district they are actually in for the next election.
It is great to speculate but until Judge Hyatt makes a decision it is all nothing more than guesses, some educated some not
The joy of being a lawyer is spending a lot of time in which you can’t tell your clients for sure how things are going to come out because judges have vast discretion with regard to how they are permitted to resolve many important legal issues.
For all the talk no one knows who will have a tough race and who will not.