In all our recent talking down of Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s presdiential prospects, we’d be remiss if we failed to note this poll today from CNN and ORC International Research–is it too soon to count Perry out? Early debate face-plants not indicative of future success?
Despite his performances in the two most recent Republican presidential debates, a new national survey indicates that Texas Gov. Rick Perry remains on top of the field in the race for the GOP nomination.
But a CNN/ORC International Poll also indicates that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney does better than Perry in hypothetical 2012 general election matchups against President Barack Obama and matches evenly with the president on the issues and on personal characteristics.
According to the survey, which was released Monday, 28 percent of Republicans and independents who lean towards the GOP say they support Perry as their party’s presidential nominee, with Romney at 21 percent. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is at ten percent, with Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, who’s making his third bid for the White House, former Godfather’s Pizza CEO and radio talk show host Herman Cain, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, all at seven percent. The poll indicates that Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota is at four percent, with former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania at three percent and former Utah Gov. and ambassador to China Jon Huntsman at one percent…
The poll was conducted Friday through Sunday, after last Thursday’s debate in Orlando, Florida. Pundits and analysts rate Perry’s performance in that debate, and in a debate one a week and a half earlier in Tampa, Florida, as uneven. Perry’s distant second showing at a much-watched straw poll of Florida GOP activists this past weekend may be a reflection of his debate performances, and his stance on illegal immigration and border security, which were spotlighted in both debates.
According to this poll, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are statistically tied in a head-to-head matchup, but Obama is ahead of Perry by 5 points. Consistent with other polls showing that while Perry is more popular with the Republican base, it’s a different story selling these candidates–either of them–to the whole country, even as Obama faces tough poll numbers of his own.
Or, maybe nobody’s watching debates yet. We can imagine Perry hoping not.
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Ken Buck with better hair. You can’t lose, Repugs!
had pretty damn fine hair. But he didn’t have Perry’s smirk.
most of the public isn’t and won’t ever pay attention to the debates except for catching a few soundbites. It’s amazing how set so many Americans are in their beliefs as to Rs and Ds in spite of the fact that they pay no attention to keeping up with politics or issues. Perry looks more like Josh Brolin playing GW than Josh Brolin did and he’s plastered all over the tube. Plus he’s from Texas so he must be patriotic and cool. That’s about the size of it, I think.
And there it is. Fun times ahead.
but there sure are a lot of people that know what happens in the debates. A helluva lot of folks know about the cheers for the TX death penalty & letting unisured die and the boos for gay soldiers.
Couple that with Coulter, Hannity, O’Really, Limpballs, and a whole lotta conservadumb talking heads (calling you out Bill “Koward” Kristol) who are feeding the echo chamber with their gnashing & nattering. Kristol was the one with squishy jeans all about $arah and now he’s talking up Sta-Puft Christie. Seems like there’s considerable cons-tarn-ation regarding reverent Parry and rightly so.
Remember that the conservadumb populace gets their cable fix from Faux and their on-line fix from Drudge, RedState, WND, and other highly biased sources. There is a very small circle of sources on their side that feed the media waves so they’re surrounded now by reverberating drone of Parry failures.
If you stopped people on the street and asked about the recent GOP debates you’d be surprised how many “what debates?” you’d get.
Also, don’t expect too many GO(T)P primary voters to be appalled by applause for hundreds of executions, letting uninsured die or boos for gay soldiers.
To be fair though, the bit about Ron Paul being for allowing people to die is wrong. He actually said no while some in the crowd shouted yes.
Of course if you aren’t for universal health care or for letting people who can’t pay die then you really are for universal healthcare. You just prefer the ER plan, the lowest quality most expensive universal plan on the planet. But at least you can have the satisfaction of knowing that the uninsured aren’t getting really good care. Guess that’s worth the cost, 2 or 3 times what the rest of the civilized world pays.
Both Romney and Perry will improve as their name recognition improves. Obama is already in trouble with nowhere to go but down.
regardless of facts to the contrary that would give pause to any thinking person.
Corporations love a pay for play guy. They don’t give a shit about his debate style. Theyll write the checks to get the return on their money.
And the more ignorant he sounds, the more the pro-ignorance Repubs will identify.
It’s going to be Perry, unless they find him in bed with a West Texas cow. No, wait. Didn’t god give man dominion over all the beasts of the field? Cows are datable for Repubs. Perry’s home safe up to November ’12.