Folks, it’s tough to be state Rep. Dave Balmer. Balmer has had a rough career in politics, as we’ve recounted in this space over the years, stretching back to North Carolina in the 1990s where a falsified resume, allegations of spousal abuse, and bizarre “disappearance” during a congressional run forced a brief pause in his climb up the proverbial ladder.
In Colorado, where we are apparently very, very forgiving of errant Republican politicians who wash up in our state after disgrace elsewhere, Balmer’s strange mix of political savvy and erratic behavior has made him a high-maintenance member of the Colorado House. Balmer’s sketchy past has repeatedly surfaced at key moments to end his aspiration for leadership positions in the caucus–yet Balmer was considered important, at least in the beginning, to the GOP delegation on the committee tasked with congressional redistricting.
Anyway, for all of Balmer’s troubles, there’s a very simple reason why Republicans keep him around. Well, actually, it’s more like thousands and thousands of simple reasons:
Date: September 12, 2011 9:35:23 AM MDT
Subject: Balmer Campaign UpdateI want to thank all of you who have been helping us raise money for our SD 27 State Senate race. We truly appreciate all your help and support.
We are so thankful to have $83,146 (Cash on Hand) currently toward our overall campaign goal of $200,000. We will continue to work hard and hopefully can reach $100,000 Cash on Hand by December 31, 2011.
Thank you again!
Respectfully, David
How you like Dave now? Balmer clearly hopes to ward off both Democrats and Republicans who might be looking st SD-27 by announcing big numbers early. We expect that Balmer will easily meet his personal goal, and then some, in plenty of time to perform his regular election-season service of raising piles of money for other Republicans in more competitive districts.
Frankly, we can’t explain how Balmer manages to raise so much money year after year for his and other Republican campaigns–most people we know find him kind of creepy on a personal level. But there’s no question that Dave Balmer’s fundraising prowess is what makes him popular. It’s the same way rich people become “eccentric” as opposed to merely crazy.
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…is a huge understatement.
I suspect that a number of people contribute to his campaigns just so they don’t have to deal with him.
to some of the more downtrodden homeless panhandlers on the mall — “here’s a buck, now please go away and don’t hurt me.”
I know Dave Balmer and consider him a friend. People have tried to destroy Balmer, but he has been honest about his past mistakes and his constituents have continued to support him.
Speaking of past mistakes, how about the recent past?…
Not a peep from Pols about Pee Pee Pace, but almost 20 year old news about Balmer gets fresh play every time. It makes you wonder if your hosts are giving you the whole story on Colorado politics, doesn’t it?
I’m not too surprised about either one of these guys. Had the, uh, hmmmm, how to say it, opportunity to work with both of them over the years.
Balmer is creepy and fanatical.
Not surprised Pace pees on trees or steals things.
Their politicians, normal men who serve their constituents the way they know how: Balmer by being a creep and Pace by pissing on things.
Note to Pace though – Washington DC politicians don’t take kindly to western legislators pissing in the reflection pool.
The burglary stuff connected with a dorm vending machine sounds more along the lines of a youthful drunken prank but the driving without a license, public urination stuff from 2003 and 4 is not ancient history and will definitely be brought up in any coming election.
If Pace had a substance abuse problem and has a clean record since 2004 as a result of treatment and resolving the problem, that would help but all in all, I’d say Dems should start looking for a replacement candidate for 2012. This district will be a tough enough climb for a Dem candidate in 2012, even with a spotless candidate. If Pace is the Dem nominee it isn’t hard to foresee more negatives popping up when its too late.
True, this isn’t domestic abuse or other equally reprehensible stuff but it has a high creepy, icky, not to mention irresponsible, factor.
And don’t thank me, ArapG. My goal is the Dem candidate with the best possible chance of winning the district.
I like Pace, but you’re right. He needs to retain a good crisis communications person and address this proactively. I have no problem with him as a candidate if he can turn this into a story about recovering from addiction, but I’d have to see him start that narrative soon, with plenty of time to look for an alternative if it doesn’t fly in his district.
Pace peeing will sink his campaign?
The guy gets drunk, goes out and pisses on a tree, who hasn’t? Should a grown man be doing it, no, but will it sink a campaign?
And a “substance abuse problem”? Really?
Even IF that were true, 1) you’re a shmuck for insinuating it, and 2) elect him! He’s going to fit in with all the other addicts in DC better than his opponent.
I honestly don’t know, but if this is the level of the debate for CD3 Dems, we’re all screwed. If the Dems want to win this seat, how about they say, “Yeah, our guy is a normal beer drinking, rolly polly guy. Did he pee in public? Yup. You want to talk about the shit the Republican candidate pulled while he was in office. Tipton peed on the people of CD3!! What’s worse?!”
Honestly, the first sign of any kind of controversy and the CD3 Dems running for cover instead of standing up and fighting.
I know I’m a Pollyanna when it comes to running election campaigns, but this is silliness (and, we’re in the world of silliness right now, so I’ll stop stating the obvious).
Peeing in public can get you registered as a sex offender now.
Is that fucked up? Totally.
But do we need to start thinking about this BEFORE the Republicans send out a mailure with a graphic of someone pissing in front of children? Yes.
If Pace isn’t prepping for that attack now, he’s not paying attention to how shameless the 527s were in the last two election cycles. If I were a CD3 Dem I would want to know that he’s got a response ready. If he does and it’s a good one, yeah Pace! If not, I have concerns about his preparedness to seek higher office, because he WILL get dragged through the mud for any and every little thing he’s ever done.
Is Pace a registered sex offender?
If the Republicans are stupid enough to come after him for peeing, than let them.
Jesus H. Christ people, this is why we have morons in office, because only a moron would put themselves through this kind of silliness to get in office.
Rant over – leaving the thread – going to do productive things and take deep breaths…
This shit is ridiculous.
Pace shouldn’t have any SHAME for pissing. But he does need to deal with it if he wants to get elected. Unfortunately it’s be a successful candidate or do something about the current witch-hunting, mud-dragging political climate: Pick one.
Krystal Ball was attacked for some ridiculous crap and picked #2, did some good, and is now an MSNBC commentator. But she never had a chance anyway. Pace has a chance, so he should get ready to deal with it.
but the picture painted here is either of an irresponsible jerk or someone with a drinking problem. That’s usually the case with multiple public urination citations over years.
Together with driving without a valid license, expired and suspended license plates, and having a warrant ordered for his arrest for failure to appear in court on the public urination charge, all of it from 2003 and 4, since he’s been a big boy, they paint a very unflattering picture.
The fact that this isn’t seriously criminal isn’t the point. I’m not in his district but unless that behavior is the result of a drinking or other substance abuse problem which has been resolved, I wouldn’t particularly want him as my Rep. In the absence of that kind of explanation, the alternative explanation is that he’s an obnoxious overgrown adolescent. We have more than enough of those in public office as it is.
Also, if that’s the case, it’s very likely there’s probably more to come, more little unpleasant explosions, waiting for the right time, if he gets the nomination. This doesn’t spell strong candidate for hard to get district in my book. Dems need the best candidate they can get. Sorry if that seems harsh but it’s a harsh political world out there.
Can Democrats ever just support a candidate who’s not absolutely perfect in every way? We turn on each other like middle school girls.
Encourage him to be ready for GOP sliming, yes.
Support if he refuses to acknowledge that GOP is going to slime, no.
the Republicans would invent it. We hope he’s ready to answer this question, as well as the questions about feeding his babies to dinosaurs from Mars.
It’s also funny how the thread was completely derailed by ArapaGOP, which was presumably the intention.
D: “This Republican did something bad.”
R: “Oh yeah? Well I found a Democrat who did something.”
D: “Oh we’re so sorry, if we slap ourselves across the face 20 times will you forgive us?”
R: “Make it 30, and then maybe.”
I also agree with BlueCat here and think that a rational independent voter would see that this thread contains one Republican unwilling to question his own party and several Democrats who are willing to evaluate candidates on more than the letters next to their names.
Really see both sides here, not sure what else there is to say.
But there wasn’t really much of a “topic” to derail. How many comments about Balmer do we really need? All there is to say about him is just “Yeah, what Guvs said.”
Not just about peeing. Please check out link. Also people almost never get caught for peeing on a tree or behind a bush if they do it discreetly. Anyone can get unlucky once even while being discreet. This guy managed to get cited for it not once but multiple times which kind of makes him look like a pig and a moron. He also drove without a valid license or plate and failed to show up for a court date. That’s a little beyond “not perfect” for a pol hoping to challenge an incumbent in a tough district. Even to me, not an Indie or R, he kind of looks like a clueless jackass.
This isn’t about demanding a candidate be perfect. This isn’t about lack of solidarity. This is about a candidate who is looking very far from perfect running for a hard to take seat. If Dems can’t do better than this they have no chance. They have a tiny enough chance as it is.
I also get a little weary of hearing this kind of thing from those who would be gleefully jumping all over this if the guy had an R in front of his name.
it would be a significant improvement, because it would be 30 seconds where he wasn’t trying to fuck over the middle class. And I didn’t say anything about the Balmer stuff since I don’t know and don’t care, so I’m not sure what you’re imagining in your last paragraph.
We’re talking about really minor legal violations from a young guy. If you can’t tolerate this stuff, your standards are seriously too high. This is how real people are.
The question is, is this the best shot we have at winning a tough district? I hope not.
Second, Yeah I have a natural prejudice against obnoxious frat boy types and prefer some measure of dignitas, certainly not perfection, in my elected Reps. Somebody like, say, Perlmutter. I don’t think that’s an impossibly high standard. So sue me.
that Pace has had personal struggles with alcohol. The lengthy list of minor offenses seem to indicate that, as well.
And why pee outside the Capital when you work there and can run in and use the bathroom like, you know, normal people do? Unless you are too drunk to give a shit where you go?
Honestly, I’m with you, BC. Lots of things about Sal make me nervous and we need to put up the best possible candidate in this district if we have a hope in hell of winning it back.
Youthful indiscretions are one thing. Recent events need to be explained. He needs to get out in front of this thing once and for all or step aside for a better candidate that isn’t handing the opposition a ready made field day for why he’s unelectable.
whatever chance we have in the 3rd on account of the rather ridiculous and clueless Mr. Tipton by running the strongest candidate we possibly can. The more I hear about Pace, the more I hope we can come up with someone stronger.
If Pace has, in fact, been engaged in a long struggle with alcohol and if it isn’t over, the last thing he should be doing is running for congress.
Since you know him and consider him a “friend”, then I’m sure you’re aware of his little wandering problem just 4 years ago, no?
I kind of think of 2007 as sort of…well…recent history.
Just so I can provide some background on why David Balmer is popular with the GOP –
When I ran for HD56 as a Republican in 2008, the two people who gave me the MOST attention and time were Mike May and David Balmer
Mike May, of course, was my biggest mentor and a father figure to me
However – David Balmer, like May, stood by me through every negative turn of the campaign and tutored me on how to knock on doors, literally offering his military strategy on how to best maximize time, to get through doors efficiently
Balmer extends this teaching to all Republicans running for the House and Senate (and with the exception of Mike May in 2008) I really don’t even know if the GOP gives a damn about winning the House or Senate, other than David Balmer
In a funny way, I would say that David Balmer is the Mister Miyagi of the GOP and its karate kids – if he ever loses or is out of Colorado politics, the Colorado GOP WILL LOSE their best coach (and the only coach who really gives a damn about training candidates)
And lastly – I think part of the reason why David Balmer is the only GOP stalwart willing to tutor other candidates is because none of the other GOP ‘illumanti leaders’ have knocked on doors – most of them inherited their seats at Central Committee Meetings (again, Mike May is an exception, but he’s unfortunately no longer in the State House)
His actions down at the capitol are creepy and he’s considered a loon by the reasonable majority there.
Pace’s record, Balmer’s past is way, way creepier.
….just giving insight on why the man has support
I wish I could argue against the accusations against Balmer, but I don’t know enough to say anything on those matters
He was a very good mentor to me when I ran and I’m always appreciative of that (as I imagine other candidates were, as well)