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September 07, 2011 06:39 PM UTC

Good News Trying To Leak Out Around The Gloom

  • by: Colorado Pols

The economy sucks! Doom! Gloom! Zero jobs created in August!

Somewhere in the daily avalanche of pessimism, the AP reports today:

Companies advertised the most job openings in three years, a hopeful sign after the worst month for hiring in nearly a year.

The Labor Department said Wednesday that employers posted 3.2 million jobs in July, up from 3.17 million in June. That is the largest number of openings since August 2008. Typically, it takes anywhere from one to three months to fill an opening…

Of course, openings don’t necessarily translate into jobs–but we learned in economics class that job postings is one indicator to look for as a sign of economic recovery. And not that we want to jinx it (we’ve been accused lately of causing wild swings in the stock market, in addition to our usual manipulation of Colorado politics), but the Dow is up almost 200 points as of this writing.

Also, those of you expecting bad economic news all the way through, you know, November of 2012, probably shouldn’t read this story in today’s Grand Junction Sentinel titled “6-month sales, use tax revenue for city up 9.2%.” Or this story from today’s Vail paper, “Vail hits July sales tax record.” Because they’re about people feeling better about the economy and buying stuff, and that just doesn’t fit the narrative. Especially in beet-red Grand Junction–if these people had any political sensibility about them, they’d put off all this buying until next Christmas!

Sorry, that was kind of cynical.


23 thoughts on “Good News Trying To Leak Out Around The Gloom

        1. Good service at a fair price just doesn’t compute anymore.

          Just try to get a congressperson to close a post office in his or her district, no matter how little-used it is.

          Even FedEx and UPS use USPS for delivery and put a markup on the postage.

  1. is the sure and certain knowledge that Rick Perry will win the nomination and the presidency, elevating Jim DeMint to Senate Majority Leader and Michelle Bachman Speaker of the House over that RINO Boehner.

    That will usher in Utopia.  According to the New York Times, the median wage of those jobs created in Texas on Perry’s watch is $8.51 an hour.  If I can get one of those big-paying jobs, I can afford to get by without the Medicare and Social Security payments that Perry wants to divert to the Koch brothers.

    Sounds good to me!

    1. when the bad news comes and/or the DOW drops a few hundred points it is most certainly due to the recognition that we will never be able to fully rebound as a country until Barack Obama is out of office…

    1. Oh, wait. You make software that increases automation which decreases manufacturing jobs in the US.

      And business is great.

      And you bitch about taxes.

      Why am I not surprised.

  2. Is that Republicans would like bad economic news until the next election.

    That’s personally offensive to me. I have lost thousands of dollars in this recession. I would like nothing more than to see the economy recover.

    I fear that is not possible due to the policies of this administration. But I am not the least bit happy about it, and I would never consciously make a choice to hurt the economy.

    It would be nice to have a conversation on this blog that didn’t accuse me of guilt for that which I am in fact as much a victim of as you are.

    1. This recession has been great for me.  As I’ve said before, I can get into restaurants without reservations, my vacations have been heavily discounted, and my hired help are too afraid to ask for a raise.

      You must be one of those conservatives who is not rich.  I have no freakin’ clue what that’s about.


      Rich Guy

      1. are told to just play along and do as they’re told, and someday they just might just be named precinct co captian in the Arapahoe County Republican Party !  Livin’ the dream.

        1. Conservatives who aren’t rich will get their reward in heaven (and it will be an eternal one at that).

          Don’t be tryin’ to rouse those folks into thinking that there’s anything coming this way in this life . . . read your Bible, “the meek will inherit . . .”

          Now everybody — repeat after me, “vote Perry” and “tax cuts for the job creators.”  

    2. I think we’re all quite aware of it. Republicans’ top priority for the country is to defeat Obama in 2012. Not jobs, not recovery.

      You want the economy to fail so a Republican can win the next election. We all know it, so why do you deny it?

    3. Let me fix that.

      Republicans want the economy to tank so that they can win back the White House.

      I just spoke it.

      If there’s anything ambiguous about what I said, let me know.  I’ll say it in a different way over and over until someone as stupid as you can understand it.

      1. Because if you can’t, you have no credibility. Anyone can make wild and offensive allegations. I don’t know anyone who is willing to lose their wealth to get Obama out. I say again it is a very offensive accusation.

        1. so that’s, um, being willing to lose wealth to get Obama out. Besides, lots of Republicans are short-selling investments (See e.g., Eric Cantor) because they’re betting on the economy continuing to do badly. Sorry if they didn’t let you in on the plan, but unless you’re a billionaire, Republicans don’t give a fuck about you either.

  3. People like Mike Rosen help protect malinvestment by defending bailouts.

    Read it and weep.

    “After the collapse of a boom, it takes time and genuine search for displaced workers and owners of capital goods to discover their best niches in light of the new information. In an unhampered market, the bulk of this readjustment would probably be over within six months. But with the government and central bank doing everything in their power to prevent this dreaded “liquidation” process, the alleged recovery churns along at an agonizing pace.”


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