“Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting.”
–John Russell
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BY: kwtree
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: davebarnes
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: curiousstranger
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: Pam Bennett
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Early Worm
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
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Having always wondered this, I thought I’d get your thoughts.
Easy to play. Come on down.
I used to think a lot of problems were because people weren’t just stupid, but willingly jamming up the process. Now, I tend to think of many problems arising from the Peter Principal.
I think a lot of people are willing to be the 20th to push for making things better. But getting that first 19 – that’s a problem.
people naturally gravitate towards forming groups that will speak on their collective behalves (behalfs?).
Go ask the wildebeest mother what it tells her calf about how to survive among the lions on the savanna . . . “stay with the herd, little one, or you too will be invited to brunch.”
So the strategy here is to do what …. hunker down with the herd while over 54% of students at DPS fail to graduate from a FREE EDUCATION?
Again, you’re kicking the can down the road as you prepare to educate the the 5th and 6th generations of modern public school entrants.
If the CEA actually believed in educating our youth, they’d form a series of charter schools in Denver with the goal of effectively taking over DPS.
However, that would divert forced union dues from lining the pockets of Democratic politicians who set up faux accountability schemes or outright vote against any progress to move public education forward. Second, that would mean competition … the dirty 11 letter word Not allowed to be uttered in the back room of the union hall.
The DPS graduation rate is 43.5%, yet the Union Bosses encourage members to “stay with the program” of failure.
is at the top of this page.
You’re welcome.
Libertad is superimposing his own agenda on DPS.
I think when someone presumes that DPS is his own personal litterbox, it is fair to ask if he is supporting it with his taxes and his vote. If not, I think it is unfair and presumptuous; and done because people of this ilk believe that DPS has a majority of poor kids and thus can be exploited by anyone.
Directly that is. Unlike those poor fools in Broomfield, Mesa, Arapahoe, Douglas counties who’s taxes paid to the state are diverted to backfil Denver’s coffers due to our low property taxes and excessive spending.
Speculation is rampant on the net about the status of Bank of America. Stock has dropped to under $7 giving it an equity value of only $65 billion.
One scenario, reportedly being brokered by Treasury Secretary Geithner, would have JP Morgan Chase acquire B of A, with the government propping up the deal with a $ 100 billion investment in preferred shares. An alternative option would be a total takeover by the government in effect nationalizing B of A, but politically not likely to happen.
The WSJ has reported B of A needs to raise $200 billion (would be in preferred shares), so this would wipe out common shareholders.
B of A keeps denying its in dire straits, but the incompetence of these banksters doesn’t leave much room for credibility anymore.
Buffet wants to invest billions in BoA.
He has a nose for a deal.
From this morning’s Housing Wire
So only $5 billion when they need at least $100 billion? Buffett gets preferred stock now (so it doesn’t get wiped out in a bailout) and after the merger/bailout with JP Morgan, he exercises the warrants when the stock goes up.
Sounds to me like he’s anticipating a bailout and wants to profit from it. But what do i know, I can’t balance my checkbook.
When you’ve lost Kinky Friedman….
The immense logic and policy savvy of this statement explains why Kinky Friedman has done so well as an elected politician. He makes Rick Perry look like the top Harvard grad that Obama actually is.
Is that a joke from the 70s? Who is this guy?
I guess if I had to categorize him, I’d call him a modern-day Will Rogers.
Except that Will wasn’t a cigar-smoking Jew from Texas.
I’d say “modern-day” is putting it rather generously.
much prefer garter belts and stockings.
foreplay isn’t about the wearing, its about the removing.
You’d know that at the end of the day, there’s nothing that feels quite as delicious as yanking them the hell off you and scratching the red marks that the garters left on your thighs. Not particularly romantic or effective as a foreplay technique in my experience, but YMMV. (Garter belts and stockings are among the many things that work better in photos than in real life.)
Yipes, I thought we were talking about foreplay?
Hurricane Irene is headed for NYC this Sunday. There seems to be a high potential for a huge storm surge that would innundate lower Manhattan with up to 30 feet of water. Beyond the obvious above ground damage, including broken windows falling from skyscrapers, the underground damage could be far worse. Subways and communications systems would be submerged in corrosive salt water that would take years and billions to repair.
Why isn’t anyone talking about this?
I’ll be sure to stay out of NYC this weekend.
JFK and LaGuardia airports could also be flooded.
Unless we can blame someone (I just can’t get Canada) we don’t care.
an earthquake preceded a tsunami and we saw what happened with nuclear power plants.
Cong. from Mass. has warned for years about nuc plants outside NYC and I don’t recall him ever talking about earthquake followed by a hurricane.
that nuc plant ouside NYC did shut itself down during earthquake. hope all is well
@TheBillWalton: Steve Jobs’ resignation as CEO of Apple should be no surprise to anyone. It’s been listed on page 46 of iTunes terms & conditions for weeks.
@FakeSarahPalin: See, I told you Obama is killing Jobs.
@harrymccracken Harry McCracken, founder and editor of Technologizer blog: Still unimaginable: that Jobs was the most important person in personal technology both in 1978 and in 2011.
Apple has asked me to read 68 pages of the iTunes terms and conditions twice a week for the past year.
Don’t miss the web cast this Saturday. Start at 10:00 and run-off at 6:00. You can see it all here. And for the news media – you want to be there at 6:00!!!
that Qadafis’ Condi photo album is just plain disturbing
The Col is Coo Coo for Cocoa puffs
creepy. Perhaps warrants a teensy-weensy investigation.
Fannie Mae and Ginnie Mae, taken over by the government in 2008, are expected to cost the taxpayers at least $51 billion between 2012 and 2021, according to a study just released by the CBO. That number is revised upwards by $9 billion from June.
So far the GSE’s have cost the taxpayers a total of $142.1 billion since the housing meltdown.
but don’t bring this up…
by the decision to release from the national oil reserve; I thought this was a particularly specious action in the first place.
How to make it worse? Jobs, jobs, . . . WTF?
Oil Reserves Sidestep U.S. Vessels
I not entirely sure, but I’m pretty sure . . . “that’s me in the corner . . . losing my religion.”
I would not be surprised if we didn’t have enough crews or vessels available for a job like this. The major shipping lines are Danish (Maersk), Swiss based (MSC) and then from Japan/China (NYK, Mitsui, P&O, COSCO).
We just don’t have a big share of this industry. I think someone may be trying to distort this issue for political gain (gasp).
But, since the whole program was nothing but an empty political gesture anyway — and it didn’t matter a single whitlet to the world or the U.S. pump price whether any of that oil actually got to this country — why give your opponents the opportunity to pummel you about the head and shoulders with your own limp club?
” . . . oh no, I’ve said too much . . . I think I thought I saw you try . . . but, that was just a dream . . . “
It is fundamental to use proper lights while running with power tools, mainly when working in the cellar and garage where illumination may not be suitable.
Proper lighting IS important when using power tools.
Not that we talk about power tools much here…
that the spammer has learned this from experience.
his nickname is “Lefty?”
or maybe “Notestes.”
That guy had the lights on.
proper lighting is fundamental to use while running with power tools, much like running with scissors. I tend to agree.
Don’t know how I got along before I had it.
What a prince this guy is:
Even if he reneges on it, this is just a stupid example of ideology trumping what’s best for the American people. Brinkmanship is not leadership.
it’s going to run right over his home state.
More federal spending in his home state paid for by cuts in funding to other states. Pretty typical Republican policy.
White House spokesmen insist that President Obama is firm in his opposition to “almost 2%” of the spending cuts that Cantor will likely propose . . .
One would hope that any of the Cantor-required federal spending cuts would come entirely out of the federal spending currently in Cantor’s home district. I hope for whirled peas . . .
They’re having a drought, doncha know.
Why, Reuter Hess dam is empty.
Las Animas County. They had an earthquake.
Oh wait. It has a Spanish name. “Douglas” is much more Anglo. More deserving of funds.
Anyone see a problem here?
than laying off tens of thousands of them in this economy so they starve to death. Or just shooting them.
Looks to me like buying insurance on somebody who you suspect will soon have an (ahem) “accident.”
It’s a Perry win-win.
Nearly 1/6 th of all the Texas teachers ….
please help us understand.
Are you saying that firing 49,000 teachers is a good idea? Or that it never happened?
Sometimes your thought process can be a little, shall we say, obscure.
Please explain.
but ajb had some very helpful info with links on the subject on Wednesday Open Thread. Here’s one for starters: