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August 23, 2011 09:20 PM UTC

Some Kind of Prophecy Fulfilling Quake Near Washington (And Trinidad)

  • by: Colorado Pols

Washington Post, still standing:

U.S. Geological Survey has confirmed an earthquake struck central Virginia at 1:53 p.m. It has been felt throughout the D.C. metro region. Am hearing it measured 5.8 on Richter scale…

Curiously, this comes immediately after an 5.3 magnitude earthquake hit near Trinidad, Colorado late yesterday evening. We have no televangelist confirmation of any relationship between these two seismic events, but earthquakes occurring so close together in time in the nation’s capital and the former “sex-change capital of the world”…well, that’s ripe for, you know, interpretation Jimmy Swaggart-style if a thing ever was.

And if we just helped an idiot somewhere make that connection, sorry. Somebody was going to.


54 thoughts on “Some Kind of Prophecy Fulfilling Quake Near Washington (And Trinidad)

  1. May be more areas affected that haven’t shown up in latest up-dates. DC quake just upgraded to 5.9. If the DC quake is punishment for anything maybe it’s a judgement on the GO(T)P? They’re clearly the ones in charge, what with getting 98+% of everything they asked for.  

  2. I’m more interested in the historic events than some minor tremor in VA that it seems resulted in nothing significant.  

    “Obama is taking a phone call!!!  Maybe he is learning about the earthquake!!!!”

    As soon as the quake hit, CNN stopped its Libya coverage and is now all about a little shaky.  

    1. Amtrack is suspended.

      Considerable concern about infrastructure damage….

      Our TV went off about the time of the earthquake….then we were able to put it back on…anyone else have this happen??

        1. “Oh, the humanity . . .”

          And this story will have to have a local flair.  I can only imagine the Denver stations have pulled out all stops to locate and interview Denver residents who once sat in a restaurant near Wolf’s second cousin . . . (“He had a Reuben with cole slaw” . . . “I personally thought the french fries could have been crispier”) . . . more breaking news as it develops; be sure to watch our full newscast at 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

            1. my brother is walking home from work in DC and says everyone is leaving for the day. What is it about that town and panic and overkill.

              Glad I don’t live there anymore.  

                  1. Washington DC and NYC are the only places in the United States (with the possible exception of Lordsburg, NM) to come under enemy attack from foreign enemies in the last 150 years.

                    Evidently, the first response was to think that this was another 9/11…..understandable…and because they did not have experience with earthquakes, only terrorists attacks, they did not know what to expect.  Under these circumstances, it is remarkable that there was no panic….

                    Cut them some slack….I feel safe in Colorado, not brave.

                    1. the response was totally disproportional to what actually happened with this one.  It was pretty damn ridiculous.

                    2. One East Coast blackout; one slight snow storm.  I had DC friends who went through  last winter’s successive blizzards…worst than what we had to endure because the snow storms kept coming…no bright and beautiful Colorado sun and snow removal.

                      You are entitled to your opinion.  Mine is along the lines of “leave them alone.”

                    3. I lived in DC for 20+ years, have lived here in Colorado for 20+ years.  I admittedly absolutely hate DC, which may color my opinion on the subject.

                    4. The media coverage was a bit over the top.  Interrupting other coverage to announce it is OK; Wolf Blitzer going on and on about how he just knew it was an earthquake because he lived in Calif. and describing papers falling off his desk, not once but over and over, was kind of silly. I know he wants to pretend he’s not just a desk jockey, but at that very time a real CNN correspondent was hostage in the Rixos and Wolf was going on and on and on about papers falling off his desk…

                      Seemed ridiculous to me.  

                    5. caught that last night.  Holy crap she was in the middle of a massive gun battle.  Condolences about Wolf’s paperweight though – I hope with time he will heal.

              1. and was there for the 6.8 “Ash Wednesday” earthquake. Virtually everyone went home that day – I remember seeing literally hundreds of people waiting at one bus stop that was visible from my downtown, 9th floor office window, a stop that seldom had more than a dozen people during rush hour.

                Seattle isn’t LA, but the residents know they live in an earthquake zone. So if that’s how they respond to a pretty serious quake, I can forgive people who don’t live in an earthquake zone for reacting the same way.

    2. I’d say unusually strong quake activity for the affected areas stretching from the east coast to Chicago is newsworthy. Add to that the Trinidad quake, strongest CO quake since ’67 and it gets even more interesting.  Don’t know why ours has been so under-reported, even here.  And there hasn’t been anything much that resolves current questions on Libya situation in hours now.  I’m sure they’ll get back to it if there is an important new development.  

        1. These small quakes are just the giant Yellowstone volcano clearing its throat. God is going to teach Alan Simpson a thing or two about his willingness to accept tax increases.

          1. Maryland suburb of DC.  They felt it. They also actually did see something about ours on CNN. Oldest niece works in DC and stuff fell off office shelves but evryone OK. SC has been added to list of places reporting tremors.

            With tremors felt as far east as Chicago, let’s hope nothing major happens along New Madrid fault.  Think the 1811 or 12 quake there was supposed to be worse than the 1906 SF quake but it wasn’t loaded with cities like St. Louis then.

            Quick search yeilded this:

            THE NEW MADRID FAULT SYSTEM EXTENDS 120 MILES SOUTHWARD from the area of Charleston, Missouri, and Cairo, Illinois, through New Madrid and Caruthersville, following Interstate 55 to Blytheville and on down to Marked Tree, Arkansas. It crosses five state lines and cuts across the Mississippi River in three places and the Ohio River in two places.


            1. And like many place names in southeast Mo, it is pronounced wrong: New MAD-rid.  Which is also near AD-vance, and Hayti, which is pronounced HAY-tie.  Yes, I lived in that area for 5 of my formative years; I could keep going with more mispronounced names, but what’s the point.  I’ll get no sympathy from this crowd.

              1. pronounced ver-SAY-ells, which isn’t that close to new Madrid which is closer to Lexington.  But the states do share a border, so I’m counting it.  

                Then there is Mantua UT, which I cannot recall how it is pronounced, but it is nothing like one might think.  Of course they came from MO, or somewhere thereabouts, so maybe it is a regional thing.  

              2. pronounced Kay-ro and plenty of others. Some French friends of my brother’s visited  my parents when they lived in St. Louis and had a good laugh over our pronunciation of pretty much every French place name in the area.

                1. Only on the Missouri side of the river, it’s pronounced Karo (like the corn syrup).  And after our sojourn in Cape Girardeau (pron. Gir-AR-dough), we moved up to St. Louis and learned how to butcher French names.

                  It’s nice to live in Colorado, where at least the Spanish names are pronounced correctly (e.g. Buena Vista, Pueblo).

                  1. is most commonly pronouced byoona vista, or byoonie (because, by legend, the white lady that named it insisted on that pronunciation) I refuse to bastardize another language which was here before white folks

                    many pronounce Pueblo as p-u-eb-eh-lo

                    Salida should be pronounced as Sal-ee-da but is most often pronouced as Sal-I-duh

  3. they decided to downgrade back to 5.8. On the Libya front, nothing much new and confirmed so this is at least sparing us the constant repition of stuff we already know and footage we’ve already seen there. I guess two endlessly repeating stories are better than one?  They can alternate?

  4. I guess it is because NYC (and the rest of New York) now has gay marriage that Virginia was hit with an earthy quiver. And, Trinidad used to be the “sex change capitol of the world” so Colorado was hit.

    I understand everybody in the building felt a good shaking, moi did not. I was in a car returning from an inspection tour in Baltimore and did not know an earthquake had shaken the nerves of a lot of people. We are out of our building until it can be inspected for damage.

    There is a little minor damage around, 3 thingies fell off a spire on the National Cathedral, I guess gay marriage in Iowa pissed off someone too.

  5. But they’re covering Libya again on CNN. It’s pretty much more of what we already know on both subjects. Only new factoid I came across was the addition of Toronto on the list of quakie places but that’s not all that far from Detroit.

    Instead of going over the same thing with nothing new to add all day long, I’m sure there must be something besides quake or Libya they could cover while waiting for something resembling a new development on those stories. I’m praying for another anti-gay R pol to be  caught, say, brawling in a gay bar with a jealous lover. Anything.

      1. Maybe this time the rightie preachers won’t pin this on an angry God punishing fill-in-the-blank.  Maybe they’ll say it’s proof God didn’t want the Obama’s to have any quality vacation time.

        Next up… Hurricane Irene.  Bet they’re all praying it doesn’t peter out into a not very dramatic storm as it looks to be doing. A catastrophic hurricane on top of the quakes (never mind they didn’t cause much in the way of catastrophe) would be made to order for the religious zealot crazies.

  6. BREAKING NEWS: Earthquake rattles D.C. area. Republicans blame Democrats, saying tax cuts would have lessened the burden on the earth’s crust. Democrats blame Republicans, saying tax increases would have lessened the burden on the earth’s crust.

    1. just last week began selling pies using only organic ingredients.  The new “Earth’s Crust” pies have reportedly been flying off the shelves . . . . . .  more as this story develops, . . . now back to you Adele.”  

  7. In May, the federal government simulated an earthquake so massive, it killed 100,000 Midwesterners instantly, and forced more than 7 million people out of their homes. At the time, National Level Exercise 11 went largely unnoticed; the scenario seemed too far-fetched – states like Illinois and Missouri are in the middle of a tectonic plate, not at the edge of one. A major quake happens there once every several generations.

    But Tuesday’s earthquake along the East Coast is a reminder that disasters can hit where they’re least expected. And if the nightmare scenario comes, government officials worry that state and federal authorities won’t be able to handle the “cascading failures” that follow. The results of May’s disaster exercise won’t be released to the public. But privately, these government officials say they’re glad that this earthquake was just a drill – and not the big one. Especially because there are so many nuclear power plants in the fault zone.

    “A couple of things keep me up at night,” Paul Stockton, the Defense Department’s senior homeland security official, told the Aspen Security Forum last month. A quake, like the one simulated in National Level Exercise 11, is chief among the sleep-takers. “It’s so much bigger than anything we’ve faced – way beyond Hurricane Katrina.”


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