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August 17, 2011 03:48 PM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Defining the terms of the debate generally dictates who’s gonna win it.”

–Paul Begala  


68 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. Not how do we address joblessness…

    Why? One reason is

    Yes, it seems that the one and only place in America where anyone has any confidence in the economy also happens to be Washington, D.C., home to political elites, the media that covers them, the people who win the relevant contracts and the people who feather their nests lobbying for the laws that impact the other United (in their lack of economic confidence) States Of America.

    If you’re in Congress unemployment isn’t the problem, the price of the stock market is your problem.

      1. In the hinterlands.  Imagine the economic boost 535 senators, representatives, plus their staffs and an army of lobbyists could bring to, say, Denver.

        Or, maybe, to avoid jealousy, there should be a lottery among the biggest cities in each of the 50 states.  Loser gets to host Congress this year.

        1. a Congressional traveling circus would be a helluva mess with too many constituents actually seeing what little is done.

          It would help to give them an earful — which isn’t really what they want.  Hell Paul Ryan & Rand Paul now charging their constituents to talk to them.  Somehow that has to be illegal … dunno the rules but it sure smells shitty to me.

            1. funny example of Ohio’s priorities from gawker.com:

              With statewide unemployment at 8.8% and a withering manufacturing base, the good men and women charged with conducting the People’s Business in the Ohio Statehouse are doing what any right-thinking statesman would: Considering the installation of a bar in the state capitol, for drinking.


        2. There’s no amount of money worth having that gaggle of fools traipsing around here.  It’s bad enough when our own Washington representatives show up here from time to time to fund raise and palaver.

          What should it profit a man State to gain the whole world and lose its soul?

          Leave the asylum and the inmates in DC!

    1. Not all of us live and breath pols. Give her a break. I for one am happy for her candidacy and wish her all the best.

      In other news, the two Democrats won in WI yesterday. Doesn’t SOMEONE owe me $50?

    2. The whole point of her diary is that vouchers are bad and her opponent is a tool of pro-voucher forces.

      Then a commenter noted that Sirota’s opponent expressly opposes vouchers. That’s one of the comments Sirota didn’t respond to. I also commented on her opponent’s oppo to vouchers on Sirota’s identical SquareState post – no response to that, either, so it’s not just that Sirota got sick of us.

      Sirota is a flat-out liar and fearmonger. She’s basically Karl Rove.

        1. go back and take a look if you want.  From the trolling and the style of writing it looks quite like the McBride/Merida/Green trio at it again.

          They never miss an opportunity to embarrass themselves or anyone they’re involved with.

      1. You did notice that “a commenter” registered just to post one comment about a phone call with no evidence to support the assertion, right? Our standards for documentation are low here, but they’re not THAT low.

    1. … is the desperation shown by Republicans to make Obama seem like an incompetent gaffe machine, when Republicans have long used teleprompters and long made numerous gaffes. Obama’s “57 states” comment can at least be explained by context (it was clear he was including non-state territories like Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa in that discussion); but how do you explain mistaking someone’s death-day for their birthday, or mistaking John Wayne for John Wayne Gacy?

      1. usually the first thing that will come up is the Wikipedia article, often with the first few words of it without any context?

        Bachmann’s team thinks Google is too liberal and have replaced it with Conservagle, the results of which are made up on the spot by other Bachmann supporters. It’s faster.

  2. Her pretentious yet multiply ungrammatical first sentence:

    As adults, some of the best ways to teach kids is to model good behavior.

    That’s right, folks – we have an illiterate co-running our schools.

    Can she be invited to attend one of the fourth-grade classes in the system she’s trying to run into the ground?

      1. Moly. She used a singular verb when she should have used a plural one! On a blog! That totally makes her an illiterate hack! The same way Sirota’s vague generalities make her Colorado’s Karl Rove! This will be the most hyperbole-free election ever!

        1. 1) Sirota flat-out lying in claiming her opponent supports vouchers is serious. When you falsely say your opponent supports something unpopular, analogy to Rove is fair.

          2) Merida co-runs a major school district, and that sentence has two serious grammatical errors. She made the Bush “is our children” learning error — but Bush said that orally, where it’s easier to make errors, while this was the first sentence of a writing Merida clearly spent a lot of time on (note the length, detail, and number of links). She also made another major grammatical error with, “As adults, some of the best ways…”: “ways” aren’t “adults.”

    1. to 2 Rs, narrowing the R majority to one seat, from 19 to 14 to 17 to 16.  Not all Dems had hoped for but hardly shows what Rs were claiming after they lost two out of six recalls; an endorsement of their policies. On the contrary, recalls are tall orders and winning a third of them says something.

      In contrast Rs couldn’t find one single district in which the majority agreed that their Dems who drew out the protests, bringing national attention for weeks to what otherwise would have been a minor news blip by their dramatic flight, ought to be punished. I’m sure the GO(T)P and Koch brothers, tried their best.  

    1. Dan Maes.  😉

      From MADCO’s link:

      ‘Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune agrees.

      “In short, no, he will never be president of the United States and no, he is not a plausible contender for the GOP nomination, so those who are covering the campaign don’t feel obliged to pretend otherwise,” Zorn writes.’

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