“Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
–George Orwell
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BY: kwtree
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: davebarnes
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: curiousstranger
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: Pam Bennett
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Early Worm
IN: Presidents Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
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Stuck in Dulles airport. Flight mega-delayed. What should I do for the next 4 hours?
Sorry, I can’t get over there this morning. I have a Red Cross briefing in D.C. at 10am otherwise I would drop by.
When I used to get stuck at Dulles I would find a quiet spot in one of the terminals and read or sleep, or (if on expense account) sit at a bar.
If anyone is in D.C. going to the Mall Monday for the fireworks try to find me. I will be around the Washington Monument doing Red Cross stuff.
Would have loved to meet up for a whatever you like and a STRONG espresso for me. I’m afraid if I sleep I’ll miss the flight even delayed as it is. I don’t sleep much most of the time so when I do get to sleep I could easily be mistaken for a corpse.
At least they have free WiFi. I wish I could stay for the fireworks…
The worst part is, it’s a 55 minute flight that’s delayed 4 hours. I could probably rent a car and drive there in less time, but I already bought the plane ticket.
Y’know, something called the Eleventh Commandment?
Ya know what Klondike Joe, go for it. I might just have to donate some money to this moonbat operation of yours, because clearly its for the good of the nation…(snicker)…
Plus, RR didn’t want to be attacked himself by the party’s value’s wing on issues like divorce, or church attendance, or the Red Lady’s soothsayers, or union membership, or cooperating with ratting out acquaintances, or even being a former Dem — Ronnie’s commandment was pure unadulterated self-interest; he was much more concerned for the slippery Gipper than the party, I’m sure.
Rooting for Garmin-Cervelo to make a good showing….too bad their new jerseys don’t have the weird-ass orange argyle pattern, or the prominent Chipotle logo…
One Garmin rider, The Z-man, Dave Zabriskie is doing something radically different this year. He’s attempting to do the entire Tour on a Vegan diet. This is tough because cyclists need to consume around 8000 calories a day to keep up with the energy demands of the Tour.
If he pulls this off, then there’s no way anyone can say that you can’t do sport x y or z on a Vegan diet….
the he will consume “two small portions of fish per week to help him absorb iron.”
That aside, it will be interesting to see how he fares during the TDF. The TDF has to be among the most grueling — physically and mentally — athletic challenges.
this post got me thinking. Maybe this is doable. The key part is not the programming required, it’s setting up the relationships with every taxing authority.
The thing is, there are almost certainly people here that could set this up across Colorado. Providing a single sales tax system for Colorado would get customers. Every online company located in Colorado for starters.
If some group here can get approval from each district to provide this service and each provides a way to perform all filing automatically, and you can build up the data on tax rate by product type by district – then you’ve got it.
As to the programming part, get the rest of that in place and I would be happy to help you find the developers you need. If you have the hard part done, it then becomes possible to get some good developers (there are a million people with “a good idea” but there are very few with all the pieces in place).
Anyways, I think this might (and I say might because it depends on what you can get from each district) be a really good business model. So if someone here has the contacts, the knowledge, and the time – it’s something to consider.
that handle sales tax lookup?
Not just my opinion; my information comes from a highly respected high-tech business owner from Boulder. Happy to provide links if you’re interested.
(I do have to note that your mood seems to have brightened considerably now that the Huber cloud has lifted.)
If it is too complicated and sooooo impossible, perhaps you can explain how Barnes & Noble, LL Bean and Lands End manage to do it. This is all just a smoke screen. It can and has been done. The only reason not to pay the sales tax is to try to take an unfair competitive advantage over in-state brick and mortar retailers. The programming may be tedious but it is relatively straight forward. I would not be surprised if there is already a software package available to do this. Most taxing agencies have online reporting systems with automatic payment systems.
Amazon and Overstock.com simply like the advantage and don’t want to give it up.
Boycott Amazon!!!
The new babe at revenue comes from an outfit so well known for its ethics and customer service. IIRC a certain poster here doesn’t have much use for the internet service of said company. “Met the new boss. Same as the old boss.”
What hit me was that there is a lot of expertise required to set something like this up that truly handles everything. But that there are people here on Pols that probably could figure all of that out and have the relationships to get both answers and a workable interface to each dept of revenue in the state.
It’s not an easy task. But becoming the ADP of online sales tax transactions could make for a very valuable company. I figure it can’t hurt to suggest the idea in case anyone with the skills and relationships is presently unemployed.
From Google — but they only claim there are 7,000 taxing districts, not 70,000.
This one looks pretty comprehensive, particularly for software companies.
Here’s a few more.
There are a lot of programs that will tell you what district an address is in. There are a smaller number that can give you tax rates by district across some (but not all) goods. But I haven’t found any that will handle the interaction with the agency.
Think of ADP – they don’t just tell us what to pay each employee and withhold in taxes. They make the tax payment, they file the forms, they do a ton of stuff in addition to calculating the withholding.
That’s where I think there’s a possible business – in providing the entire effort so all a company like mine has to do is connect to that system, get the tax amounts and descriptions, add that to the invoice, and then pay it to the company.
And like ADP, you could do this at no charge and make your profit off the float on the tax payments.
Well, if you have accurate records, I’d think interaction with the agencies would be pretty routine — send the check to the address provided and if they want to audit you, just pull out your comprehensive records (check out the Integration tab on their website).
So ADP does it just on the float, huh? But they only have 51 tax districts to deal with (plus 1 for the city head tax I suppose). Pretty trivial in comparison, I’d say.
There’s disability, health insurance co-pays, 401K, etc. And for every city with an income or head tax – that city.
Keep in mind a gigantic chunk of the online companies have thin profit margins and make 1 sale/year into most taxing districts. Especially when a company is first starting. That interaction that would start with a phone call or email asking what do I send where could eliminate the profit from every sale.
Having a 3rd party spreads that cost of finding out what to do and setting it up across a lot of sales into that district.
In most cases, the state taxing agency actually collects the sales taxes from the merchants and then disburses the funds to the local governments and agencies. So, really, there are only 50 “relationships” that have to be “set up.” Virtually all states have online systems for reporting and paying sales tax. A small business could “set up” an online tax account as they go. Both Peachtree and Quick Books are already set up to handle multi-state sales taxes. As Harry points-out CCH apparently has an online service that can handle most of this.
Then, again, the out of state retailers don’t actually have to go that far. They can simply report the sales in the respective states and let the states collect the use tax.
California is now saying retailers must collect the tax.
What jadodd is saying (something I was saying to you a year ago, when I suggested you set up an online sales tax processing company like the one you’re proposing above) is you only have to make the payments to the states, and then they distribute to all their sub-entities. You don’t have to make payments to or “establish relationships” with 70,000 different taxing districts, or even the 7,000 that actually exist.
make it difficult. The state collects and then forwards to everyone (hundreds of jurisdictions) but not to the home rules. A retailer has to remit directly to the home rules. Because they can also have different tax bases from the state they are what really complicates Colorado. Colorado is ranked usually the second or third most complex sales tax state. It shows how little that really bothers the business community (other than bitching about it) as Colorado is regularly ranked in the top five states for business climate.
If it is as easy as RedGreen, harrydoby, etc. think it is – then there is a very lucrative business here for someone to implement. 99% of the start-ups out there don’t have the bandwidth to set up even 50 payment relationships. (Not to mention that the bureaucracy they would encounter will drive most entrepreneurs bat-shit insane.)
So if it is easy – well a lot of very successful companies have been created providing something that is easy to do, but others thought was hard.
While the technical hurtles don’t seem to be insurmountable (my wife, the interior designer, filed a ridiculous number of sales tax forms for all the locations she did business as well — or more accurately, her bookkeeper did), convincing small companies to pay for this service does appear to be the real challenge.
However, that approach does really well. It depends on how long you get to hold on to the payments where you collect when a company receives payment and pay when the taxing authority requires payment.
Companies are willing to pay when that payment is less or the same as handling it them-self and it’s not core to their expertise. You could probably start off charging plus making money off the float. But as competitors entered the market, if the float was sufficient, that’s where you would probably end up.
You definitely should be able to provide it for less than each company would incur handling it themself.
UPDATE 2-ADP profit rises 5 pct to $423.8 mln
If it truly is as easy as you think – then there is an opportunity here. With that said, keep in mind that starting your own company means you get to work twice as hard for half as much money.
It’s probably not that easy, but it’s not as impossible as some suggest. Multi-state retailers manage it. The thing is, there isn’t that big of a market for it because most states can’t (or don’t) require out-of-state vendors to collect their sales tax, and it would probably be illegal for you to do so without a sales tax license. But once you do collect, you don’t have to send out 70,000 separate checks — in most cases, you would pay the state and they would distribute, or in some cases counties or home-rule cities. I wonder if that would be transferable to an entity like ADP to collect, get some money on the float, and then remit, either. But if you can look up ZIP-Plus 4 numbers on every address in the country, it can’t be as vexing as some make it out to be to tie that to sales tax rates, and to code your inventory database to account for different merchandise getting taxed by some entities and not others. There just aren’t that many moving parts.
And in case the hooting idiots of this fine website decide to claim it’s just a “lib’ryul media hit job” perchance you could direct your web browser to Gov Scott’s website and see it for yourself:
Double-plus Good!
Florida is apparently collectively kicking itself in the ass for electing him, in spite of weak Dem opponent. Should start investigating recall.
How about Red Elvises?
….pretty easy to grab a “free” show on the Santa Monica promenade where they’d play for tips, and then catch them at Rusty’s Surf Ranch on the Pier.
My favorite: Sad Cowboy Song!
As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents.
George Orwell
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
George Orwell
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
He’s bored. He doesn’t watch tennis. He doesn’t watch baseball. He doesn’t go outside to picnic, watch fireworks, or do anything else. In order to live, he needs to say stupid shit and get a reaction out of normal people the way most of us need to breathe oxygen.
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
John Stuart Mill
A conservative is someone who believes in reform. But not now.
Mort Sahl
A man who has both feet planted firmly in the air can be safely called a liberal as opposed to the conservative, who has both feet firmly planted in his mouth.
Jacques Barzun
“Parsimony is not economy.Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.”
Edmund Burke
He was an embittered atheist, the sort of atheist who does not so much disbelieve in God as personally dislike Him.
George Orwell
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.
George Orwell
In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.
George Orwell
A conservative is a man who just sits and thinks, mostly sits.
Woodrow Wilson
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
A conservative is a fellow who thinks a rich man should have a square deal.
Frank Dane
I take this new obsession with George Orwell as a clue. Pretty sure I was first assigned “Animal Farm” in Jr. High back in the day. Strongly suspect Mark G is not much more than 14. Happy 4th to all. Remember the sunscreeen.
So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.
George Orwell
The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor.
George Orwell
The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.
George Orwell
Just want to be sure this isn’t a case of the MLK quote that turned out not to be his actual words…
A conservative believes nothing should be done for the first time.
Thomas Fuller
A Conservative Government is an organized hypocrisy.
Benjamin Disraeli
A conservative is someone who makes no changes and consults his grandmother when in doubt.
Woodrow Wilson
They’re so true. But funny. You got me really laughing.
Or maybe you just hit my snotty, smug liberal funnybone.
…as often as Republican’ts LOVE to try and dress themselves up in Reagan’s legacy, they always seem to blithely ignore how he got sh*t done.
But, as we have discussed on the pages of this fine website, Reagan couldn’t be nominated for President, since the jackwads running the GOP would call him a RINO…
I know most of the Teapublicans on this site have never read the Constitution past the 2nd Amendment, but you might want to brush up on it for when the President ignores your jackass representatives in Congress:
More info:
A Federal Website (that ‘tad claims is completely unnecessary) devoted to the Constitution:
Because we will have enough money to pay our existing debt payments. What we won’t have is money for medicare, medicaid, the military, etc.
“Authorized by law.”
That’s why legislation is needed to raise the debt ceiling.
As much as I dislike Cornyn, he’s right. It IS crazy talk.
I really want to hear how they “were for the Constitution before they were against it.”
Summer entertainment, that’s all…
“Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.”
-Ronald Reagan
just goes to show you can say anything politically…
I think it must be April 1st.
..the Avs sign a used-up castoff goalie after trading for a 2nd-string hopeful that may end up being productive sometime during the 2014 season.
The Kings now have a the two better players from the Flyers, having intentionally avoided the Brad Richards pyramid scheme to get Simon Gagne for a much more affordable price…while trading away loser cap-hit Ryan Smith back to the tundra he deserves.
Kings – Playoffs. Avs – Top five draft pick in 2012, which they traded to the Caps.
Which seem inflated just to make the cap floor.
Is that Republicans want to spend every day as a holiday excusing it as a patriotic gesture. While liberals believe in the importance and value of working. Very fair points those.
Gosh darn on a cracker, can we get some aphorisms that don’t treat everyone in the country as an idiot?
or just call him a monumental dumbass…I do hope he was an organ donor…
calls helmetless motorcyclists “two kidneys and a heart.”
Once Greece goes…
You can still vote to put Todd Helton on the All-Star team. He’s on the last-man ballot here:
You may vote as many times as you want.