From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli
We are all tools of the conspiracy!
–The Dead Milkmen
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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Dumping radioactive sludge into leaking pond – TNTSNBN
Well, hello, after what, a year? I know that I just left w/o saying “Goodbye,” or anything. Perhaps because I never intended to become permanent MIA.
Two things have taken place. The first I realized, after stopping participation in Pols, and stopping the newspaper, how much negative energy I had bound up in politics. Always being angry at the state of our states. Plenty to be so with Gov. Rick Scott, the Free Felon bull in the social China shop here in Florida. (See today’s NYT story – yes, I did look! – about how his ratings are so low the Dems are happy!) I listen to NPR sometimes, but if I start responding to the news about asshole idiot Republicans shredding our social system or lying (sorry for the redundancy), I just turn it off.
The second thing is life simplification and cost cutting. No TV, when I want entertainment I read. Wish I had done that years ago. Dumped Comcast, get my internet via a neighbor’s wifi from across the bayou. I’d rather spend time staring at the beauty and the animals here around and in the bayou than get so wrapped up in what I see as The Intentional Destruction of America’s Middle Class by Republicans.
So, you might ask, what is going on personally?
Well, years ago I said that I would be on Medicare before this country has a good universal health insurance program. Dang, wish I was as good predicting the stock market! Yes, on Medicare! Because of my low SS only income, the state of Florida pays for my Part B insurance. (Don’ tell Prick Scott!)
I don’t plan on using Medicare much, I continue (in a non linear fashion) to lose fat and gain muscle. Some pounds I’ve lost two and three times, the winters – such as they are here – are when I backslide. Nevertheless, I’m in overall better physique than ever in my life, regardless of age! I’ve seen 180 heart beats a minute on my monitor when biking, I should be dead of heart failure, but no……
My mother has been living at my sister’s since December and on hospice care with a dementia diagnosis. However, she really isn’t declining. She requires 24/7 care and two people to assist with walking. I’m over there many times a week to see her and give my sister evening breaks. Although no one should have to go through what we did with my father and then instantly segue to what is going on with our mother, I am truly blessed to close these chapters in such a gracious manner.
I live alone now in the Olde Verizzo Family Ancestral Estate. If you want to see it, look on Google satellite view or whatever you prefer, 1008 Sylvan Drive, Sarasota, FL 34234. I didn’t much appreciate it as a kid, but I sure do now. Hopefully this season’s hurricanes will leave it intact once again. Hey, want some fun? Come on down, I’m painting the house in the Florida summer, huh?
My kids and g-kids are all doing superbly, another tadpole on the way soon. Talk about blessed!
Spiritually, I’ve recognized since last summer that I am an atheist. Not a reductionist type, still fully aware of spirit. “Into” the Navajo concept of hozho, poorly translated into harmony. If anyone wants (a lot!) more info, back channel me. paulv you know what .
So, I’m sorry I’ve abandoned The Good Fight to those more able to carry the emotional burden, but it’s been a mental life saver for me to do so. Three years ago I was depressed to the point of suicidal thoughts, now I live in grace.
I’ll look at the follow up comments here, but I make no promises about the future of my participation here!
Live in beauty, Parsing
PS, Old Jeep Cherokee still sporting Colorado tags and my license is CO. I did recently change my cell number to 941 area code. Maybe I’ll be fully moved in another five years or so!
End of life is hard with the parents, but I think that’s just part of the deal. Sounds like things are going well for you and I totally understand withdrawing from politics – it’s become so toxic and ineffective.
Nice to hear from you.
I was just thinking about you yesterday while reading Pols. Glad to hear you are finding balance and serenity in Florida, of all places. Also thought about you when I brought my fam to My Brother’s Bar the other night for dinner.
All my best to you and your family!
Ride the hurricanes and don’t let them blow you away.
Last time I checked, I think you had commented in February or sometime, but that was once or twice after another months-long absence. I’m not going to bother to click on your name now and double check that.
I’m pleasantly surprised to hear your mother is still with us. I had speculated that maybe she had passed and that you were coping with that. Glad to hear that the news is better.
Please do keep checking in. I understand the need to get away and stay away for while – believe me! – but I’d be sad to think of you quitting altogether.
I checked out that house, surely you shouldn’t be depressed for having that lifestyle.
When you mentioned your cell number it threw me for a second — I toured Alcatraz a few days ago so had the wrong “cell” in mind.
I am also on Medicare and my wife qualifies on Aug. 1. Life is good in the world that ArapaGOP and Paul Ryan are trying to destroy.
I draw JFK care (medicare) and FDR care (social security) and a pension that my old corporate overlords weren’t able to loot because of ERISA-care, another damn socialist intrusion on the right of six rich guys to screw every other American!
Now, if only the Broncos would get a decent pass rush, life would be very good.
I’m staying active and since retirement have qualified as a certified paralegal and work part time at that task in the up-and-coming Mile High Law Office.
I was just thinking about your posts, recently, as well. Funny how that works.
You’ve got one of the highest rated beaches in the nation to take comfort in and get healthy on/around — even if it does mean less/no time on Pols. Not a bad price to pay.
and glad to hear how well you are doing. Keep well.
For the warm welcoming, and the wishes. In not particular order,
1. Yes, suicide. I was VERY depressed. Fat, my CO life ripped up and plunked down here, the geriatric insane asylum (living with two old people), HOT! (I’m now well acclimated, I don’t even use the AC.)
2. Yes, my location is beautiful. And it has been the saving grace during those bad times. Pelicans, ospreys, raccoons, manatees, and once only, an otter. The boat traffic to the boat yard is ongoing “street” entertainment.
3. I will still visit CO, for sure. Time permitting, I’ll see if there can be Pols social time. This site has been an important community for me for a long time.
…until there’s wholesale reform on the way corporations can hide their assets and avoid paying US taxes, then there’s no deal on restructing corporate taxes…PERIOD.…
I agree. It’s gotten to the point that I feel like a sucker that we don’t keep our profits off-shore, which we can easily & legally do as the majority of our sales are outside the U.S.
Don’t know what could be done at a Federal level, but we need some transparency and some accountability.
That’s disgusting.
This is parallel to illegal aliens, except you are on the opposite side of the issue.
..because even for you, that’s an incredibly incomprehensible statement for the thread.
You don’t know fuck-all about my position (and ideas) regarding immigration. I seldom post anything on the issue, and have never crafted a diary on the subject.
Got one of those facty-things to back up your dumbass statement, or are you going to change the subject and talk about DPS dropout rates?
where medical marijuana is legal…
please expound upon that parallel your Libertad-powers-of-deduction have found here?
Libertad is a proven racist, and it’s the whole reason he’s against immigration. There’s no equivalent of anti-racism (the true opposite side of that issue) in the case of corporate taxation.
I really think that if Libertad is going to make this kind of claim, that before he’s let off the hook or dismissed, he should have to back it up with his reasoning.
So, I’m going to ask again: Please, show us your work Libertad — what is the parallel between Wyoming Corporate Services (and what they do) and those people you call illegal aliens?
Foreign domiciles used by businesses
-Dems claim this is fraud and these registrations are nothing more then tax avoidance schemes by big bad corporations.
-Investors rightly claim these are legit mechanisms that maximize the investment and job creation. GE (Gen Electric) is a good investor example. They use these to argue that US policy should be to lower US corporate tax, thus driving the remitance and retainage of income back to the US.
Foreign domiciles used by persons who cross illegally
-Persons granted US work permits or citizenship claim these boarder jumpers cheat by illegally working capitalist jobs in the pursuit of income.
-Dems claim these persons should be granted citizenship for free and have started many government and non profit programs to enable such a freebie … after all it only takes another government program to right the failures of the GOP. Meanwhile if they keep the Illegal Alien issue alive they can continue to earn political contributions and sympathy.
As to Illegal Aliens, we all economically benefit through lower prices and better services in return for the outsized economic earning opportunities they enjoy through their illegal boarder jumping.
Abortion. Well, I’d never recommend it to a loved one, but it’s benefits are clear. The crime wave that seized America in the late 60s through the mid 80s was stopped cold by the legalization of Abortion (human killing). The millions of poor blacks and whites that would have continued the crime wave were terminated starting in 1973. Unfortunately it also created a labor shortage that been filled by illegal aliens who have also imported their drug culture and prize education attainment goals (dropping out at 6th grade).
Public school dropout rates. DPSs 43.5% graduation rate is no where near the worst, yet it’s benefits are clear. But for the dropouts, who will wash the sheets and vacuum the halls of Denver’s five star hotels? We need this permanent underclass to assure the massive inflationary pressures facing us today have some release valve.
Apparently, only poor white and minority trash have abortions. No such procedure is used by the upper class, according to you.
Good to know. Good to know.
They have their sexual needs satisfied by the toadies on Faux News, and by screwing the middle class up the backside.
Your abortion policies are widely available to all Americans; further you export your culture of death to foreign nations through direct foreign investments and transfer payments.
Do try to comment in a drama-free manner.
is Wyoming a foreign domicile? Did you even read the story?
You had to ask?
especially to Ari — what can I say man? I thought he might be good for a laugh, but this kind of stupidity is nothing but sad.
I do have to say that, as accustomed to Libby’s bullshit as I am by now, his response was still unexpected and kind of neat because of the sheer “Wow!” factor. He can still surprise us and show he’s further out there than we thought.
It couldn’t have happened without your question. And since it tends to bolster my judgment of Libby’s character, I thank you for pressing the matter.
…are you now saying Saint Ronnie was wrong for doing it?
is because of the post war (that would be WWII, ‘tad) baby boom. Teens and twenties to thirties compose the high crime demo. The crime rate went up as the huge baby boom generation went through those years and came down as we aged out.
When you have nore teenagers than ever you have more juvenile delinquents. When that same demo starts hitting middle age, they have less time and energy for running around being punks. There were other factors, none as important as the boomers’ sheer numbers, but the idea that it had anything to do with abortions is just rightie website crazy.
to raise capital; and
to avoid personal responsibility.
This is why the Corporation exists. This is news to you ?
Johnson Has Yet To Produce Written $10M Compensation Agreement
Dane County Sheriff’s Office Investigating Alleged Prosser ‘Chokehold’ Incident
Both the Denver drag ( and the C Springs Gazette ( had stories about the reapportionment committee meeting where 2 Republican’s voted with Dems and one U but only mentioned the U-Chairman.
Anyone know who the two R’s were? I can guess on one Repub but it’s only a guess due to the lousy reporting by both papers.
Now that Illinois is on the way to sending its fourth governor in 35 years to prison, I’m pretty sure Illinois must hold a record not soon to be broken.
I think over the last 20+ years the majority of Speakers have ended up in prison for corruption in office.
On the plus side, even without term limits, it means there is constant turnover in that job 🙂
It’s almost as bad as Newark and mayors.
for corruption in general. Pretty sure, though, that Illinois folks can shout
“we’re number one” in the governor follies. When we briefly lived in Oklahoma in the early 80s, not an experience I’d recommend (our cats got a variety of parasites, some of which I couldn’t even find in books), over 200 County Commissioners were under indictment at once, all three in some counties. Pretty sure that must be a record, too.
See? This is why the War Powers Act doesn’t apply to President Obama!
the guy is as gnutty as BJ and Mark G. If the pressure is unrelenting he’ll do something really foolish and expose himself. I’ll be happy to apologize later
It’s very, very, funny that Fox seems to be oblivious to the fact that, while they purport to be a fair and balanced news network with serious opinion shows in addition to supposedly unbiased news, the Daily Show is neither of those things. It’s a comedy show, folks at Fox. That’s why it’s on the Comedy Channel.
The funniest thing is that they really don’t seem to recognize that the same standards don’t apply. They really believe that they are “exposing” Jon Stewart and are so proud of themselves and the “gotchas” they think they are coming up with to prove his liberal bias. As if they think The Daily Show is a real news show just like (ahem) theirs. Never have they looked like bigger morons. And that’s saying a lot.
and further proof (as if anyone needed it) of the validity of Poe’s Law.…