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March 24, 2021 01:29 PM UTC

Boebert Raises Cash Post-Boulder: "They Want To Take Our Guns"

  • by: Colorado Pols
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R).

Ernest Luning reports for the Colorado Springs Gazette:

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert drew criticism Tuesday after the Silt Republican sent a fundraising email Monday as a mass shooting unfolded at a Boulder supermarket, asking supporters for campaign donations to help keep “radical liberals” from taking guns away from law-abiding Americans.

“I will fight this new attack on our sacred rights with everything I have,” Boebert said in the email, which was obtained by Colorado Politics.

According to a time-stamp on the email, it was sent by her re-election campaign around 5 p.m. Tuesday, roughly two hours after police surrounded a Boulder King Soopers following reports of an active shooter at the store. Hours later, authorities announced 10 people had been killed and a suspect was in custody.

From the contents of Rep. Lauren Boebert’s fundraising appeal, sent late Monday well after the mass shooting in Boulder was dominating national headlines:

This effort can only end with one thing: turning law abiding citizens into criminals. That’s what they want. Do you thing [sic-Pols] the gang members, drug runners, and thugs will obey their laws? Of course not. This is about punishing conservatives who want to keep the right to defend their family and their livelihood.

I told Beto “Hell No” when he tried to take my guns. Now I am in Congress to tell Joe Biden the same. Will you please help me send them a message by pitching in $10 right now?

They want to defund our police. Then they want to take our guns. What do we think comes next? We cannot lose this right. Please help me stand up to the radical gun-grabbing left.

Although Boebert’s fundraising email doesn’t appear to have directly referenced the tragedy in Boulder Monday afternoon, there’s just no way to excuse sending this email two hours after the first reports of a mass shooting unfolding in Boebert’s home state. If it was automatically scheduled, cancel it. Maybe not forever, but at least for a day or two–simply to not look like you’re raising money directly off a mass shooting where ten fellow Coloradans died.

This, of course, is what elected officials with a rudimentary sense of decency consider before they click “send.”

We’re learning to know better with Rep. Boebert, but it still comes as a shock from time to time.


29 thoughts on “Boebert Raises Cash Post-Boulder: “They Want To Take Our Guns”

    1. Not stupid. I mean, she is running an effective branding and marketing campaign.

      Or someone is running it for her. But it's still not stupid to hire an effective agency.

      1. I don’t think it matters all that much. When stupidity generates such plainly evil results, we’ve entered distinction-without-a-meaningful-difference territory.

  1.  People are already queuing up to take her on next year. One would think someone on her staff would explain to her that she’s giving them ammunition. That’s a word she’ll understand. 

  2. What she's talking about shouldn't be called guns.  I'd use a gun to kill a coyote; a ringneck pheasant, an antelope. An elk.  

    These are weapons of human destruction. 

    What I Saw Treating the Victims From Parkland Should Change the Debate on Guns

    As I opened the CT scan last week to read the next case, I was baffled. The history simply read “gunshot wound.” I have been a radiologist in one of the busiest trauma centers in the United States for 13 years, and have diagnosed thousands of handgun injuries to the brain, lung, liver, spleen, bowel, and other vital organs. I thought that I knew all that I needed to know about gunshot wounds, but the specific pattern of injury on my computer screen was one that I had seen only once before.

    In a typical handgun injury, which I diagnose almost daily, a bullet leaves a laceration through an organ such as the liver. To a radiologist, it appears as a linear, thin, gray bullet track through the organ. There may be bleeding and some bullet fragments.

    I was looking at a CT scan of one of the mass-shooting victims from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who had been brought to the trauma center during my call shift. The organ looked like an overripe melon smashed by a sledgehammer, and was bleeding extensively. How could a gunshot wound have caused this much damage?

    1. Years ago I sold guns as the manager of a sporting goods store. As I understand from that time, the AR uses a small bullet that moves very fast. The impact is so violent, hydrostatic shock breaks down the tissue in and around the impact area, including the almost liquification of some small organs, and massive tissue damage in larger ones.

      Assault weapons are designed to inflict maximum damage. They are efficient at doing so. They should not be possessed by civilians. Period.


      1. It is designed to tumble for maximum destruction, liquifying the tissue.

        It kills or causes serious injury primarily by its velocity overcoming the lightness of the bullet to impart energy, and by the bullet’s tendency to tumble and fragment on impact with a soft body.

        1. The math problems have been doing a pretty good job of keeping Moddy out of here. Is it just a coincidence that Malena's first and last names start with an M??? 

  3. When I read about what she says about "thugs, drug runners, gang bangers" etc., I have to wonder how many she has met to be so knowledgeable about them?

    1. “Thugs, gangbangers”…

      Boebert’s known a few….most of them were storming the Capitol on January 6. 

      Like Robert Gieswein, aka “Machine Gun Bobby” of the Woodland Park III  %ers,  who posed in front of Shooter’s Grill.

      And Glen Wes Lee Croy, III% militiaman, of Colorado Springs. 

      On Dec. 27, 2020, Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert tweeted “who is going to be in DC on January 6th to stand with President Donald Trump?”

      Croy, using a Twitter account that has since been disabled, replied, “fellow Coloradan we will be there.”

      There are at least 6 other Coloradans arrested in connection with being a part of the Trump mob January 6,  including: 

      Klete Keller, Cleveland Grover Merredith, Jr, Harlan Boen, Stanley Williams, Patrick Montgomery. (ColoradoSun

      Jeffrey Sabol, of Indian Hills, who dragged a police officer down the Capitol steps and held a baton over his neck. 

      We don’t know what other  interactions Boebert had with the rioters. Her over-the-top speech January 6 about her constituents being outside the Capitol “right now” is pretty damn clear, though.  Her cell phone messages need to be analyzed. 

      And she was good friends , per CTR’s reporting, with at least three of the IIIers / Bikers for Trump “gangsters” who in fact did show up at the Capitol January 6. ( They said that they didn’t go into the Capitol). 


  4. @voyageur, above

    You don't have to be a genius to be evil. 

    (Would appreciate someone telling me why i am unable to respond to comments…blank form appears, but i cannot type in it.)

    1. First, select the reply button, then pull the posting box down until you can just see the reply button above. Tap it twice…keep trying. It will not let you type in the box until the reply button turns blue.

      Hope that works for you.

  5. If you believe that your right to own a weapon designed to efficiently and rapidly kill people is "sacred," your God is one scary, bloodthirsty s.o.b. 

    1. We joke and laugh about congresswoman Boebert, but she is seriously dangerous. I listened to as much of that video as I could stand but it has covinced me that she really does have a serious mental problem.

      I am certainly not a psychiatrist…but, she seems driven by paranoia and delusions stemming from that paranoia. Or maybe she really is THAT desperate for attention. Enough to knowingly play a bullshit game she knows is false, a carefully contrived narrative designed to exploit citizens for her own personal enrichment.

      I, personally, think the former. She is dangerously maladjusted.

      1. I tend to think it's more of a feedback loop, where saying something outrageous gets attention, so that people start paying attention to her. Then the next time she says something outrageous, she gets more attention, and it just builds on itself. It probably falls under some variant of narcissism. I don't think she cares if something is true. If it agrees with her world view, it must be.

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