A press release from surging Democratic CD-3 candidate Diane Mitsch Bush today announces a $2.5 million Q3 fundraising haul in her marquee race, easily setting a new record for the most money ever raised in a single quarter by anyone running in this district–in fact,
That means she raised more in a single quarter than any other candidate has for an entire two-year cycle in the history of CO-03. [Pols emphasis] This brings Mitsch Bush’s total raise for the cycle to over $3.6 million.
The record-breaking haul comes after several weeks of momentum for Mitsch Bush—including earning the endorsement of the Denver Post, an outside poll showing her 2 points ahead of her opponent, and the Cook Political Report shifting its prediction for the race in her favor.
“I am humbled and honored by the support we’ve earned to flip this district and take my pragmatic, bipartisan problem solving approach to Washington—with the support of people from all walks of life and without taking one penny from corporate PACs,” said Diane Mitsch Bush. “Coloradans are sick of high health care costs, a lack of good paying jobs, representatives who won’t stand up for our public lands, and politicians who don’t work for them. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work on practical solutions that will help people in Western and Southern Colorado have a better future.”
As the realization has set in that the CD-3 Republican primary was a disaster for the incumbent party, with the surprise nomination of a totally unqualified fringe candidate to succeed five-term incumbent GOP Rep. Scott Tipton who had defended the seat easily, the floodgates have clearly opened on the Democratic side to exploit this unexpected gift. In some ways, the situation has parallels to the ouster of GOP Rep. Marilyn Musgrave from her “safe” GOP CD-4 seat back in 2008–while this may not be a district that Democrats can defend in perpetuity with today’s maps, unique weakness on the part of the Republican candidate creates a near-term opportunity that can’t be ignored.
And as with all such opportunities, sweat what comes after…after.
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Good news. But the devil is always in the details. What will her campaign staff do with the windfall?
I hope they put a bundle into small market radio all over the district. 3rd CD voters spend a lot of time in their cars and trucks listening to the radio. The buy should include spots on the hate radio spectrum, where Rush, Sean and the boys pour sewage every day, because those stations are too often the strongest signal available. Well-crafted spots can find a place there.
I’m a big believer in radio advertising. It’s intimate and cost-effective, especially in sparsely settled regions.
Sending our final c-notes ($300 each in total) to dmb and Hick today.
Here's hoping some of that money went into targeted online advertising, too.
And at this point, hiring a group of people inside the district to be "influencers" in their communities makes sense. Increasingly, I find myself tuning out of commercials on public mass media (no tv), blocking on-line ads where possible, and totally ignoring the ads in the limited amount of printed media I get.
But when a neighbor put up a sign for a down-ballot candidate and asked me if I knew who he was, I paid more attention and even went to seek some information.
Really great news! CD3 has always been an uphill battle for Democrats but Diane knows the district well, works very hard, is proving she can raise the dollars, and has an unqualified mess for an opponent.
The challenge in the district is the same as it is in many races in Colorado – most R's will vote for an R no matter what. Really, no matter what! But there is that persuadable middle, the unaffiliateds and others on the edge of the R party who actually want intelligent representation in Congress. They want someone who actually knows about water, ag, the environment, public lands, highways, rural broadband, and small rural communities at risk of drying up and blowing away.
Go, Diane! Help her out if you can by donating and/or phonebanking.
There are also Republicans that will never vote for a Democrat, but will leave their ballot blank if the Republican is odious enough. That helps.
To be completely flat wrong about the outcome of this race would be awesome.