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September 30, 2020 10:12 AM UTC

Cory Gardner's Zoom Room Appears to Include Book by Racist Extremist David Horowitz

  • by: Erik Maulbetsch

(Rate this room or you hate America – Promoted by Colorado Pols)

During a brief virtual interview with a local Colorado Springs news station last night, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) offered viewers a glimpse at some of the books on the bookcase behind his desk. Most prominent among the visible titles is “Take No Prisoners” by David Horowitz, an unapologetic racist ideologue known for his anti-Muslim and racist statements.

Horowitz, whom the Southern Poverty Law Center considers an anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim extremist, has proved so offensive in recent years that being seen as associating with him has created problems for corporations and politicians alike.

In 2018 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis refused to answer questions about his speeches at Horowitz conferences.

A week later Verizon canceled its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council over the group’s selection of Horowitz as a conference speaker.

“Our company has no tolerance for racist, white supremacist or sexist comment or ideals,” a Verizon spokesperson told the Intercept at the time.

In subsequent weeks, AT&T, Dow Chemical and Honeywell both followed suit, dropping out of ALEC due to its association with Horowitz.

A Colorado resident, Horowitz has spoken frequently to Republicans in his home state, including keynoting the Colorado GOP’s 2018 post-election retreat. He’s also a regular speaker at Colorado Christian University’s Western Conservative Summit.

With the majority of campaign events taking place online, elected officials’ virtual backgrounds are receiving considerable scrutiny.

Neither the Gardner campaign nor Horowitz immediately responded to email requests for comment. This post will be updated with any response received.

Horowitz’ offensive beliefs and statements are legion, but here are a few of the worst, most of which were compiled by Southern Poverty Law Center.

“If blacks are oppressed in America, why isn’t there a black exodus?” David Horowitz, “Guns Don’t Kill Black People, Other Blacks Do,” Salon, August 16, 1999

In an article arguing against reparations for African-Americans, Horowitz wondered where their gratitude was for the white soldiers and white president to whom [African-Americans] owed their freedom.

“If not for the sacrifices of white soldiers and a white American president who gave his life to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks in America would still be slaves … Where is the gratitude of black America and its leaders for those gifts?” —“Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Slavery Is a Bad Idea — and Racist Too,” FrontPage Magazine, January 3, 2001

His FrontPageMag website published an article titled “Why Muslim Rapists Prefer Blondes: A History,” which purports to explain “violent Islamic lust for British and Scandinavian girls.”

“The Palestinians are Nazis. Every one of their elected officials are terrorists.” —Horowitz speech at University of Massachusetts Amherst, February 23, 2010

Horowitz asserted that an anti-lynching memorial in Alabama was anti-white racism, tweeting: “I’m merely exposing the anti-white racism of the lynching project. Lynchings were bad but they weren’t mainly about whites yanking blacks off the streets and stringing them up.”

“Obama is an anti-American radical and I’m actually sure he’s a Muslim, he certainly isn’t a Christian. He’s a pretend Christian in the same way he’s a pretend American. It really is disgraceful. He’s inviting the terrorists to behead more Americans when he should be attacking them with our military. His whole agenda in office has been to defeat America, he lost the war in Iraq deliberately, he created a vacuum which ISIS has filled.” —David Horowitz Interview on “Today’s Issues,” August 21, 2014


12 thoughts on “Cory Gardner’s Zoom Room Appears to Include Book by Racist Extremist David Horowitz

    1. I think I still have a couple of volumes by an author Adolf Hitler.  Pretty certain I lost my copy of the Little Red Book, but it may still be around.  Che Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries. 

      In American politics, I have a pretty full collection of American discourse 1968-1976 — Nixon, Humphrey; McGovern, Ford, Wallace, Carter; plus some of the Watergate figures, Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community by MLK, Jr.

      So, what type of conclusion can you draw from that collection??

  1. It's not what he has on his shelf that matters, it's the dog-whistle he chooses to blow. I've got tons of books on my shelves that I'm sure the Right would want to burn. They are not, however, featured prominently in my backdrop.

  2. I agree with V. Erik Maulbetsch is generally spot on with his writings. But here, he is just being anti-intellectual. 

    My bookshelf includes The Communist Manifesto; writings by Lenin, Chairman Mao, and Kim Il Sung; and "Darkness at Noon," by Arthur Koestler. I had "Conscience of a Conservative," by Barry Goldwater. But I think it finally fell apart and got tossed.

    For those who won't like my comment, I will remind you that September 27 to October 3 is the annual Banned Books Week sponsored by the American Library Association.

  3. The other Senate candidate has a book that celebrates Genocide!  It supports slavery!  It condones adultery by high public officials.  It says homosexuals should be killed!

    I’m sure Erik will join me in demanding that Hickenlooper remove this book:


    It’s called the Holy Bible.

      1. On the other hand, the Song of Songs ranks among the finest erotica ever published.

         "Thy breasts are like twin Roe, which feed among the lilies.   Thou art fair, my love, thou art fair."

  4. Cory is very careful to keep his smiley, wholesome image shined up. Choosing that particular book to display on his public-facing video backdrop is at least a “dog whistle” only slightly subtler than Trump’s signal to the Proud Boys to “stand by”.

    I’m not advocating for banning or burning any books…I have some I don’t agree 100% with, but they’re useful to understand alternate points of view. I don’t show them off in video meetings.

    Cory is auditioning for his new job, IMHO, and I wonder what he’s got in mind.

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