The post-election Sunday Morning Talk Show babble has not yielded any specifics today.
So GOP leaders, what exactly do you want to repeal in our country’s historic health care reform?
1. Access to health insurance – whether employed or unemployed
2. Choice of health insurance coverage options
3. Coverage for dependents up to the age of 26
4. No discrimination for pre-existing conditions
5. Tax credits for small businesses for employer contribution
6. Out-of-pocket cost caps
7. Coverage for preventative care
8. States’ rights to review insurance premium hikes
9. Incentives to lower costs and spend on patient care via the Medical-Loss Ratio
10. Increased patients’ rights to fight rescissions
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BY: kwtree
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BY: 2Jung2Die
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BY: kwtree
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BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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2) Repeal the 16,500 armed IRS agents.
3) Repeal the government take over.
4) Repeal the gov’t funded abortion.
5) Repeal the free health care for illegal immigrants.
6) Repeal the public option.
7) Repeal the requirement for people to give up their current dr and insurance.
8) Repeal the part about the Gov’t Healthcare Czar having all my medical records. And putting them on the web.
9) Repeal the gov’t takeover from parents of taking care of their kids.
Repeal the death panels, and the 16,500 IRS agents. and, you know, all the bad stuff.
Please explain. Those seem to be rather spectacularly lacking in detail.
MADCO is parodying the conservative faction on this site.
He does a more than admirable job, I’d say.
the “CO” is short for Colbert.
The “take back” whatever crowd cannot provide specifics. As displayed by MADCO and then given the emphasis for the not seeing the lack of what we are asking.
The minor consolation we are currently having are a few media types actually asking that question – “what are the specifics” “Rather limited”.
then the terrorists have won!
The death panels will have won.
There’s a strange symmetry to it.
Laurel and Hardy … Martin & Lewis? Nah
Burns and Allen? no
Letterman and Schaefer.
I’ve got a whole diary worked out in my head
Why Caplis & Silverman Suck, Like Most Denver Talk Radio, but Especially Caplis & Silverman.
I never listen to talk radio. I can’t stand people who think they know more than I do.
(which reminds me… what the hell am I doing here anyway???)
addiction is a terrible thing.
no idea what that is in response to.
but you knew that
you amuse yourself…
are you going to the smash up at Wynkoop. I look forward to meeting you if you are.
They don’t want to repeal all of Obamacare. Just the Obama part.
Given the good stuff that is in the Obama legislation regarding health care reform, I imagine we will see a scenario wherein the Republicans repeal “Obamacare” then rewrite their own bill with many of the same points and take credit for his work. The only reason they want this repealed has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility (we know, of course, that the Republicans will not be any more fiscally conservative then the Democrats, they just change the names of things). But the Republilclans want to take credit for this legislation and make sure they give the insurance corporations a victory under their plan. With the Republicans back in power, death panels are a given, with everything being handed back to the insurance companies, where a dollar saved means the patient does not have to be.
They’re not going to repeal jack shit.
They could vote to repeal it, but then the Senate will just shrug. Republicans will get mad, forgetting that the same thing happened in 2009 with climate change legislation. The House passed it, and the Senate just shrugged.
Don’t forget that Democrats controlled both Chambers and the White House, and it took them 18 months to pass the health care bill we have now. So how, exactly, are Republicans going to repeal anything with control of only one chamber — and the weaker of the two at that? Answer: They aren’t.
you are so so smart.
All the funding legislation must originate in the House – and the House will just not find the death panels or the IRS or, you know, all the bad stuff.
I believe.
and then refuse to fund it ….or something.
Boehner is already hedging in the public on repealing anything at all. ” well realistically, we’d have a hard time…blah, blah blah”
That didn’t take long. Wasn’t the election last week ?
from the party of “No (new ideas)”.
The Republicans say they will repeal “Obamacare” although I think the only point of this is not to save money but for them to save face. Republicans threaten to shut down the government in upcoming months unless they get their way.
Some of the Republicans were talking about withholding funding for “Obamacare” if they are unsuccessful” in repealing it. I will freely admit that
I know very little about how funding and appropriations so my question is; Can Republicans actually de-fund HCR without it going through the Senate? How about any of the other pieces of legislation passed in the last two years the TeaPublicans are pissed about: FinReg, Consumer Protection Agency, etc.
trying to impeach Obama to actually follow through on any of these empty promises.
One of the prominent House GOP members (though I can’t remember which one… Some old white guy) said that passing repeal legislation isn’t bout actually repealing the health care laws. He actually admitted that the only reason the house would pass an “OBamaCare Repeal” is so that they could continue to keep that issue front and center and continue to fuel the anger, hatred and (ignorant) outrage of the electorate until 2012.
By proposing, and indeed passing, a repeal of the health care laws, it forces democrats to vote against the repeal, and therefore in favor of the original law, again and again and again. It’s a big game to them.
And meanwhile, they are vowing to make absolutely no compromises on the extension of the Bush tax cuts.
The party of “NO” continues to push on. Even while in strong control of the US House, they are more interested in playing games and throwing tantrums than passing legislation that might benefit the American people.
….the problem is that most of the HCR stuff doesn’t go into effect till 2014 – so by the next Prez election, people still won’t have experienced the major benefits.
Although at least they did get the recission, pre-existing conditions, and age 26 stuff in right away, and maybe that will help.
Of course there’s stuff no one likes in the bill, like mandated enrollment, but if people were listening during the whole debate (listening to FACTS, that is), they would have heard that you can’t have the great stuff — covering high-risk people — without it.
People who have coverage through their employers (oh and those rich legislators with nice gov’t coverage that they’ll never lose) forget that there are other people in the world with instability in their work lives, or work for small businesses who don’t have to provide health care to their employees, or whatever.
Get an imagination, republicans – start realizing there’s a world outside of your little bubble.
That’s a big if, I know. But the old way has some pretty bad stuff, so a vote to repeal is actually a vote to allow exclusions for pre-existitng conditions, it’s a vote to force people who get cancer into bankruptcy, etc.
I think this is where Dems need to go. If they were smart (again, a big if) they’d already be framing the discussion this way. LOUDLY.
The GOP keeps saying this over and over and I still can’t figure out what they’re talking about.
Can someone please explain? LB, perhaps?
2) Repeal the 16,500 armed IRS agents.
3) Repeal the government take over.
4) Repeal the gov’t funded abortion.
5) Repeal the free health care for illegal immigrants.
6) Repeal the public option.
7) Repeal the requirement for people to give up their current dr and insurance.
8) Repeal the part about the Gov’t Healthcare Czar having all my medical records. And putting them on the web.
9) Repeal the gov’t takeover from parents of taking care of their kids.
Repeal the death panels, and the 16,500 IRS agents. and, you know, all the bad stuff.
TSA agents in every examination room at the doctor’s office.
When’s the last time you saw a TSA agent that was hot?
It won’t get repealed. I guess the nest two years will just be gridlock and grandstanding.