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July 01, 2020 06:59 AM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have.”

–Abraham Lincoln


22 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. A tulsa police officer, Sgt Craig Johnson, died yesterday after being shot in a routine traffic stop.  The alleged shooter, David Anthony Ware, is in custody.  A second officer wounded in the stop, Auresh Zarkeshan, remains in critical condition.

    This is the lethal dilemma faced by police officers.  Yes, the proverbial 99.9 percent of people they encounter are perfectly peaceful.

    That 1,000 th guy will try to kill them.

    And in just a year, a street cop will stop way more than a thousand people.

    Blue lives matter too.


    1. Why did Ware have a gun in the first place? He is a convicted felon. Perhaps OK has gun laws that are too lax. What’s their requirement for background checks?

      The officer who stopped Ware ordered him out of the vehicle. When Ware refused to comply the officer and Johnson resorted to violence (taser and pepper spray) to force him to comply to their orders. No mention of any attempt at deescalation.

      How might things have been different if a mediator or negotiator could have stepped in (w/LEO backup) to persuade Ware to comply?

      It was only an expired temporary tag that started the whole tragic event.

      1. Bad example.
        OK law prohibited Ware from owning or possessing a gun.
        Ware was going to kill anyone who attempted to apprehend him. If a mediator was present, there would be a dead mediator either instead of, or in addition to shot cops.

        Honor and prayers to Ware and his family.


        1. It may be a bad example but it is an all-too-common scenario.

          The quick resort to force is a common feature as is the violent result.

          If you don’t want things to ever end differently then don’t change any part of that formula. 

      2. Based on the news reports, deescalation wasn't likely. He was given multiple (like, a dozen) warnings on the possible escalation. He had an extensive criminal history, and his posession of a gun alone would have violated the law. IMHO if anything, this is one of those situations where backup (including more guns) would have been more of a motivator for a safe – or safer – resolution.

        1. Ware didn't have enough guns pointed at him?

          The situation hadn't been escalated far enough?

          An expired temporary tag.

          Was it worth it?

          When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

    2. The tragic irony is that a lot of police and deputies are 2nd Amendment supporters who don't want stringent gun regulations.  Wearing armor isn't a magic bullet either.  The son of Boulder County sheriff was shot in the abdomen while wearing Kevlar protection.  It saved his life but the impact and resulting intrusion damaged internal organs to the point that he had to retire with permanent disabilities.  Compared to New Zealand and Canada, the US is truly stupid about regulating guns in our society.

  2. McGrath – here's to hoping team Booker's energy will now boost McGrath.
    Sure, displacing Senate leadership by taking the majority is good. Also voting out McConnell/Chao is even better.


  3. “When [America] sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” . . . 

    The World Builds a Wall to Keep America Out

    You might call it poetic, if it weren’t so painful. Donald Trump won the White House largely on a campaign of shutting America’s borders to pretty much everyone other than people of European descent. “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” he once asked, about Haitians, Salvadorans and Africans. “We should have more people from places like Norway.”

    So what should one conclude about America’s own proximity to Trump’s global latrine now that “places like Norway” have decided to keep theirborders indefinitely closed to us?

    Among the list of nations to which Norway and the rest of Europe will soon reopen for travel are three from the continent that Trump flushed down the toilet: Algeria, Morocco and Rwanda. Canada is also on the list. So is China, assuming it reciprocates.



  4. The Colorado Supreme Court just issued a decision concluding that "Article V, section 1(6) of the Colorado Constitution requires that ballot initiative petitions be signed in the presence of the petition circulator. That requirement cannot be suspended by executive order, even during a pandemic."  It was a per curiam, unanimous decision.  https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/Supreme_Court/Opinions/2020/20SC453.pdf

  5. Not Colorado, not even the US, but a great story today on a real hero: 

    Alan Turing Will Be the New Face of Britain’s £50 Note

    When Alan Turing died in 1954, at the age of 41, he was in a period of crisis. Two years earlier, he had been charged with “gross indecency” after his homosexual affair came to light, and he avoided prison time by agreeing to undergo chemical castration. He also lost his security clearance to work on secret code-breaking operations during the Cold War—a difficult blow for the pioneering mathematician and computer scientist, who had made vital contributions to Britain’s efforts to crack German codes during World War II.

    (while we fiddle at replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman)

    In 2016, candidate Trump told NBC that stripping his favorite president, the populist and slave owner, Andrew Jackson, from the $20 bill was “pure political correctness.” He suggested that Tubman be bumped to the $2 bill, which is no longer printed.

  6. How my wife just spent most of her stimulus check

    Diane Mitsch Bush $100

    DNC $100

    John Hickenlooper $100

    DCCC (Pelosi) $100

    DSCC (Senate pac) $200

    Sara Gideon $100 (Collins can shove it)

    Doug Jones $100. Support Integrity

    Amy McGrath $100 (Ditch Mitch)

    Total $900

    We’ll be back next month for Bush.  We gave $300 to Crow last year and $100 to Bush.  This year, it’s Stop Crazy Time!

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