“Never use a big word when a little filthy one will do.”
–Johnny Carson
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BY: ParkHill
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: Genghis
IN: Why DNI Tulsi Gabbard Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
BY: Genghis
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Trumpflation is Here
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: harrydoby
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: unnamed
IN: Obligatory Lauren Boebert/Kid Rock Gossip Thread
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Condolences to those who missed Lost Walks and Slim Cessna's Auto Club at Levitt Pavilion last night. That was a helluva show.
I don’t know Losts Walks, but Slim Cessna’s Auto Club is always a helluva’ show . . .
(. . . Colorado’s answer to Shinyribs / The Gourds.)
Those zany Germans…thinking they can actually keep their beer cold and showers hot without coal, nuclear plants or LNG!
Germany’s foray into home batteries pushes market to tipping point
Happy birthday to all our Leos – Duke, Gertie, Michael, notaskinnycook, and any I missed. Your positive outlook, can-do attitudes, and sunny dispositions help us to get through these dark days in our country.
True enough, MJ. But grouches like me and Bowman are this nation's first line of defense.
Thanks, MamaJ. You're a keeper, too
V and me will keep our diverse, rural experiences front and center, sometimes as grouches (I'm looking at you Sen Gardner) and sometimes as optimists (I'm looking at you hemp batteries!).
Hemp batteries could be a real game changer. But we need to face the fact that merely slowing the rate of co2 buildup won't work. We need a world wide reforestation program. And maybe just grow hemp and other carbon intensive crops for the sake of trapping carbon. Build hemp peat bogs?
You're right – simply slowing the rate is no longer the option. We have to thing regeneratively. There is no better resources to accomplish that than both reforestation AND building soil carbon. American farmers could/need to be a central player in this. Unfortunately the community suffers from being conditioned by our junior senator and many others that this is a bullshit. We farmers shouldn't miss this opportunity but I'm not betting yet on a wide-scale adoption of these practices for those very reasons. (OK…the grouchy side of me just came out).
My plan will make everybody happy, Michael. We build a wall across the southern border, 200 feet high, 500 feet high. Build it entirely of hemp grown by otherwise bankrupt soybean farmers.
No more global warming. Farmers get huge subsidies. Only unionized companies can contract to build the wall. You and I get rich patenting 205 foot ladders specially designed to anchor in hemp.
Unfortunately (except for the union and ladders part) el Creepo Steve Bannon has already proposed such a plan! I'm still totally in on the ladders!
Satire is hard in a world gone mad!😢
But V, what happens when people start plucking leaves from the hedge for recreational purposes? How long can it last?
The wall is made from the nonpsychoactive type of hemp, Cookie. If people try smoking it, that just leaves more of the good stuff for us!
Thanks, M.J. Mine's next Tuesday. You all see the positive attitude. I save my yellin' and cussin' for the newspaper and anytime the Screaming Yam's on t.v. lying, er, talking.
Save me a piece of that strawberry cake!!
As posted on your FB page, Michael, if we have a get-together before the end of the summer, I'll make one and bring it along for the whole gang.
WAPO Pundits "Power Ranking" (aka horse race coverage based on their feelings) has Hick off the list of the top 15, not even receiving any votes among the group. Bennet slides down to #12, his lowest ranking since April.
Hick also takes a bit of flak about a shift to the Senate race: Hickenlooper’s possible retreat to Senate race in Colorado could be rocky
John: do you have access to the "power rankings?" It's behind a pay wall.
Yep … Early on, I enjoyed the "linked subscription" of the Denver Post / Washington Post. When that offer ended, I considered, and decided to keep both. Addicting, and the distractions of OpEd writers Abernathy, Hewitt, Rogers and Thiessen trigger outstanding snark in the comments following the articles. There also is a fairly regular rotation of sane conservatives in the pages, too.
I've been amused by the "power rankings" — enough to track them nearly every week. On occasion, there are helpful observations added by the pundits, short takes which do not appear in their other writing.
What would you like from the "power rankings"?
Oh, Joe. “Poor kids are just as talented and bright as white kids.”
I have significant concerns about his judgment. The gaffes flow freely.
The gaffes are baked into the cake with Biden. I'm not saying they are good or something about him.
Have we forgotten Neill Kinnock? Or, "This is a big fucking deal!"
What you see is what you get – warts and all.
And if elected and re-elected, Joe would be 86 when he left office. I d oubt that the extra years would make him any sharper. Bernie would be 87!
Funny. I thought it was dogma on the left that poverty is disproportionately concentrated among black and brown kids. Or is the left, in its lust to bring down joe, now embracing the welfare Cadillac meme?
Jesus. The guy appears to be transitioning from gaffe machine to walking argument for non-consensual euthanasia.
at least Joe has the presence of mind to realize the verbal stumbles, and make additions or corrections in the same speech.
But who knows what stumble is going to draw heat and drive his polling down?
Walmart apparently will stop displaying images from violent video games. Now, if only Walmart could sell mental health, America's mass shooting problems would be over!
Sigh, 2020 can't get here soon enough… It will be up to another Democratic president to dig us out of a GOP-caused recession. (but we won’t have nearly the fiscal or monetary flexibility we should have had)
Thanks for the link, harrydoby. I subscribe but missed this. It'll be a good read when I'm awake enough to digest it.
Cleary way, way, way past his “best by” date . . .
Joe Biden Says ‘Poor Kids’ Are Just as Bright as ‘White Kids’
(Sometimes a person’s highest level of incompetence is the level that’s already been attained . . . or, whatcha’ gonna’ do when your very “best,” even at its “by”-date just wasn’t all that great, anyway??? . . .)
I’ll admit, this isn’t a great read, . . .
. . . I mean, it’s pretty much the pro forma
stable geniusidiot nutbag stuff we’ve come to expect as just usual . . .. . . but, that headline, and that picture? Yowza!
North Korea Launches Projectiles Despite ‘Beautiful Letter’ from Kim Jong-un to Trump