“When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front row seat.”
–George Carlin
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: “America’s Hangman” For Governor, Anyone?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thousands Turn Out To Protest Trump In Downtown Denver
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: “America’s Hangman” For Governor, Anyone?
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Boebert Hoisted By Her Own POLITICO Petard
BY: ParkHill
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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According to Jennifer Rubin in the WAPO, things are changing among Hispanics.
The impact of all this turnout?
Gotta game the census, gotta game a poll tax.
Brown skin voters!o my!
No wonder the Screaming Yam wants to keep the brown people out. Imagine a demographic with the common sense not to vote against their own interests.
Kudo's to Senator Bennet for laying the groundwork for our current hemp industry (It was Jared's work on the House language and the Senator's work in the Farm Bill conference committee in Dec., '13) that made this industry even possible. Even with our success, federal regulators are still a significant hindrance to our growth. Hemp was descheduled under the 2018 Farm Bill and reclassified as an agricultural crop.
American Bankers Association Demands Answers About Hemp And CBD
Michael, since we know Bennet is only going to be in the race for a short time (maybe through Iowa), do you know if he is he trying to put this bug in the ear of an "in it to win it candidate"?
Michael has been a real champion of the industry from the early days; Ed P has also been a champ and uses his voice on the House Financial Services Committee to promote the industry. On the marijuana side of the fence I know our alum Whiskey Lima Juliet has met personally with the women POTUS candidates and has had a noticeable influence on their positions.
All this disconnect at the agency level is frustrating but we're getting there. When I look through the lens of politicians and regulators (mostly DEA) who said six years ago that federal legalization was never going to happen, we're getting the last laugh.
It has taken the buy in from the banks, insurance companies, Big Ag and others to push the issue to the tipping point. Big Pharma, Private Prisons, and the entrenched anti-drug agencies and NGOs fought aggressively, but ultimately, the money is too big for the banks and insurance companies to resist. They will move Congress.
Do I see this correctly, Michael? You know the subject as well as anyone I know.
Oh, about that
(apparently a Griswold)poll.SOS Jena Griswold polled second in a race she's not even running in
I find myself wondering these days just what the founding fathers, with all their 18th-century wisdom, found so distasteful with hereditary monarchy? (Would any monarch conceivably be as bad as the Orange Ego? . . .)
Anyway, as for the canard of representative democracy (as epitomized by Sen. Coreless Gardner?):
Politicians Don’t Actually Care What Voters Want
. . . God save the [republic]. (?)
. . . or Green Stamps, or something.
Shocking. I'm utterly surprised by this completely unexpected development.
No, no … The Tripartite God is a bit more complicated than just saving. The Father gives … the Spirit has fruits … and Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
Jesus saves.
Moses invests.
So. Much. Winning. Didn't we bail these a*holes out once?
Wall Street banks bailing on troubled U.S. farm sector (while Wall Street is reaching new highs today)
Under Obama, consumers got paid back all the TARP money. Under $rump, it would more than likely bail out his hotels or his back taxes or something. If Warren wins, some of those "too big to fail" banks would just f#ing fail.
Where is the money coming from now that is supposed to help farmers affected by $rump's trade war?
They're raiding the Commodity Credit Corporation piggy bank (because they figured out it has a lot of lending/spending authority that doesn't need congressional approval). Just how many of those rural Trumpers realize they're being bailed out by a program put in place by FDR?!?
Another Tea Party….
The Squad has some Tea Party-like qualities but some big differences.
There are only four of them unlike the gaggle of RWNJs who made John Bohner's life a living hell. And more importantly, the House rules have changed so there can be no threat of a motion to vacate the chair. If they want to make a move against Nancy, it will have to wait until Jan. '21.
Recall Polis petition signing locations – in case Minnie D Mousse or Eatch Itndie needs a place to sign, or someone feels like hanging out with "Decline to Sign" literature.
Outlets like the libraries, that are open to the public, should have public contest the recall forces. The private businesses don’t deserve your business.
Here it is in text:
Together we’ll save Colorado! Thank you.
~ The Dismiss Polis Team
Adams – No business locations yet
Broomfield – No business locations yet
Chaffee –
Cheyenne – No business locations yet
Clear Creek – No business locations yet
Conejos – No business locations yet
Costilla – No business locations yet
Crowley – No business locations yet
Delta – No business locations yet
Denver – No business locations yet
Dolores – No business locations yet
Eagle – No business locations yet
El Paso
Gilpin – No business locations yet
Grand – No business locations yet
Gunnison – No business locations yet
Huerfano – No business locations yet
Saturday 8 am – 6 pm
7/12 Friday 5 pm – 9 pm
7/13 Saturday, time TBD
Kit Carson – No business locations yet
Lake – No business locations yet
La Plata – No business locations yet
Las Animas
Mineral – No business locations yet
Montezuma – No business locations yet
Montrose – No business locations yet
Otero – No business locations yet
Ouray – No business locations yet
Park – No business locations yet
Phillips – No business locations yet
Pitkin – No business locations yet
Rio Blanco
Rio Grande
Routt – No business locations yet
Saguache – No business locations yet
San Juan – No business locations yet
San Miguel – No business locations yet
Sedgwick – No business locations yet
Summit – No business locations yet
Assholes Garage?
. . . you think Fluffy’s also got his little self a real job, too?
He's a busy little guy. I assumed he was collecting overtime raking the forests (his branch of government)? With those red-white-and-blue Home Depot rakes that make the forest floor look so beautiful? Let's hope someone in the party is rewarding him for his brave service with front row seats to the Polis welcome this morning at WCS!
If you're in Wray I hear they're hanging out at the car wash at the top of Main Street from 5-7pm. The Filling Station in Kirk?? Population 90 (if you count all the cats and dogs)?
Let’sseehere . . .
600,000 signatures needed . . .
109 locations . . .
5,505 signatures per location . . .
20% safety factor for rejected signatures/Republicans who can’t remember their addresses . . .
Carry the four . . .
Hmmmm, well, it looks like the metropolis of Kirk only needs to grow by about 6,526 registered GOPers in the next
6050 days, to do it’s fair share . . .Doable, I spose’ given the stunning successes of Bigly Orange’s tax cuts and tariffs on rural . . . er, I mean, “real” . . . Umeraca???? . . .
I surely hope that Polis hasn’t unpacked his luggage, yet???
Is there any requirement for geographic dispersal of signatures, or could all 600,000 come from this uninspiring list of locations?
And (call it 6,000) signatures per location, in 60 days. How many of these businesses do you think have 100 walk-ins during a day?
Some of those *might* get a hundred walk-ins a day, but it'd be the same 100 people each and every day. The folks in Wray on Facebook are practically breathless in their quest to get everyone in town signed on the dotted line.
Mesa County brought in 500 or so(according to organizers) at an event yesterday. The local Republican Tee Vee headline was "Polis Recall gains momentum"…
Actually…Republican TV is all you get here if you don't cable or a dish. I get real news online but don't have a big screen and functioning wi-fi, etc. I think everyone should trn off cable and watch the local Grand Junction stations…you might be amazed at the pervasiveness of one-sided political asininity.
One spot hits goal for one day … yep, "momentum."
You mean the rest of the state did not bring in 9,500 valid signatures in yesterday?
I was told that petition gathers had a “very brisk” day outside of multiple locations of The Crossing Burning Supply Store, and also at a couple of the My Little Brown Shirt Childrens Apparel Outlets . . .
. . . or, maybe it was Hobby Lobby and Chik-Fil-A ???
Same thing, Dio.
Uh, Valley Gun Service in Monte Vista is not in Rio Blanco County.
You say Blanco we say Grande?
From Fox News: "Trump rails against ‘Fake News’ in bizarre tirade, warns industry will fold when he leaves office"
Really/ I'd like to see if that works, sooner rather than later.