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June 07, 2019 12:19 PM UTC

Bennet "Sister Souljas" Medicare For All

  • by: Colorado Pols

Dave Weigel of the Washington Post directs us to the latest digital ad running in support of Sen. Michael Bennet’s presidential campaign–and much like Gov. John Hickenlooper left many observers scratching their heads after striking out against “socialism” to the rowdy boos of California Democrats, Bennet is taking what can only be called a triangulation approach against liberal firebrand Bernie Sanders and one of Sanders’ chief policy planks:

As readers may know, but would be excused for not knowing like we expect the majority of Americans do not know, Sen. Bennet has his own policy prescription for health care reform that he calls “Medicare X.” Medicare X is not a universal coverage plan but closer to what was known during the debate over the Affordable Care Act as a “public option.” It’s a plan with a lot to offer, and Bennet makes arguments for Medicare X that sound an awful lot like the progressive side of the debate over “Obamacare.” But in this case, Bennet is making disingenuous claims about Medicare For All “taking away insurance” that are much too close to rank GOP falsehoods about “insurance cancellations” under the ACA for us grant a pass.

As readers should know, Sen. Bennet is running toward the back of a 20+ pack of presidential candidates, and is doing whatever he can to obtain enough support both financially and in polling to qualify for the second round of presidential debates. This tactic is obviously an attempt to broaden Bennet’s support by attacking the Democratic frontrunners from the right, arguing that their more ambitious health reform agenda “won’t work.”

The problem is of course that this message, just like Hickenlooper’s off-key railing against “socialism” in front of California Democrats, is pretty much the opposite of persuasive to Democratic primary voters. It’s a message aimed at a tiny if sometimes decisive wedge of swing voters in a general election, but the job of a primary candidate is to win the hearts and minds of the ideological base. We’re not saying that Bennet is even wrong–it’s arguable after the last painful decade of partisan warfare over health care in this country that a dramatic move in either direction is politically very difficult to conceive.

But there’s no upside in lecturing primary voters at the precise moment they are looking to be inspired.


25 thoughts on “Bennet “Sister Souljas” Medicare For All

        1. Such as, DP?

          You remind me of a Trumpian wingnut acquaintance who bitches about Gardner for not sufficiently sucking up to Trump and pleads for someone better to run.


          1. Someone willing to support further left policies, obviously.

            Yeah, except, see, the difference is that Trumpian wingnuts support policies which harm people and reinforce systems of oppression. Trumpian wingnuts aren't bad because they're pissed at moderates in their party. Trumpian wingnuts are bad because of the policies they support.

            1. By the same token, DP, LWNJ or jilliots are not bad because their ideas are inherently evil. They are bad because, objectively, they serve right wing ends by fragmenting a left which, if correctly joined in a popular front, could defeat fascism, the greater evil.

              Objectively, popular front is good, third period is bad.  

              Burma Shave


                  1. Actually, the big thing is getting through good policy. It doesn't help much if we win, then we don't implement good policies. Running further right wing candidates to win means we get further right wing policies implement and further right wing policies is what we should be fighting against.

              1. Sorry, V. That is soooo wrong.

                "Correctly joined"? That is about as subjective as it gets. The implication that influence from the left is a fragmenting force is specious. That assumes there is some inherent "correctness" about yielding to corporate interests and "conservative" policies. C'mon V., you can do better than weak sauce like that. Jacque Pepin would be disappointed.😉

                  1. Nope…

                    A French chef with a predilection for wine…

                    That coalescing COULD go the other way V. How about if we all gathered around real, fundamental, change?

                    1. Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas
                      I need to get myself away from this place
                      I said yep, what a concept
                      I could use a little fuel myself
                      And we could all use a little change

                      – Voyageur

            2. Left is never left enough for you, Death Pigeon. You attack Bernie and Warren as not far enough left. I have news for you. Bernie is hanging out of Overton's Window and Warren isn't far behind.

              Good God, I'd love to know what color the sun is on your planet, DP.

              1. I fail to see your point. I criticize every politician when I disagree with their policies and I'm not about to stop doing that because of a mystical "overton window". It's better for people with better policies to be the candidates and to win the election. That's why it's better for someone to the left of Bennet to primary him and run in the general and it's better for Bennet to win in the general, if he's the nominee, than for the Republican. It's better for Bernie or Warren to win than Harris or Biden, too.

                1. Basically, DP , you criticize politicians if the sun rises in the east.  And you haven't answered R&R's question: what color is the sun on your planet, anyway?

    1. The bill's here, waiting to be passed, it's not "vaporware."  Oh, and it's not Sanders' plan, it's Sanders', Booker's, Gillibrand's, Harris', and Warren's plan (among others), or at least I assume so, since they're all original co-sponsors of it.

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