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March 29, 2019 06:44 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress.”

–Joseph Joubert


37 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. Speaking of stinking…

    Is Mesa County Commissioner Rose Pugliese on the taxpayers' payroll while she spends almost every waking moment running her petition operation? 

    I don't care to pay her for that, as, I am certain, thousands of Mesa county citizens don't either.

    Are you keeping track of your time, Rose? Are you going to make a commensurate deduction to your commissioners' pay?

    Oh…wait…you don't really care about anyone except your donors and the people who voted for you…do you?

    I have a request Rose…Do your job. Spearheading petition drives isn't, I dare say, in your job description.

    1. Duke — on the other hand, if she is occupied with a KNOWN petition project, doesn't that mean she cannot be up to other mischief as a Commissioner?  Is that a sufficient reason to accept her moonlighting?

      1. I take your point, JID.

        Maybe I am just really tired of looking at her face on the local media outlets. They are selling her shit for her like she is paying them to do it.

        But…this IS Mesa county, after all. πŸ˜’


        1. Why not attend a Mesa County BOCC meeting and ask her, during public comment? Or maybe have someone whose face isn't already known do the "dirty deed?

          Does she have a day job?" 

          1. Rose has a law license, another stellar example that the Colorado bar exam is far too easy. Since she got elected county commissioner, however, apparently the law got shelved.

            I'm perfectly happy when she's occupied outside of Mesa County. What I can't figure out is what she's running for since she's term-limited as a commissioner. Gawd help us if she's got Ray Scott's Senate seat in mind since he, too, can't run again.



          2. If I never have to attend another Mesa county BOCC meeting, that will suit me fine. I am unwelcome there…just ask Scott.

            I certainly would not go to that kind of effort to ask Rose a question she won't answer anyway…I'll just do the lazy thing and grouse about it here.

  2. A Sandy Hook parent named Scarlett Lewis has a lawsuit going against Alex Jones and Infowars. After the case survived a defense motion to dismiss, discovery commenced and is starting to bear some stanky, rotten-ass fruit.

    Here, for instance, we see that the NRA contacted a ghastly piece of shit Infowars Sandy Hook troofer to get some pointers on how to gin up a conspiracy about the Parkland, FL school shooting in early 2018. Lovely stuff.

    As always, fuck the NRA. The death of every member, from the top dog in the organization to the lowliest dipshit rank-and-filer, should be celebrated.

      1. School-shooting truthers (and isn't it abhorrent that our culture has created the possibility of such a thing) aren't nuts.

        They're straight-up evil.  

        1. The same thing that goes through the minds of people who donate to their Baptist church??? Catholics?? Televangelists?? Jim Jones?? The Republican Party?? Cory Gardner?? Numerous PACs?? etc., etc., etc.,

          . . . we really do need to watch the “evil” label, it’s far too easy to toss about. Let’s let the church-ladies, the narrow-minded, and the propagandists keep that one for themselves, huh?

          Extremism is always a vice, even in the defense of “good” things — (not) Barry Goldwater

        2. Who joins NRA?

          A.  Avid hunters.

          B.  Sport shooters.

          C.  Parents concerned that their kids learn proper gun safety procedures.

          D.  People who just love to see the looney 

          Left howling at the moon and bellowing its hollow boast of moral superiority.

            1. The NRA's culture has changed significantly over the last 40 years. The NRA was started by two Civil War veterans who were appalled by the average soldier's incompetence with a gun In the 60s and 70s it really did target avid hunters and shooters, as V wrote. Gun safety, marksmanship, preparing game for cooking – I remember all those articles. I think Dad had a subscription, along with the seldom used 22 rifle in the basement…

              Then, in the mid-70s, the NRA became political, and started morphing into the right wing paranoid political advocacy group we see today, conspiring with Russians, which would have been unthinkable in the Cold War days.

                  1. Hmmmmm??? . . . 

                    . . . or else, maybe:

                    . . . you wind up looking almost exactly like just another one of those flaming idiot knee-jerk reactionary gasbags that you, too, despise.  Or, risk losing any credibility you bring to the arguments you’re trying to make???  πŸ€”

                    . . . that, or maybe V’ger will call you a Viking, or Bill, or Boogerhead, or something??? 🀭

                    What do I know, anyway?? — it’s Saturday. 😎

              1. The NRA's current kookiness is only in the past 40 years. What is really disturbing is that some think the NRA is too moderate and hence we have the freaks over in the RMGO and its national counterpart.

    1. Assuming *rump's minions actually take him seriously and try to enforce that decree, I'd love to hear how Yertle and his Stooges try to defend losing $1.7 billion a day in trade (plus the 5 million American jobs lost).

      Likely crickets, just like *rump's call for a GOP Healthcare plan:

      Political cartoon

      1. I get ads for "Trumpcare" in my spam box every day, along with all of the products to "restore my manhood". So far. I've passed on both. But some people are definitely selling a "Trumpcare" health insurance product. They claim to be group-authored by HealthNetwork Group, with a mission of

        providing consumers with factual, unbiased information about the healthcare reform plan being proposed by President Donald J. Trump and his administration

        Since I don't think such a critter exists  – $rump isn't proposing a healthcare plan –  I'm skeptical. Unlike the "longer and stronger" folks, this is a large website with quite a few articles and pages. There are places to sign up for stuff.

        So one theory is that $rump is merely looking to remove Obama's name from Obamacare and replace it with Trump's name. This would fit with what we know of our*resident. This would also fit with his recent apparent attempt to crash and burn the ACA. Something would have to fill that vacuum – why shouldn't $rumpworld make money off it?

        The website mentions BCRA, the Better Care Reconciliation Act, which was supposed to replace (after gutting) Medicaid. BCRA went down in flames in 2017.

        Another is that this is yet another private for-profit scam, run by $rump Industries, or some other entity, to harvest emails and take money for no actual benefit to the consumer. That's the most likely, I guess. Anyone feel like exploring this and venturing an opinion?

        1. As far as I know the only place using the term "Trumpcare" is that website you linked to.  This is simply the HHS regulatory rule change allowing short term insurance plans (3 months) that are not ACA-compliant to be sold in lieu of ACA exchange policies.  Prices and coverages are up to the providers, and have annual and lifetime caps, and can deny coverage due to pre-existing conditions (all the problems Obamacare was designed to fix). 

          This was the GOP and HHS's sop to the base so they would have "cheaper" premiums (so instead of paying $2.50 for a gallon of gas, you can buy a pint for $1.99 but it might have water in it — such a deal!).  It also had the deliberate effect of pulling healthier (read:  no pre-existing conditions) ACA users out of that market and into the "cheaper" policies — tough luck if the policies are suitable for you or your family.

          According to this info site, Colorado does not allow short term policies to exceed 6 month duration regardless of what the HHS allows.  

          As Mitch McConnell likes to tell his constituents: “I want to destroy Obamacare over your dead body”

            1. My wife will be 64 and is also shopping for her new policy since my COBRA covering her expires in June.  Premiums *start* at $800/month without dental or vision.

              It really stings — and makes you consider going without for a year or so until Medicare kicks in at about 1/5th the cost.  In the end, she chose Kaiser Silver at $955/month, and we'll eat dental and vision costs for the next year.  I'm not sure how much coverage Kaiser has outside of Denver/Boulder, however.

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