In D.C. this evening–happening right now in fact–is a fundraiser to re-elect Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, with a head-turning, depending on your point of view perhaps head-scratching theme:
The federal government may be careening toward another shutdown at the end of the week, but for Sen. Gardner it’s business as usual! For $10,000 as a PAC or a cool $5,400 as a lowly individual, you too can join Cory Gardner’s “Executive Board”–or if that’s too rich for your blood, $2,700 will buy you a “Season Pass.” It’s explained further that “Executive Board and Season Pass Benefit Packages Available upon request.”
Now of course, contributions to a sitting U.S. Senator are most assuredly not meant to be a quid pro quo affair, and it should go without saying that Senators should avoid even the slightest appearance of a transactional benefit from a campaign contribution. And that might make you rightly wonder: what exactly is in the “benefit package” one gets for writing a big enough check to join Sen. Gardner’s “Executive Board?”
Perhaps we’re being too literal about this? Maybe–but without $5,400 to find out, you’ll never know for sure.
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Senator holds fundraiser. SCANDAL!
What a fucking joke.
Certainly not the first time that's been said about Cory.
Moldy has returned, it seems.
Senator offers not-to-be-committed-to-the-record "benefits package" to big money donors.
Stay the course, senator! Some day they will thank you!
Speaking of thanks, it's time once again to thank the Denver Post editorial board, along with the low-information dipshits who accepted the board's bullshit at face value, for gifting cowardly liar Cory Gardner with a 1.9% win in Colorado's 2014 U.S. Senate election.
The Post can go fuck themselves.
I doubt if the low-information dipshits who voted for Gardner read the paper. Any paper. Gardner won because Udall ran a pathetic campaign.
If Con Man were honest (I know, I know…) his pitch would be more like:
Light a match to $10,000 right here folks! It's money down the drain, but at least I'll have a good time lighting cigars with your $100 bills. I got no chance of getting re-elected, but what the hell, I've always depended on the kindness of
suckersstrangers for my livingI still expect him to announce next winter that he thinks he can be more effective in the private sector and has accepted a job on K St. for an undisclosed annual salary.
And PodestaEmails promptly launches a DRAFT TALLER COFFMAN movement for the senate race.
Like buying 1st Class cabins on the Titanic.