“I’m very proud of doing what I’m doing. I don’t call it a shutdown.”
–Donald Trump, yesterday
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Nothing is more emblematic of Democratic impotence and the collapse of meaningful journalism in this country than the insane amount of pearl clutching going on over a lady stating a political position and doing a swear.
I have said it before…
"People who use profanity are inarticulate motherfuckers"
(found on an outhouse wall at Little Box Canyon park in Ouray, Colorado…1977.)
That's no lady. That's a lwnj showing the dignity and thoughtfulness characteristic of the breed.
Wait… age is off limits, but gender and politics are fair?
Who cares if she is a lady? Just as a majority of people don't seem to object to various elected men not being gentlemen, I don't care about her "politeness" in a closed door partisan function.
I would object to such language on the floor of the House, just as I objected to the similar language exercised by then Vice President Cheney in his role as President of the Senate.
Her lwnj status is well established by breaking the Democratic leadership's consensus of not talking about impeachment until it can be approached seriously.
For V.,
People say I've got a shutdown problem,
That ain't no reason to quit.
People say I've got a shutdown problem,
Just 'cause I'm being such a twit.
It's a full-blown, crazy ego problem,
Toss the constitution out the door,
People say I've got a Shutdown problem, They just can't, take this shit any more.
They keep on talking, call me a liar…
I've told so many, baby, my pants are still on fire….
I want my TrumpWall, I really want it, as long as it is big enough to have my name up on it….
(Sung to the tune of , "Drinking Problem", by Midland 2017)
Nice song, Duke. Good work on the parody lyrics, too.
Stop in at one of my gigs in Parachute..I will play it for you..🎶🎤😎
When/if I’m able to retire, I should be able to travel more, and would enjoy that.
“I’m very proud of what I’m doing, I don’t call it a shutdown . . .
. . . I will call it, ‘George’.”
Took two weeks, but the MSM finally came up with the breaking news:
1. While federal workers go without pay, senior Trump administration officials are poised to get $10,000 raises
2. Millions face delayed tax refunds, cuts to food stamps as White House scrambles to deal with shutdown’s consequences
WARNING: Stable Genius at work: "I don't care" and "I don't know."
Perhaps the grocery stores will – like the landlords and mortgage holders – being understanding and allow federal workers to buy food now, pay later.
I will gladly pay you after the shutdown ends for a hamburger today!
One bright spot: Alpine Bank (headquartered in Glenwood Springs) is again gearing up to offer no-interest loans to federal workers not being paid. They need only bring a pay stub to get the money. They don't have to have an Alpine account to qualify. The bank has been doing this during shutdowns for several decades, and there are a lot of federal employees on the Western Slope.
Good on Alpine Bank. There are some actual patriots left.
That's amazing
I wonder if others do that anywhere.
There are at least some credit unions who have announced 0% loans up to the amount of what would be a direct deposit.
One institution I read about said they could afford to do that for a couple of pay periods — which I think means four weeks, but I suppose COULD be two months.
The worst problem is for contractors, like janitors and food service employees, who won,'t get back pay anyway– and are often poorly paid to boot.
, V.
Nice work! Wish it could happen sooner than Fall of 2020, though:
Funny, that's exactly what I was hoping for/suggesting just a week ago
Elections have consequences…..sometimes good ones.
Like any major plan, it takes a while to set up. I'm surprised they think they can offer it as soon as this Fall.
There may be two different plans — the Post quoted some Republican bozo (but I repeat myself) whining about Obamacare not being perfect (gee, GOP attempts at sabotage haven't helped lower premiums? Shocking!), describing it as simply extending state health plans to cover non-state employees on the Western Slope. His sentiments seemed to be along the lines of “Fuck’em, they’re not in my district!”
Maybe that is the 2019 pilot plan, while the Medicare-like public option needing a federal waiver is the 2020 longer term plan.
Does Trump even have an acting White House Physician? He needs to adjust the president's meds because his delusional behavior is getting worse, if that is possible.
Ronny Jackson isn’t doctoring the Prez anymore. Good thing, too, because of multiple allegations of drinking on the job, overprescribing drugs, etc. Jackson also withdrew from consideration for the top VA job.
There is an “acting” White House Doctor, Sean Conley, a Navy veteran and osteopath.
I don’t know how an osteopath determines psychological fitness of the President, but maybe that was the point. Judging by his resume, Dr. Conley is probably too honest and competent to last long in the sad!ministration, anyway.
Any talk of sanity must include the ranting of Lindsay Graham. He was in full "Blanche" mode this morning on TeeVee…
It is clear, to even the casual observer, that the good senator from South Carolina has a very personal grudge and is very animated in his indignity. He became quite shrill and hysterical when questioned.
He is losing it.
I think he lost it a long time ago, Duke. The Senate Republicans are Mitt Romney and the 52 dwarves.
When Dr. Jackson withdrew, he went back to the White House Medical Unit but was no longer Physician to the President Don't know how long that assignment usually is or when he'd be pulled for other duties. He's already done 20 years (commissioned 1995), was just promoted to Rear Admiral in 2018, days before he was put up for the VA Secretary position.
Another Saudi human rights violation within MBS' "reformist" Saudi paradise:
Saudi woman trapped at airport, trying to flee family and arranged marriage
She is also trying to renounce the Muslim faith, so you would think that the Christian evangelicals would be supporting her…but family values, you know.
I wonder how many more cents per gallon could we save at the gas pump if we turn a blind eye to her case, and other Saudi human rights violations?
Ignoring the evidence that Saudi prince MBS ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s murder worked out pretty well. The Saudis ramped up production, and prices fell, propping up Trump’s popularity. How many more should die?
But weren't you just advocating that w e import more from Saudi Arabia so we could shut down all oil and gas production in Colorado?
No. That was your imaginary friend.
Oh, so you never supported 112? I could have sworn you did.
So, you admit you lose! You advocate buying more oil from Saudi Arabia in one post while demanding that we buy less in another. And you hope nobody notices the contradictions?
Tee hee, you lose again! Everytimeou can’t defend your contradictiond you deflect with dmbass video. And lose again! Tee hee/p>
How does this sound?
Nancy offers The Dumpster® $6 billion for a "beautiful, 100% concrete wall".
In exchange for…12 million green cards.
I am sure the world's foremost construction expert would love a "beautiful, 100% concrete wall".
It works for me, Dave!
Not enough. If you only ask for 12 million the Dumpster will agree to it for 36 hours then tweet in the middle of the night that it is too much and expect the Dems to swallow 1 million, but only for people from the "right" countries.
12 million green cards, a tax increase on people making more than 500K/year, and a permanent funding mechanism to stop all future shutdowns. It has to be big enough to be able to give him a “win” by talking the Democrats down to just the green cards and no more shutdowns.
Slate has a fine article of the Twelve talking points (on the Wall) for congressional Republicans
Unbelievable. So many lies. They've forgotten that "spin" was supposed to mean presenting the facts in a positive light for your side, and have decided that outright falsehoods are better.
Mick "The Knife" Mulvaney must be writing this shit. That's a man who lives in his own right wing bubble, believes in shutting down government, and now unfortunately has the President's ear as acting chief of staff.