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November 13, 2018 03:02 PM UTC

Ex-Colorado Senator Cries Vote Fraud

  • by: Colorado Pols

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: 9NEWS’ Kyle Clark gave this the proper treatment last night:


UPDATE: Apparently she means it:

Now would seem to be the time.


Former GOP Colorado Sen. Laura “Waters” Woods of Arvada smells a rat!

If we’re understanding the theory here correctly, because Colorado voters swept Democrats into office at every level while simultaneously voting down the Amendment 73 and Proposition 110 tax increases on the ballot, it “seems like” voter fraud took place in Colorado. This dreadfully oversimplified illogic ignores Colorado’s long history of sending complicated or even contradictory messages at the polls.

Not to mention that Colorado has a Republican Secretary of State who would likely have objected.

But more fundamentally, you just don’t jump to the wild conclusion of “voter fraud” based on something this thin unless you’re completely unhinged to begin with–and during Sen. Woods’ time in the legislature, from baseless warnings of “vaccination roundups” to raging on Planned Parenthood in the wake of the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting, she helped anchor the unhinged wing of the GOP Senate caucus. With that in mind, it’s completely in character.

Weeks? Months? Whichever it is, this could be the one way to make everybody happy.


58 thoughts on “Ex-Colorado Senator Cries Vote Fraud

  1. What a mo . . . 

    . . . deratus ??!!

    LWW will probably never realize or admit just how much she, and her silly band of numbskull ilksters, contributed to the liberal “takeover” this cycle?

    Thanks Laura! And, thanks for leaving now, too!!

  2. Perhaps all the out of work organizers would be willing to load a few moving vans? Maybe we could start "Two Dems and a Truck" to help them out (of the state)?

  3. There were lots of reasons to vote against various state tax increases. Why, even some on this very board were advocating voting in favor of only a couple of the initiatives ("X is better than Sex" was a catchy slogan) and killing the rest.

    I understand there is some sentiment for letting a new and improved legislature take a shot at actually legislating some sort of COMPREHENSIVE solution to our revenue situation, then letting voters express themselves on the better solution.

    1. You were on a bit of a roll there (sort of), right up until that “take a shot at actually legislating some sort of COMPREHENSIVE solution to our revenue situation”.  At which point, it seems that you completely forgot that we are still living in Taborado, including that nifty single-subject proviso, and that it would be all but Constitutionally impossible to ever have any COMPREHENSIVE revenue solution in this state?

        1. As tempting as that is (I'd personally like to be able to recall, say, Cory Gardner, or to make dark money in politics illegal), the folks who want to call a constitutional convention are generally not those you'd want to stand with politically.

          Taking away birthright citizenship , states being able to defy any Federal law they don't like, laws promoting industries at the expense of human life – these are all risks with a constitutional convention.

          Convention of States, with Alec’s support, is one of three prominent conservative groups pushing for a new constitutional convention. Under article V, if two-thirds of state legislatures so choose, they can force congress to convene such a meeting. On the agenda for Convention of States: an amendment to require a balanced budget, term limits for congress, repealing the federal income tax and giving states the power to veto any federal law, supreme court decision or executive order with a three-fifths vote from the states.

            1. A state constitutional convention would be … um, interesting. It would depend upon who were the delegates. We could get rid of TABOR, or we could get something worse (i.e., "There shall never be any tax increase of any kind in the state of Colorado or in any of its subdivisions").

        2. Only a few years ago the thought of a state constitutional convention would have almost certainly ended in a nightmare of RRR utopia with unborn super-citizens, mandatory gun ownership, and a drowned perpetually dying government.

          I'm not convinced that calling such a convention would be safe yet.

          1. Only a few years ago the thought of a state constitutional convention would have almost certainly ended in a nightmare of RRR dystopia with unborn super-citizens, mandatory gun ownership, and a drowned perpetually dying government.


            Fixed it for ya.

        3. or gold-pooping unicorns distrcating everyone for a few minutes, while Tesla tunnels Fort Collins to Pueblo through a wormhole with a flame thrower that is not a flame thrower.

          FOr real- a Constitutional COnvention would ruin us..


      1. Rejecting TABOR would be a single subject.

        Rejecting Gallagher would be a single subject.

        Throw in a separate effort to repeal School Finance Act of 1994.

        Get rid of Amendment 23, and any other arbitrary formulas (I'm certain there are more I'm not thinking of) are incorporated into the Constitution.

        Develop an alternative to cap the overall state and local revenue, with protections for low income, low wealth, and low corporate revenues. Add a phase in period to allow for a transition from what we've got to what we should have.

        I'm not certain the various parts of the package could pass — but doing nothing ought to be considered intolerable.

          1. The votes aren't there today, at least not in the last poll I heard tell of, but what beyond "Shall Section 20 of Article X of the Colorado Constitution be repealed and replaced with a hand, middle finger extended, with a tattoo reading 'Doug Bruce'," do you think is needed?  Sounds like a single subject to me.

      2. There's a template already drafted from Senate Concurrent Resolution 10-001. It called for creation of a Constitutional Review Commission (not a convention), limited to fiscal issues including but not limited to TA___ (I can't call it a BOR), Am-23 and Gallagher (the Big 3). Under this, voters would have to pass a temporary exception to single-subject as part of authorizing the commission, though No Doubt this could be a tough sell to some voters, and the whole thing would now need 55% approval. The commission would then be able to draft comprehensive proposals, with each one again to go before voters and in most cases probably needing 55%. Not a panacea, but amending/repealing parts or all of any one of the Big 3 without touching the others might lead to imbalanced solutions.

        1. Sounds like a workable solution, though it would need a lot of work to convince that 55% majority.

          Could not a set of amendments be put on the ballot that would be dependent on the others passing? That might gain more trust of voters than an open ended commission, particularly if it is a Tabor replacement instead of a total repeal.

          Also, as I recall, our new 55% majority does not apply to repeals. Is Tabor locked in because it is not single subject and so cannot be simply repealed?

          1. DEN – regarding your 3rd paragraph, it's my understanding that Bruce's Brainchild is multiple subject and would need to be repealed via multiple measures. Maybe this question deserves a fresh legal analysis though. The other problem, anecdotally, is I've heard that, among the multiple subjects, the requirement to vote on tax increases is popular. This might make it tough to pass a blanket repeal, maybe even at 50%.

                    1. While he has no shame, he can be humiliated.  Guess we'll see what his tolerance for having his batting a thousand on picking GOP losers tossed back at him once he dares show his face again. devil

  4. Oh Laura,

    Yes.  You CAN make Colorado better by leaving.

    The voters in Arvada saw you for the ultraconservative wingnut that you were and in 2016 revoked their 2014 election of you to the senate.   

    I'll never forget seeing the video of your leading the "Lock Her Up" cry at a Trump rally in 2016.  Guess you're continuing on your "no evidence" bandwagon…Lock her up…vote fraud.

    Geez.  Best wishes in your move.

    Delighted Doremi

  5. I am surprised that 73 failed. Most voters in the state make far less than $150,000 per year. Why would working class voters not want a graduating tax scale that taxes the wealthy at a higher rate than those struggling to make ends meet? 

    1. It added complexity to an already absurd situation, it wasn't neatly understandable what the consequences were, it had a tax increase, it was an amendment, and it was citizen initiated legislation.

      Success in this arena is likely to be a referred measure that cleans up the state budget situation and is saleable (i.e. clear simple and sure). It will still have a tax increase and it will still be an amendment to change budget allocation, but it will remove other uncertainties.

    2. I’m not surprised. People do not like paying taxes in general absent a compelling reason. And many people – realistically or otherwise – believe they will some day be in that higher tax bracket.

    3. cause no one understood it.
      And we all hope we too will get to income that would then be taxed (just like the estate tax) and … 🙁  because the left will talk… but the walk is tough 

        1. laugh yes

          You can almost hear Woods going all Margaret Hamilton.

          "You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness?"

    1. there is – in a way
      All th einfrastructure that hasn't been maintained is the taxes they skated on, and tht the rest of us who stay to work and build the state have to make up for.

      Meanwhile – whe she and other whiney crrybaby RWNJ forget – there is no perfect place
      They're going to hate everywhere else.

      Wyoming: way higher extraction (severance) taxes
      Alaska: severance taxes fund the totally socialist Permanent Fund
      Mississippi: well, as beautiful as it is and as much as most them would overlook the negatives – it's got humiidty, HUGE underemployment, no wage base to grift off and tons of color
      Florida: uh… nuh uh
      Arkansas: maybe… seriously whatinhell is wrong with Arkansas? Load the truck and move Beverly… Arkansas.

  6. Overlooked in all the hoopla about the Woods/Waters Twitter feed is the comment by far right wing provocateur Dinesh D'Souza: "It is possible that GOP voters went for Sinema. But very improbable. This demands a serious examination."

    But I read that newly re-elected Republican Governor Doug Ducey said there was no sign of voter fraud in AZ. 

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