“The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.”
–John Kenneth Galbraith
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BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: ParkHill
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
BY: kwtree
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
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Back at you – The best guide to the Colorado Ballot Amendments & Proposals – A Quick Review.
“Democrats produce mobs, Republicans produce jobs.” Thank you President Trump for producing an environment that even Melisa can prosper without the help of ProgressNow Colorado.
Thanks Republicans, for enslaving future generations to pay back the trillions in debt run up by your irresponsible leaders starting with St. Reagan, followed by Bush/Cheney, and of course the team of McConnell/Ryan and Useful Idiot Trump.
The only mob I remember is this one that Trump called "Very Fine People".
Funny, really scary.
What a lame response.
You have no defense for your hatefulness. You and your ilk have released hatred as political capital.
You are personally responsible for the ugliness and violence to come. If you claim Jesus Christ as your savior…you are a damned hypocrite. All you care about is money and power…for yourself.
If I am wrong….tell me how.
Easy does it Duke. Trump has produced jobs. 300 Carrier jobs stayed in Indianapolis while 900 more still left for Mexico. But haven't heard yet of massive new numbers of coal mining jobs back east, or thousands of returning manufacturing jobs in the Rust Belt.
Trump is doing a great job, however, of wrecking the great Obama economy, that he inherited, with his tariffs.
What I really care about is that making sure all our mental health facilities have plenty of rubber in the rubber rooms when Trump wins election in 2020. We need to start planning now. The new occupants should be as comfortable as possible, don’t you agree.
You can make it a plank in your campaign platform when you run for office.
Good idea. I’ll give you the attribution.
Sounds good to me.
Miami GOP Chairman and Proud Boys Led Mob-Style Protest of Nancy Pelosi
3 more Proud Boys members arrested for violent NYC brawl
Melissa's doing great. She sued Trump for sexual harassment and got a $2 million hush money payment from the Molester in Chief!
Help! Y and Z are confusing me. Does Y result in an independant comission and Z leave it up to the legislature with modifications? Wiser and better informed minds please comment.
Y is for Congressional Districts and Z is for State legislative districts.
Comment deleted – asked and answered.
Here is a good explainer from Colorado Independent. Bottomline: they both have the same mechanics, it is just that one is for Federal redistricting, the other for State offices.
They establish two separate commissions, one for Congressional redistricting (Y) and one for State House and State Senate (Z).
Both commissions are composed of 12 members (4 Dems, 4 Reps, 4 'Unaffiliated' voters) and maps that are drawn by nonpartisan legislative staff are selected by the commissions, with a map needing 3/4ths of the commission's approval and at least 2 of the 'Unaffiliated' voters supporting it (i.e., maps can't pass with just the support of all four Dems and Reps).
They would replace an existing 11-member commission for State House and State Senate (members selected by state leadership and courts), and the State legislature, which handles Congressional redistricting.
Thank you, Mike.
Any relation to BlueCat? She died in November 2016, the night of the election. Very sad.
You're snarky today, Pear. You can do better.
Roger’s not so favorite Congressperson will soon retire in CD 6.
I apologize, sometimes my inner Duke comes out.
I think its all gone…which accounts for the vacuum between your ears.
Money is your God. You have your reward..you are the victorious know -it-all, the smug denier of moral responsiblity, the sanctimonious defiler of the spiritual leader you claim to follow.
Bless your little heart. Please don't ever go away…
There is a rubber room waiting for you, better check in soon before while it is still available.
What’s the Difference Between Trump and a Russian Twitter Troll?
Thank you both! I am a lot better informed now.
WOTD from Vox: "White House Releases Proof that Socialized Medicine Works."
The go-to chart lists percentage of seniors with wait-times for an appointment with a specialist for different countries. At the top, 20% of US seniors wait for over a month, while at the bottom, 59% of Canadians are scheduling their appointments out a month.
The punchline? US Seniors are on Medicare, meaning their appointment wait times are experienced within a socialized insurance system.
As we all know, in the US if you don't have insurance or don't have money, your wait times are "to die for". If you have a pre-existing condition, well then it depends on whether insurance companies are permitted to deny insurance.
On the other hand, thanks to Obamacare, if you are on the individual market in a state with a good insurance exchange, then you have access to insurance at a reasonable cost.
Now that Trump is proudly proclaiming that he is a Nationalist, can it be long before he rebrands the Republican Party to become the Nationalists Arise Zero Immigrants Party?
Betcha he'd even invent a snazzy new geometric symbol to sear the party's image into everyone's mind!
Bannon, Miller, and at least 25% of Americans would rejoice!
The National Trumplican White Boy Workers Party.
"Trump stinks" for short.
Look! #WhiteProsperityJesus is being channeled through #DeplorableSuzi. There must be gheys hidden amongst all those brown folk.
If you have the stomach for witnessing some of the worst of Trump’s Merika follow it here: https://mobile.twitter.com/jeepsuzih2/status/1054391468582932484?s=21
Is her geographic imprecision typical of the rest of her posts?
The Google maps version says it is only 388 hours of walking from Tapachula Mexico where the caravan was on Monday to Puerto Vallarta, where the storm is tonight.
Don’t confuse a self-proclaimed deplorable with things like facts. Have you learned nuthin’ from Nutter?!?!?!
Anybody read in the Colorado Sun and Kyle Clark's Twitter about 61,000 missing ballots in Adams County?