UPDATE: Following an intervention by our longtime friend Ali Hasan, Brian Watson removes The Myth of Islamic Tolerance from his recommended reading list.
In addition to the campaign website for Republican Treasurer candidate Brian Watson, today a reader forwarded us a link to a page on Watson’s personal website–because, you know, guys of Watson’s aspiring level of self-importance all have websites.
On Brian Watson’s personal website, you’ll find his list of recommended books to read!
And it’s, as they say, a doozy:
The above is just part of Watson’s full reading list, which runs the gamut from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to a biography of Napoleon Bonaparte to a number of books by far right agit-prop author Dinesh D’Souza.
Legitimately troubling is Watson’s recommendation of The Myth of Islamic Tolerance by infamous Islamophobe Robert Spencer, whose writings helped inspire Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik and was banned from the United Kingdom in 2013 for spreading hatred.
That’s a recommendation we’ll pass on–and we’ll add closet xenophobe to Watson’s growing list of problems.
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One thing that I am confused about, why does it say "Robert Spencer" not "Richard Spencer"?
Alva needs to fix the typo. Their link correctly points to Robert Spencer, author of the highlighted book above.
Richard, Robert, they all look the sa–no. Never mind, we're not even making that joke.
I'm beyond disappointed to see this.
The thing I love about business, Capitalism and entrepreneurism, is that its one of the finest equalizers against bigotry. The desire to sell products and services to others, and make a profit, even if you don't like the people you're selling to, usually causes one to re-examine situations and actually find comfort in differences amongst people. The commerce that takes place between different factions (driven by profit) is the finest way to reduce bigotry. This is why I love being an entrepreneur myself.
Brian casts himself as a man running a billion-dollar empire. Has he never done business with a Muslim? Did those transactions not change the way he felt about the Muslim population? The biggest weakness of Spencer's book is that he declares it 'universal' amongst Muslims, that they are intolerant. He argues that the Muslims who are tolerant are not practicing real Islam and live lives of ignorance. This is an 'absolutist' argument – you can never apply 'absolutist' judgement towards one demographic of people – that's simply the height of irrationality. For that matter, anyone who celebrates this book is a bigot. And if Brian has not done business with a Muslim, it tells me his business empire is nowhere as large as he claims it to be. And if Brian has done business with a Muslim, and still continues to display this book – that is far worse – it tells me that he's a man who is not flexible in his growth as a person – and that's basically the last person I would want in public office.
I've sent Brian a public note on FB. I hope he answers.
What, no The Turner Diaries?
I didn't see the Art of the Deal either.
Brian has kindly gotten back to me (and did it with expediency) that he doesn't hold or endorse the views espoused by Spencer. I expect the book to be removed from the list soon. Brian invited me to chat and meet with him on it – but I told him that wasn't necessary. He's running for statewide office (his time is precious right now) – I simply wanted assurance that such books do not represent his approach to politics.
As someone with Muslim heritage, I'm more than fine with this answer. It speaks well of Brian that he responded quickly.
However – I do hope the book gets removed soon. Love and peace to you all!
Perhaps he hasn't really read all of the books he promotes. He may have liked the cover, or read a glowing review. That would be an interesting question to ask him.
Book removed.
I was personally upset by this, because I know that Brian has done work in the Middle East, and I would be appalled if he still carried this view.
If I held grudges against anyone who ever promoted an anti-Muslim book (and later recanted), I can tell you now, the world would become extremely small. Brian gave the matter quick attention and I appreciate that. He's a good man and I have no doubt he would be accessible and open to all people in Colorado, as a public servant – and I say that as someone with Muslim heritage. I wish him well and if he wins, he will be a solid state treasurer.
Good to see he is responsive.
Now, if he can explain why he is recommending Dinesh D'Souza, Arthur Laffer (of the Laffer curve), Josh McDowell and John Stoesel. Or, if he would share his opinion of The Fair Tax Book — one written in 2005 to advance the idea of replacing
How he hasn't been quizzed on that particular aspect of his thoughts while he's running for Treasurer makes me wonder about his opponent's political sense AND the lack of interest among the various media sources.
Fair tax…yeah right. Canada wanted to replace their income tax with the Value Added Tax (national sales tax) but they put it in place first and just never got around to ending the income tax. Now they have both.
I wish we hadboth, Cookie. I've long advocated a national value added tax to finance a Canadian style single payer health insurance plan. It would also helpbalance the budget.
Where are the fiction books?
For fiction, Watson's got Faulkner's As I Lay Dying and the Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. Nothing from this century. Nothing from his lifetime.
And some of us would list D'Souza as fiction, and he's got two of them.
Another aspect of the recommended books. I don't know all of them and can't read all the authors, but as best as I can see, there are two books with women as authors, and one (maybe two) about women.
I know the ads that run at the top of the page aren't Pols doing, but I find it amusing that there is an ad for Watson above a discussion about his right-wing reading list.
You can talk back to Google and say, "I don't want to see that ad." We can all do that with any of these people. I don't see Proud Boy founder Gavin McInnes' TV show ads any more (though I probably will again after typing this, because ter Google does watch my keystrokes).
Deleted, but Trump still stinks.
I give the guy credit for being widely read. And everyone's book list if it includes everything you took a look at has some really bad books in it.
Several of those books show a downright frightening trend in Watson's inclinations, and doubly so for a Treasurer candidate.
But has he finished coloring them yet?
That isn't everything he's taken a look at … it is his personal website's "Recommended Books."
As for "widely read" — it's hard to tell. But if his recommended books are similar to the overall reading, I'd doubt it. Take away the hard right politics, the "win by thinking big" success books, and the "empathetic dictator/manager/leader" how-tos and biographies, and you have a small set left. No science. No poetry. No humor. No dystopian novels OR nonfiction. No religious classics (only Evangelical apologetics).
Compare Watson's recommendations — even if you are looking among the business lists, there's more diversity. e.g., https://finance.yahoo.com/news/100-books-everyone-read-die-170100603.html
In general, people should not be judged by what they read. I've read parts of Mein Kampf. I've read all I could stomach of Art of the Deal. I read one of Ben Carson's books that was dropped off by the dozen at my neighborhood laundromat.
I like to know what the enemy is thinking.
That Watson recommends these books give one pause, though, because this reading material is the ideological grounding for his "Selfishness is sacred, profit uber alles, corporations deserve free speech, but athletes and protesters don't, and teachers are just government check collectors".
You know what would give real insight into Brian Watson's state of mind and plans if elected treasurer? His tax returns. That's why he won't release them.
Coloradans did not vote for Trump. Why should we vote for another millionaire in the Trump mold – a guy who doesn't pay his contractors, makes excuses, and doesn't plan to work at the job he's running for?