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September 17, 2018 06:51 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“There are all kinds of stupid people that annoy me but what annoys me most is a lazy argument.”

–Christopher Hitchens


19 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. "I want you to understand why I am fighting so hard for the Affordable Care Act," she said at Grand View University after hearing from a woman who spoke about her daughter receiving cancer treatment thanks to the health care law. "I don't want it repealed, I don't want us to be thrown back into a terrible, terrible national debate. I don't want us to end up in gridlock. People can't wait!"

    She added, "People who have health emergencies can't wait for us to have a theoretical debate about some better idea that will never, ever come to pass."

    Hillary Clinton: Single-payer health care will "never, ever" happen

    1. A bit of context:

      January 29, 2016, 6:56 PM

      Hillary Clinton: Single-payer health care will "never, ever" happen

      I'm not up for absolute forecasts … but even I, supportive of some way to insure everyone and provide healthcare, can't see how "single payer" happens in the United States in the next generation. Anyone want to enlighten us all with a plausible way to get there, clarifying how you can get 60-plus votes in the Senate, overcoming sizeable resistance in the medical and insurance community, and a plausible way to transition existing government programs, current ACA (or a successor), and the nonprofit & for profit corporations (with all their ties into the community and politicians)?


      1. Medicare for All.

        Here's the Physicians for a National Health System site with links to the actual bill text, and updates.

        Nobody ever actually reads Bernie's plan before they go off spouting about how impractical and impossible it is, but it's all here – what it would cover, how to transition, how to pay for it. (Yes, we do know that there is no "free stuff")

        As far as 60 plus votes in the Senate, we don't need that anymore, if it's framed as a reconciliation of a budget bill, remember? The GOopers nuked that last year. A simple majority will suffice.  And yes, we need to flip the House, too.



      2. A bit of context:

        January 29, 2016, 6:56 PM

        Sure, when she was running to be president of the United States.  And, she was extolling her support for the ACA, which is still in place, and under which she still needs to pimp a GoFundMe for Tyrone so he doesn't have to die of cancer.

        The ACA saved me from bankruptcy last year, when I only had to kick out about $10k to save my own life. My employer’s generous leave policy meant I only had to come back to work about a couple of weeks before I was ready to avoid having to go on short-term disability and worrying about missing a mortgage payment or two. Fortunately, I have the privilege of being able to take two months off and work off the debt (still am) from that event, unlike millions of others in our country. A healthcare plan that allows some of us to make the choice between insurmountable debt and dying, by allowing us to only end up in eventually surmountable debt, doesn’t seem like the best we can do.

  2. Heck of a job, Brocky.

    Embattled FEMA chief Brock Long facing possible criminal investigation

    William “Brock” Long, the top official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is facing a potential criminal probe related to his use of government vehicles, after an internal investigation into his travel was referred to U.S. attorneys for prosecution, according to administration officials and others familiar with the matter.

    The development intensifies pressure on Long to step down, and comes as he leads FEMA’s response to Hurricane Florence.

    Long has been under scrutiny by the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General for using the vehicles to travel between Washington and his home in Hickory, N.C., where his wife and children live.

      1. Credit where credit is due — Sen. Gardner's spokesperson apparently had a statement out by noon saying there should be a chance to hear from Ford & Kavanaugh. That's WAY before several other Republican Senators and long before there was an announcement that there would be Monday hearings.

          1. cook and I predict that more women will come forward to accuse Kavanaugh in a week's time.

            Undoubtedly, Republican leadersnhip, including Gardner, will try to put more pressure on Collins, Murkowski, and other Rs whose support for Kavanaugh is wavering.

            1. It will only take one more, I think. Kavanaugh is likely pretty dirty. He has been a GOP mover and shaker in DC for a long time. Kamala Harris made a very compelling case for FBI involvement, explaining that Kavanaughs' past has been protected by the Republican Congress that is determined to get him in a justices' robe. Congress has only seen 10 % of the documentation about him.


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