“Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way.”
–Chris Lowe
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IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
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After a triple whammy yesterday, Gardner still stays downwind of the Trumpstink.
Tune of "Hail to the Chief"
Jail to the Chief,
The unindicted co-conspirator.
Jail to the Chief
He conspired to a crime.
Jail to the Chief
He's the master of collusion.
He did the crime
And he ought to do the time!
More like Jail to the Thief.
Nicely done, V. I like it!
Gracias, Amigo.
Anyone know when a Republican replacement for Lang Sias in HD 27 will be selected….or are they going to miss that deadline too?
I think they already selected a replacement. Don't remember the name.
Vicki Pyne is the new HD-27 GOP candidate.
Ben Botkin | bbotkin@denverpost.com | The Denver Post
August 15, 2018 at 1:04 pm
Thank you….her website is a bit sparse….but I'd say she appears to be a bit to the right of Sias.
President Pelosi? President Barack Obama redux?
Let's continue the discussion I started last night. First, acknowledge that we only know the tip of the iceberg regarding what Mueller has on Trump. Now, imagine that what Mueller has on Trump in mind boggling bad — treason type bad that even GOP senators would have to convict. Next, imagine that Pence is also implicated in this type of illegal activity precluding him from assuming the presidency because he committed high crimes and misdemeanors while vice-president. (He has been there during the campaign and administration, after all.) Finally, assume the Dems take over the House in November.
1) Mueller releases his damning report sometime after January, 2019. The Dem House votes for impeachment.
2) The Senate votes to convict because even GOP senators cannot forgive these allegations.
3) Pence is also found to be guilty of serious crimes involving the Russians and/or serious campaign violations.
4) The Dem House has elected Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. She assumes the presidency. Or, to blow your minds, the Dem House elects Barack Obama as House Speaker. (The House Speaker does not have to be a Member.) Obama assumes the presidency. (Obama is barred from being elected president, not necessarily appointed in this manner.)
Enquiring minds want to know.
You forgot the part about Trump and Pence getting impeached for collusion with the space aliens from planet Xenon they've been secretly meeting with at Area 51.
Q: "How many legs does a donkey have if you consider the tail a leg."
A: "Four, calling a tail a leg does not make it so."
I cannot imagine anything bad enough that Republicans would oust Trump and Pence. A tape could emerge of them eating cold roast baby while joking about how stupid coal miners are and they'd find a way to excuse and spin it. "Cannot overturn the will of them people. It would be a coup. Etc. Etc."
And even if I am wrong about that, perhaps I am too cynical, I cannot imagine the Republicans not demanding a compromise caretaker president. They won't give up any advantage they can squeeze out of having "won" the presidency even if it is only to keep the Democrats out just a little longer. The Democrats would probably go along with this because they are terribly afraid of being seen as rule breakers. They're all Lisa Simpson at heart. So… Gov. Charlie Baker of Mass promoted to Speaker and then Prez.
Also, the Democrats would not even consider Obama. As I said, they hate the idea of rule breaking and would shy away from going around the constitution like a horse avoiding a snake.
Breaking news from Colorado Politics……. Runner-up in the gubernatorial primary, Victor Mitchell, has tweeted that Trump should resign and that Congress should commence with impeachment.
Too soon. We need to wait for the full Mueller report, which will need to be about 100 times as damning as the GOP used against Bill Clinton. Though I'm sure it will easily surpass that criteria.
Besides, if we do win the House, the GOP senators will only vote to convict if they think their jobs are forfeit if they weasel out.
The only major plot twist would be if Mueller has secretly been investigating Pence for conspiracy, etc. as a member of the Trump administration (I'm not getting my hopes up on that one — sorry itlduso)
What is intriguing on the Russian Front is this: Mueller seeks to push back Flynn sentencing again
With Cohen's inside knowledge of Trump's campaign dealings and Flynn's contacts on behalf of the campaign — the Russian collusion evidence is likely to be overwhelming too.
Trump's perjury trap:
The Democrats can simply repurpose Kavanaugh's list of sexually explicit questions that he created for the Bill Clinton inquisition.
So, Mr. Trump did you do X with the porn star? What about Y? How about A to Z?
Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia….
And now David Pecker, publisher of the National Enquirer, has been talking with Mueller's people. If Trump has lost the National Enquirer, he's lost the newspaper of record for his followers.
He confirms the conspiracy between Trump, Cohen, Keith Davidson, and himself (acting as AMI/National Enquirer), and dates it way back to 2015. He characterizes it as a catch-and-kill program to bury stories about Trump's many adulterous affairs.
The only other shoe still left to drop in this particular criminal conspiracy is the real reason and any payback for Elliot Broidy's payoff of Shera Bechard.
He characterizes it as a catch-and-kill program to bury stories about Trump's many adulterous affairs.
That is a massive project to undertake, no?