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August 21, 2018 02:15 PM UTC

Scott Tipton Sides With Trump Against Mueller

  • by: Colorado Pols
Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Cortez).

Some revealing comments from the Montrose County Republicans Women’s Luncheon last Friday by Rep. Scott Tipton about his view of the investigation into President Donald Trump’s dealings with the Russian government to gain leverage in the 2016 elections–as the Daily Press’ Katharhynn Heidelberg reports:

United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions should not have fully recused himself from oversight of the investigation into Russian election interference, U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton said Friday…

“I think at the time, he (Sessions) should have had a limited recusal,” Tipton later told the Montrose Daily Press. “It has probably inhibited his ability to be as effective as he could as attorney general.” [Pols emphasis]

During the event, Tipton also was asked whether the president was within his rights to end the Mueller probe, which was characterized as a “witch hunt.”

“He probably could,” Tipton said. “We’ve yet to see one bit of evidence it (interference) impacted the election, in terms of the outcome. Were the Russians playing? You bet they were. Nobody disputes that.”

Of course that’s not true, since President Donald Trump disputed it as recently as last month–in between sort of admitting it and the usual refrain downplaying its significance. Having made statements pretty much all over the map about this issue allows Republicans defending Trump to say anything they want. But the one thing Republicans can’t be honest about regarding Russian meddling in the 2016 elections is the most basic of facts–why they did it:

However, their goal was to create discord and division, Tipton added, calling for more of “something we used to call civility.” [Pols emphasis]

This too is simply not an accurate statement, since it is the conclusion of every impartial investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 elections that they were working very deliberately to boost Donald Trump at Hillary Clinton’s expense. The only people who don’t admit this today are Republicans who cannot admit it because they are members of Trump’s political party–for whom the admission would be a devastating indictment.

Yes, there are some Republicans speaking out against Trump. They have courage transcendent of the politics of the moment, and a conscience that will not allow them to remain silent while Trump does lasting harm to the nation and their party.

Scott Tipton is not, and does not have the capacity to be, one of those Republicans.


9 thoughts on “Scott Tipton Sides With Trump Against Mueller

  1. Simple question about the Red Menace: what exactly did the Russians DO that flipped the election to Trump? Did they buy Facebook ads? Did they prove to Bernie's supporters that the DNC was stacked against him? Did they FLIP ONE SINGLE VOTE FRAUDULENTLY?

    Trump won the election. The Russian's didn't win it for him. Hillary lost.

    Deal with it.

    1. That may all be true, but Trump committed crimes– his co-conspirator just announced it.  Bet Tipton wishes that lunch had been this Friday, instead.

    2. Yeah.  Forget about Putin admitting that he helped Benedict Donald in Helsinki. 

      Your Dear Leader is a criminal and associates with criminals that are going to flip on him and take him down.


      Deal with it.


    3. Moddy,

      No one disputes that The Dumpster® won the election.

      I am not arguing that the Russians "flipped" the election, but they clearly interfered  and Donnie Junior committed an illegal act by meeting with Russians and not reporting it.

      Deal with that.

  2. Paul Krugman of the New York Times puts it in very stark terms:

    War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Truth isn’t truth.

    Rudy Giuliani’s latest bon mot is a reminder, if anyone needed it, that calling the Trump administration Orwellian isn’t hyperbole, it’s just a statement of fact. Like the ruling party in “1984,” Donald Trump operates on the principle that truth — whether it involves inauguration crowd sizes, immigrant crime or economic performance — is what he says it is. And that truth can change at a moment’s notice.

    For example, not long ago, Republicans insisted that Russia was our greatest threat, and that Barack Obama was betraying America by not confronting Vladimir Putin more forcefully; now Putin is one of the good guys, and the base has gone along with the change. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

    And if you thought you heard something different from the Trumpian version of reality, blame evil conspirators and saboteurs, whom you get to denounce in the Two Minutes Hate, chanting “lock her up.”

    But how did this happen to the whole Republican Party? And it is effectively the whole party: There is no serious G.O.P. opposition to Trump or his vision. Why did the party’s belief in objective reality collapse so suddenly and completely?

    Trump knows perfectly well that he’s guilty of collusion. That doesn’t mean he’s faking his volcanic rage at those documenting his guilt: He hates his pursuers all the more because he knows they’re on the right track.

    And as he lashes out, with no regard for law or the Constitution, will other Republicans try to hold him back? All the evidence suggests that they won’t.

    And like all party apparatchiks in a dictatorship, Nutlid will abandon Trump and move on to the next Dear Leader in the GOP once Trump is out of office and out of favor with the party.

  3. Tipton, born with a brain but one lacking the skill to think critically, communicates only in talking points. Always has, always will. The GOP faithful love their good little soldier.


  4. “He probably could,” Tipton said. “We’ve yet to see one bit of evidence it (interference) impacted the election, in terms of the outcome. Were the Russians playing? You bet they were. Nobody disputes that.”

    We don't know the Russians impacted the election … it could have been enough that there were campaign law violations (Cohen guilty pleas). And now that we have a campaign chair, a campaign advisor, a personal attorney and a National Security Advisor who have felony pleas, the "witch hunt" routine is getting a bit thin, don't you think?

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