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July 12, 2018 09:35 AM UTC

Stapleton Says He's Bringing Trump To Stump!

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: File this under “effusive praise.”


A Tweet from conservative radio host Stefan Tubbs that got our attention yesterday:

The decision to welcome President Donald Trump’s help on the campaign trail this fall is significant in a number of ways, many of which have nothing to do with any boost Walker Stapleton might receive from a Trump visit to Colorado. Setting aside whether Trump would be helpful for Stapleton’s own campaign, which is certainly debatable, other Colorado Republicans like Rep. Mike Coffman would face a perilous choice–to be seen on the same stage as Trump with all the baggage that comes with, or anger the Republican faithful whose support Coffman still requires to keep his seat by dissing the President.

As of this writing, we’d say Democrats should be helping Stapleton book the event! Preferably with a large space out front for the welcoming committee.


50 thoughts on “Stapleton Says He’s Bringing Trump To Stump!



        Darn — not sure why I can’t post an image today. Usually works

        The image I couldn’t post was from my digital reader edition of the Denver Post. I then tried to get the same image off their website, but the article couldn’t be found, so I wonder if they removed the picture, thus invalidating the link? Oh well. Found the same image elsewhere so finally getting my point across!

          1. Working on contacting London to ship that shit to Denver, or create one of our own. Somehow that big smiley face that I saw stuck somewhere in the alley on 16th St. Mall would be a perfect fit for a Trump baby.



            1. This Giant Trump Baby Balloon May Follow Him Around the World

              [T]he group behind the balloon have announced that they have plans to follow Trump after his visit to the UK and go on a "world tour" with the president. On Crowdfunder, they wrote, "People have been so generous and supportive that we now have way more money than we can sensibly spend just on Trump's UK visit in July! So Trump Baby is going on World Tour! All the details are still TBC but once little Donald has been run out of Britain in July, we will start to put together an itinerary, so if your community is unlucky enough to be expecting a visit from the orange sex pest, please get in touch after the 14th."

            2. A domestic rubber ducky manufacturer should be able to whip up miniatures on relatively short order!  As for the full size model, I bet some enterprising balloon maker is already on it smiley

              1. Unless it is being ordered by an Evangelical Christian couple who want to buy it and bury it in the barn in which case the balloon maker can refuse to provide a service that he/she finds morally reprehensible.

  1. Wondering when our resident MAGAt is going to come and offer his own effusive praise to Stink, the baby snatcher.  And an explanation from him on why baby-snatching is an example of MAGA.

  2. Don't get complacent Dems. 

    And don't forget your strategery

    [O]nce Democrats start telling voters that they're better at delivering what the Republicans say they want, they've lost. The Republicans have already made it their issue, the Democrats have agreed the Republicans are correct but we're just arguing about the details, and voters who think that issue is important know who to vote for.

    And voters who disagree don't have any champions. It isn't true that if you give the voters a choice between a Republican and a Republican they'll vote for the Republican every time. Plenty just won't vote at all.

    Remember, everyone knew Trump would lose in 2016, too. 

    1. I told myself I wouldn't refight the 2016 primaries, but here we go.


      Bernie would have trumped the fuck out of Trump if Clinton would have stayed the fuck out of the primaries and not to stack everything in her favor from the beginning. It was definitely NOT her turn, and moreover, any Clintonbots here refighting 2016 elections are bots, not Democrats. They are Brock bots, and they need to be crushed.

      I could count many items including Clinton refusing to debate with Bernie more than 3 times. (wanted to add this)

      1. Sure, Bernie probably would've won. He seem to be the candidate who had more energetic followings in the states we absolutely needed to win: Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania (despite losing the last one's primary). People wanted change and Clinton represented complacency, and it was her complacency that aided in the election of Comrade Trump. And a President Sanders could've meant we got to keep at least one Supreme Court seat in Democratic hands, though we all know how soulless the current Majority leader is so who knows what "precedents" he’d pull out of his shell.

        But do you really think we'd be on track to win the House back with a President Sanders? And the prospect of us winning the Senate anytime in the next four years would've probably been moot, too. 

        Its in the past. We have an opportunity that only comes along once a decade. A Dem win in 2018 greatly impacts 2022's redistricting process, and could shape a lasting Dem majority throughout the next decade. A Dem win in 2020 assures it. We shouldn't waste energy on petty infighting, not when the reds hold so many of the cards, and not when it makes our resident trolls shimmy in their booster seats. 

          1. Its essentially what Trump offered them, after-all. Want your factory and mining jobs back? A Trump government will give them to you (obviously, they were duped on a legendary scale). 

            Want your small towns to stop dying from a transforming economy? A Trump government will save them (duuuuuuuuuuped). Want everyone to conform to your narrow-minded way of life? Trump government (back to pretending America is lily white and god/commie-fearing, despite the red menace living in the White House)

            1. True……there were similarities between Trump and Sanders (i.e., the government is the answer to all my problems). And some really big differences (i.e., Sanders was not a misogynistic, xenophobic racist).

      2. Lemme guess … you think Bill Bradley would have won the 2000 election, too. That Howard Dean would have won in 2004.

        Not gonna fight your faith in hypotheticals. But here in Colorado and in a few other states I am interested enough to follow (mainly because I lived in them at some point), liberals have a hard time winning state-wide races.

      3. Dust puppy, you are dumber than eggplant souffle.  Hillary beat the crap out of bernie and would have won in November if not for jilliots like you.

      4. I have zero interest in re-fighting 2016- we have more than enough life-and-death battles today and down the road. And normally,  I would stick up for people who are tag-teamed by V and Rr, but you decided to get ugly first, (with the "bots" insult), dp, so you're on your own, buddy .

        Jason's interview with  Weaver brought out some great points:

        *Bernie broke ground for considering policies that mainstream Dems would never advocate for: Medicare for All, free college tuition, $15 an hour minimum wage. HRC and others only started advocating for some version of these policies when they saw how much popular support Bernie had for them.

        *Bernie's campaign also called attention to the internal rot of much of the Democratic establishment; when Wasserman – Schultz rolled back the Obama rules, thus again allowing unlimited dark money contributions and unbalanced power for superdelegates, the grassroots activists rebelled, and are still pushing back today. Superdelegates still exist, lobbyists can still be supers, and they can still contribute dark $$, but only get to vote in the 2nd round….I guess that's progress?

        Most democratic candidates today have some version of universal health care, usually a "Medicare for All" medicare buy-in policy of some type.

        Most democratic candidates today have some version of a free or affordable college tuition plan – because this is what the business community wants. They can't fill their jobs with qualified people if only the elite 10% of the population can afford to get sufficiently educated.

        You won't find a democratic candidate today not in favor of raising the minimum wage – whether in their state or federally.

        Community health centers are standing strong, and still providing what little free health care exists for the working poor – and Bernie made sure that happened.

        Some Dems are now going even further than Bernie went – Kirsten Gillibrand is advocating for a limited Federal jobs plan.

        I don't feel like putting up links at the mo, enjoying my day off from teaching adult literacy this week. If y'all want to quibble over points, you know what to do.



        1. It was the mainstream of the Democratic Party that crushed Trump 's  effort to repeal Obamacare and save what health care we have, not Bernie.

          as for minimum wage, Colorado a dopted a moderate plan raising to $12, not the Bernie $15 plan.

          However, Bernie was successful in his main goal, getting everybody off his lawn.

          Dust Puppy was a proud and vocal Jilliot and can share credit with Moddy for the excesses of the Trump regime.

  3. If one more person tells me not to get complacent, I’m definitely going to angryor…………invite them to make phone calls, donate $$; canvass for a candidate, or at least tell me what they themselves are already doing in those areas.

  4. Can we get the FAA to deny all AF1 clearances to the state of Colorado. I'm concerned about NORAD being infected with morons. He can get off in Cheyenne and walk the rest of the way to Denver, or Uber it.


  5. So, yesterday the Stapleton campaign's move was to announce a Lite Gov., one who definitely, positively, was bi-partisan. Then later that same day (and in the news the next), he announces he wants Trump to campaign here.

    The nuances of putting these two things on the same day escape me.

  6. What an opportunity for Coffman to stand up and be counted.  Gardner too for that matter.  Make it a BIG BIG photo op for every Republican to pledge their fealty for all to see.  Do it Walker.

        1. Moddy was taking a (useless) trip down memory lane. I, for one, hopes Wayne brings The Orange One into the state sooner than later.       

      1. That was when MAGAt-Anus was shilling for Marco Rubio which was after he was crowing about Scott Gessler but before he started plugging Ted Cruz and John Kesyer. And of course after his #NeverTrump moment yielded to #ForeverTrump which in turn was before Coffman '18 followed by Stapleton '18.

        Did I leave anyone out?

        1. Every other Republican who ran for anything.  MAGAt-anus was up all their sorry asses.

          He doesn't seem too enthusiastic about Stumblebum.  He went with Taller starting when it became clear she would experience failure to launch and stayed with her even as she went nowhere fast.  Now, he can barely utter Staplegun's name.

    1. Oh how the hypocrisy burns in this dolt.  Does it ever have cogent thoughts?

      If Udall was a bad politician for not campaigning with Obama then why isn't Coffman a bad politician for ducking Trump?

  7. Coffman nervous?
    Why would she be? Is she running for something else?

    the other one doesn't appear nervous:
    – no pictures of him dodging debate challenges
    – no video of him saying /doing anything stupid or offensive
    – no challenge to his noble military experience getting him to chair the VA Hospital and keeping it on budget and on schedule
    – no public display of him failing to repeal and replace anything 
    – nothing about no DACA
    – nothing about no pathway to citizenship for immigrant vets
    – nothing, nothing nothing

    Ballots in 10 weeks – loads of DCCC time. CAn't wait for the commercials about how bad Trump is and Coffman is too. But I also miss watching Lucy hold that football for Chuck.

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